

扔垃圾英语短语是throw rubbish

throw一般表示的是 “投掷,抛出”如果用throw the rubbish,当然也可以。但是如果在家里,“扔垃圾,倒垃圾” 可以说:take(put)out the trash / rubbish / garbage。国外垃圾的说法也有很多种在美式英语中大家惯用garbage [ˈɡɑːbɪdʒ] 和 trash [træʃ]。


1、About two percent of fast-food packaging ends up as litter.约有2%的快餐包装会被人当作垃圾随手扔掉。

2、This city produces 20 million tons of household waste each year.这个城市每年会产生2000万吨生活垃圾。

3、We ought to clear out this cupboard, it's full of junk.我们应该清理一下这个橱柜,里面满是破烂。

答:“drop litter”和“throw garbage”是英语中两个最常用的短语来描述扔垃圾。虽然它们都是直接了当、易于理解的方式,但在实际应用过程中需要注意具体语境,以免造成混淆。此外,我们还需要牢记国家和社区的规定,尽可能地维护...

答:扔垃圾 英文:drop litter 读法:英 [drɔp ˈlitə] 美 [drɑp ˈlɪtɚ]例句:Don't drop litter here and there.不要把垃圾扔得到处都是。词汇解析:一、drop [drɒ...

答:扔垃圾英语:drop litter。drop litter 英 [drɒp ˈlɪtə(r)] 美 [drɑːp ˈlɪtər]扔垃圾。There will be fines for people who drop litter.乱扔垃圾的人将...

扔垃圾的英语是什么 ?
答:在中文中 这是个动宾短语 英文中可译为 throat rubish 后一般跟介词短语 例如 扔垃圾进垃圾桶 则可换成put the rubish into the dustbin

把垃圾仍到垃圾桶 用英文怎么说
答:丢垃圾,leave/drop/throw rubbish 把垃圾扔到垃圾桶 drop litter into the dustbin leave the rubbish in the trash-can/ash-bin throw rubbish into the garbage-can 。。。供参 ...

答:这个英文短语在中文中有个谐音:“把垃圾扔进垃圾姿陆档桶”。3. The homophonic play on words is created by the sounds "chua shi" (扔垃圾) and "trash can" (垃圾桶), which sound similar when pronounced ...

把垃圾扔进垃圾桶用英语怎么说 要两个
答:你好!把垃圾扔进垃圾桶 Throw the rubbish in the trash

答:往地板上扔垃圾 Throw rubbish on the floor.扔垃圾 词典 drop litter 数据来源:金山词霸 双语例句百度知道 1 扔垃圾时要确保所有的垃圾都扔进了垃圾桶。All of the rubbish goes into the dustbin when you throw ...

throw rubbish everywhere随处扔垃圾
答:Dear Diary,I had a great time in Beijing today. There is an old saying in China goes like this: "the ones have yet been to The Great Wall are not heroes". I felt it indeed today. It had been ...

在英语学习中,扔垃圾为什么用leave rubbish ,而不用 throw rubbish_百度...


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