

(1)The refractive index as computed by Allen et al。 (1969) for green maize leaves reveals some artifacts due to water and pigment features。
句子中的artifacts 应该怎么翻译(不是古物之类的)才通畅?
Biology A structure or substance not normally present but produced by an external agent or action, such as a structure seen in a microscopic specimen after fixation that is not present in the living tissue.
【生物学】 矫作物:非正常出现而是由外界因素或作用所产生的一种结构或物质,如经固定后,在显微镜下才能看到的标本中的一种活生命组织中不会出现的结构

(2)类胡萝卜素体内的吸收系数光谱Kx+c (right scale)(…)和叶绿素a+b的吸收系数Ka+b (left scale)(¬¬¬¬—)的比较。
right scale 和left scale该怎么翻译呢?
左刻度:. 右刻度

(3)这两个exhibit均方根都低于0.03 。中的exhibit怎么翻译?

2.右表 左表
3.这个不太清楚 这是字典上的
动词(及物) ( exhibited; exhibited; exhibiting)
Why don't you exhibit his portrait? 你为什么不展出他的画像?
She exhibited no fear in the face of danger. 她面对危险毫无惧色。
动词(不及物) ( exhibited; exhibited; exhibiting)
名词 (pl. exhibits)
Do not touch the exhibits. 不要触摸展示品。
This week there's an exhibit of Chinese paintings at the art gallery. 本星期在美术馆举办中国画展。

1.The 29th Olympic Games is being carried out in Beijing,China like a raging fire.
2.All of the Chinese athletes are trying their best to perform best.
3.Let's wish them best results.
4.I Wish all of them to win the gold medals.
5.I'm glad to start my life of middle school.
6.I will study hard and go ahead down-to-earth.
7.I will spare no efforts to earn every good results.
8.I will also take part in every activities held by school.
9.I will cheer up for myself.
10.That's a place with beautiful scenery.
11.There're old houses,little bridge and flowing river and in the trees beside the road there're birds mooing.
12.We also tasted many delicious food there.
13.We visited the former residence of Mr.XX.
14.We really enjoyed ourselves.
15.Although she is a liitle fat,she's quite beautiful with unique temperament.

1, the 29th session of Olympiad
Chinese Beijing is in course of
flaring like fire set to dry
tinder hold.
2, all Chinese
athletes selected for a sports
meet all spare no effort to go
all out.
3, hope that they can
bring best achievement into play
4, I wish they all can win a
gold medal from the bottom of
self's heart.
5, I I have started
middle school life very with all
the pleasure in life. I am able
to study assiduously
6, within
new school term , finish every
single-step leaking in a
down-to-earth way.
7, gets
excellent results as far as
8, is able to
participate in the various
activity that school organizes.
9, I boost the morale for self
10, that is a graceful
local of scenery.
11, has the
antiquited building , foot bridge
running water. On other tree,
bird having many song.
12, we
have sampled a lot of tasty food
in there.
13, have paid a visit
to former home of XX Sir.
14, we
have very much good time.
15, she
has distinctive qualities though
a little bit fat, but very
16, environment
17.body constitution is bad

1.The 29th Olympic Games are held in Beijing, China in full swing.
2.All Chinese players have worked hard.
3.I hope they can play to the best results.
4.I sincerely hope that they can win the gold medal.
5.I am glad that I started secondary school life.
6.In the new term,I will study hard and put my feet on the groud.
7.To achieve excellent results.
8.The organization will also participate in school activities.
9.I own refueling and encouragement.
10.It was a beautiful place.
11.Ancient houses, bridges water. In the roadside trees, many call the birds.
12.Where we also enjoy a lot of delicious food.
13.I visited the former residence of Mr. XX.
14.We had a lot of fun.
15.She is a little fat but very beautiful and she has a particular temperament.
17.a week health \body constitution is bad

1. The 29th Olimpic games is holding hotly.
2. All the chinese sporters are trying there best .
3. We hope they can get the best price they have ever gotten.
5. I am happy to begin my time in the middle school .
6.In the new term I will work harder and learn carefully in every minite.
7. I will try my best to get a good smark.
10. It is a place which the envirnment is wonderful.
11. There are old houses and a stream with a birge.There are singing birds on the trees which beside the street.
14.we played happily.
15. Though she is fat,she is beatiful and special.
17. His is not well.

the 29th olympic games are now holding in chinese capital beijing intencely.
all the chinese atheletes are doing their best.
i hope they can make their best achievement.
i hope they can all win a gold medal deep in my heart
i am so happy that i start my middle school life
in the new term,i will study hard and put my feet on the groud.
try to achieve the best score.
also will join all kinds of movement in school
i cheer myself on
that is a place with beautiful outlook
there are old residents,small bridges and streamlets ,on the tree of the road,there are plenty bird whispering
we tasted a lot of delicious food there.
we visit mr.xx's old resident
we had a lot of fun
she is a little fat but very beautiful and she has a particular temperament
a week health

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答:R U doing the same thing when I'm missing U?你是否和我一样的想念对方 Clouds are moving with the wind, but I am still at the original.云彩随风飘动 单是我还是那个我 If the time is colorful,如果时间是彩色的 Afraid of the season leaves yellow.恐怕这个季节只有黄色 Don't come,...

答:我喜欢蓝色 我喜欢蓝色,因为蓝色是天空的颜色,是大海的颜色,它象征着宽广,纯真;我喜欢蓝色,更因为那是你喜欢的颜色,它象征着我们之间的爱。I like the blue I like blue,Because blue is the color of the sky,Is the color of the sea,It symbolizes a broad, pure;I like blue,But ...

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答:credit risks is quite urgent.This article analyzes the phonomenon that the amount of the fraud cases of foreign enterprises is increasing annually, and finds out the reasons then raises some tatics to level down the foreign credit risks.在线翻译不可取,经常翻得词不达意。望斟酌!


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