

This is the third time I stand on this stage, and I found more and more I love this scene, because this stage to give me not only the honor and glory, and more confidence in life and courage, and when I told mygood friends the news, he was surprised, he asked me, what makes you to have you in the past years, neither has been the courage, I say, I do not know, perhaps, is what you said to me, perhaps Ilife is still full of hope, but I understand what I have this kind of courage, as I put it, my life is still full of hope, there is still an intentional admit defeat of King, and that is why I'm standingthis stage of the reason, perhaps, I would later fell in love with the stage.

Think so self-willed to grow up, and always with you Dadanaonao Huanhuan smile. Pretend that the world had a feast, pretending we won't go after the examination. Class eight, love you.
愿你学习越来越好 ,!

Yeasts are facultative anaerobes, heterotrophic bacteria. Both aerobic respiration, but also anaerobic respiration, while the wine is the use of its characteristics. Generally the first to create aerobic conditions, so that the yeast to the large population, and then control the anaerobic conditions, a large number of yeast alcoholic fermentation, in fact yeast during anaerobic respiration, anaerobic respiration product of carbon dioxide and alcohol.
The whole process of anaerobic respiration.
Phase I: glucose in the yeast cytoplasmic matrix, after the enzyme catalytic pyruvate, a small amount of energy released during The second stage: in the cytoplasmic matrix, pyruvate in the different enzyme-catalyzed decomposition of alcohol and carbon dioxide.
2, we can appropriate changes in the microbial environment for the survival of the role of control, such as: temperature, humidity, etc..
3, in order to ensure consistency of microorganisms can be cultured to find a single colony of the microorganisms, and then removed the colonies of microorganisms were cultured, you can.

1, yeast is a facultative anaerobic bacteria, heterotrophic bacteria and. It not only can aerobic, and anaerobic respiration, and wine using it is this characteristic. Generally the first to create aerobic environment, make yeast blooms, and then control the anaerobic conditions, so that a large number of yeast on alcohol fermentation of yeast, is actually in anaerobic respiration, anaerobic respiration of the product carbon dioxide and alcohol.
The whole process of anaerobic respiration.
First stage: the glucose in the yeast cytoplasmic matrix, by enzyme catalyzes the formation of pyruvate, release a small amount of energy in the process of. The second stage: in the cytoplasmic matrix, pyruvic acid in different enzyme catalysis, decomposed into alcohol and carbon dioxide.
2, we can be properly changed microbial survival environment to achieve control, such as temperature, humidity and so on.
3, in order to ensure the consistency of the microorganism, first training, looking for the microbial single colony, then take this colony of microorganisms are cultured, can be.


机智幽默的语言会显示自己的聪明智慧,有助于化险为夷,并给人以良好的印象③ languages are subtle and clever, humorous. In addition to speaking

答:Excuse me. I have some questions for you.

你还有什么问题 译为英文
答:最简洁的: any questions?

答:情态动词的一般疑问句 。我们工作时 可以不去看碾磨机吗,汤姆?11.I see the boys and girls with their books and slates. 这个slate是状态的意思 可翻译成学习 看见他们捧书学习12.I should not like to kill it...

答:there is something wrong 有些不对劲或者是哪里出了错误 这是固定短语,你记住记住就可以了,谢谢采纳

答:三、 Would she still love him不可以换成Would she love him still . 这实际是英语的习惯用法。四、 What if I add another condition that she was his mother?这句可译为: 要是附加个她是他母亲的条件又怎样...

答:他们的技巧与自信不亚于成人。with...我不解释了,看我的翻译吧。基础语法不过关,高中的话,这种水平英语能考多少分呢?大学的话,赶紧做题恶补吧 对你的鞭策不是打击,希望你能培养语感,没语感不行。

答:If you have other questions to learn about , you can ask me at any time .

答:1、不可以,那不是原文的意思。2、你这是在扣中文字眼了,你这样说也说得过去。3、是的,striking就是有这个意思。说钟表打点就是用striking,比如: strike on the hour

答:即使其后又with,with也是与之后的词汇组合在一起,譬如with respect to “关于”,with ***凭借...,靠...“篮球中的”配合“用的是teamwork 足球中配合可以用cooperation,不过很多中文翻译过来的配合并非一定要在英文中...

答:翻译:我的生日在六月份第三个周。6.Ben is good at ___A.skate B.skating 选B,be good at doing sth,"商场做什么"翻译:Ben擅长溜冰。希望对你有所帮助,如有不同意见请见教!


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