
本人要一篇关于介绍韩国的英语report,大约50到100字 左右如题 谢谢了~

Korea is a beautiful county with a history of over 5,000 years. It is hard as an American to comprehend a culture that has lasted that long when our history as a country only goes back a few hundred years. All of the historical sites have been preserved for future generations. These buildings, stone pagodas and lanterns, and other pieces of sculpture are known as National Treasures and are numbered. Seven sites have been selected as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The Korean treasures included in the World Heritage List are Bulguksa Temple and nearby Seokguram Grotto; Haeinsa Temple's Changgyongp'ango (depositories for the Tripitaka Koreana Woodblocks); Jongmyo Shrine; Changdeokkung Palace Complex; Hwaseong Fortress; Kochang, Hwasun and Kanghwa Dolmen Sites; and Gyeongju Historic Areas. More information about the World Heritage Sites can be found ub each of the site's information and in theTeacher Activities. Even with this rich history from the past, Korea can be seen as a progressive and modern country. The modern buildings of the big cities rival those of any other modern country, yet scenes from the past coexist with the new. The people of Korea are very friendly and loving and are excited to try their English. All of the younger children are learning English. They know that their future depends upon being able to speak English. At this time only the bigger hotels have someone who can speak English but this will change. The Korean people want foreign investors to come to Korea to help their economy. Korea will become a major tourist destination as Americans begin to learn about the beauty of Korea. Korea is a very mountainous country with every square inch of flat ground being used for agriculture or for the cities. With nearly 50 million people, the population is very dense. Seoul, the capital, has over 10 million people in a very small area. Most Koreans live in apartments in the older parts of the big cities or they live in new high-rise apartments which all look the same no matter where you are in Korea. If there are open spaces they are used for agriculture. All of the flat land is used for growing rice. Most of the apartments are 20 stories high and exactly the same design. The only way you can tell your apartment from another is by the designs that are painted on the ends of the buildings. Traditional Hotel Most of the interiors look just like ours in America but some are the traditional Korean style rooms where you sleep on the floor and then roll up your blankets and use the room as a living room during the day. Slippers at the market When you enter a Korean home the first thing you do is remove your shoes. There are also slippers in the bathroom while you are there. A many-course meal at a Korean restaurant. Koreans eat a lot of rice with vegetables and fruit at every meal. They also eat a lot of pork that is cooked right at the table on a gas cooking stove. They also have kimchi at every meal - and it is hot!. Koreans usually sit on the floor while eating


11月16日,应一个朋友的邀请参团游首尔几天。我们是乘船游,在仁川入关,除掉船上的时间在首尔只有4天,虽然短但足够了,韩国应该是出境游中内容最少的国家之一了。 景点 景福宫
景点 国立民俗博物馆




答:". 十.韩国的街头有很多"汉医院",其实在韩国叫做"韩医院",因为"汉"和"韩"在韩国是同一个字,所以我一直以为那是"汉医院",因为不管从用药,还是到疗法,都跟中医一样,虽然我不太懂中医,但我最起码见过中药,听说过疗法,最差最差,也知道去抓中药的时候,那些具有中国特色的药柜和小秤吧?!……大二的那年,我...

答:对韩国的印象 这里没有车马喧嚣,只会感受到别有味道的茅草屋静静地诉说着小岛的悠悠历史;这里没有阴霾的灰色天空,污浊的空气,只有蓝天白云,与和煦的阳光;逛着逛着就能听见自己内心的声音,这里是韩国的南怡岛。南怡岛是着名韩剧《冬季恋歌》的拍摄地,这里拥有得天独厚的美丽景观,岛的四周生长着像...

答:(前提如果你生活在首尔的话,韩国其他地区我也不太清楚)...尤其韩国的夜生活,半夜的炸鸡啤酒也是比较出名,可能是因为韩国比较小,首尔整体感觉都比较繁华。但说到韩国人的话,相比英国 韩国人有着更高的民族自豪感,没有西方人的开朗,大部分中国人在韩国工作还是得不到公平的尊重的。我的想法是,...

答:这个韩国是有的,而且每节课必点,这是学校对每个老师的要求,占总成绩的10%左右。但是尽管如此,还是会有几个逃课的。一般还会有20%的课堂参与分,老师也会防止课堂太死板而会讲点笑话,或者发点东西。韩国老师和学生的 关系 还是很好的,什么事都好商量,比如要提前回国,可以要求老师提前考试;我去济州岛去玩,给老师...





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