
《海底总动员》 英文影评 初中水平 带翻译~

This is a fantastic film no matter how old you are. The story is good and the graphics are amazing. I am a big fan of Disney and Pixar, but this film, compared to Toy Story and Shrek, is so much better. It's a great family film that will have you upset, excited but most of all it will have you laughing. I think the best character is Dory because she is very funny!


《海底总动员》是围绕一个叫小丑鱼和他的独子尼莫而展开的故事。nemo 在中文里是小丑鱼的意思(这句话有点奇怪!)。在海里,马林和尼莫过着安定且安静的生活。正如所有的父亲一样,马林试图保护自己的儿子避免受到任何伤害。可是尼莫很想去暗礁里探个究竟。





I like Dolly's hide-and-seek.

There have been two times in the film, more than a flash of hide-and-seek: The first was a flashback at the beginning of the film, Dolly, who suffered from short-term memory loss, played hide-and-seek with her parents as a child, but always forgot that she was in hide-and-seek ; The second was at the end of the film Dolly and family and friends play hide-and-seek, play a while also forget what you are doing, think you have been thrown down again, but she through this journey of tracing, know that family and friends will not abandon themselves, after speculation remembered that they are playing games

There have been two times in the film, more than a flash of hide-and-seek: The first was a flashback at the beginning of the film, Dolly, who suffered from short-term memory loss, played hide-and-seek with her parents as a child, but always forgot that she was in hide-and-seek ; The second was at the end of the film Dolly and family and friends play hide-and-seek, play a while also forget what you are doing, think you have been thrown down again, but she through this journey of tracing, know that family and friends will not abandon themselves, after speculation remembered that they are playing games
I like Dolly's hide-and-seek.

答:), while DeGeneres provides perfect timing and tone as Dory, whose short-term memory loss is a gag that never stops running.滑稽,令人兴奋的无尽的新颖、《海底总动员》是一个令人敬畏的水生动画,店的形容词累趴...


答:《海底总动员》观后感一 前几天,我和妈妈去宁波影都观看了场电影,名叫《海底总动员之时光宝盒》,影片讲述了:阿力和贝贝的两个小潜艇在水底执行任务,每完成任务的同时,他们也认识了许多好朋友,有波波,水蜜桃,小梅鲨...

求 电影《海底总动员》观后感 要英文的!
答:Taken to a tank in a Sydney dentists, Nemo meets Gill (Willem Dafoe) and co - friendly fish who dream of escaping to the ocean. Meanwhile, Marlin bumps into a blue tang named Dory (Ellen DeGeneres), ...

答:   电影《海底总动员》观后感范文   迪斯尼动画片《海底总动员》原名是《寻找尼莫》,影片主角是美丽的澳洲大堡礁海域中的一对小丑鱼父子,鱼爸爸马林和鱼儿子尼莫,故事讲述了鱼爸爸马林辗转跋涉数千海里,战鲨鱼,斗海蛰,历经重...

答:海底总动员的观后感 篇1 每当我看到鱼缸里无忧无虑的鱼儿时,便会想起那部感人的动画片——《海底总动员》。 《海底总动员》把我带到了神秘的大海,大海里有一对小丑鱼父子,在孩子尼莫还是鱼卵时,妈妈就被鲨鱼吃掉了。渐渐尼莫长大了...

答:I like Dolly's hide-and-seek.There have been two times in the film, more than a flash of hide-and-seek: The first was a flashback at the beginning of the film, Dolly, who suffered from short-term ...

答:电影《海底总动员》观后感 “啦啦啦啦啦啦,精灵们最快乐,啦啦啦啦啦啦,唱支快乐歌……”随着这首活泼的蓝精灵之歌,我的心又飘到了蓝精灵身上,又一次想起了令人回味无穷的《蓝精灵》电影…...

答:after watching the film Nemo(海底总动员) and 怪物史莱克, i feel excited . the films tell me that sometimes the parents should belive in (相信)their kids, that they will be able to (一定能够)be succes...

答:看了《海底总动员》这部影片我学到了很多知识。你们呢?海底总动员观后感二 今天我看了海底总动员。它主要写的是在海里,有一个>幸福的夫妇,男的叫马林,女的叫珊瑚,他们生活得很快乐。有一天,珊瑚产下了卵,他们...


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