

Today I was late, so I'm sorry

I'm sorry to reply to / answer your letter too late.
I'm sorry to give (you) too late a reply /too late an answer .
I'm sorry to write back too late.
I'm sorry (that) I have written back too late.
I'm sorry for writing back too late.

我的延迟很高.对不起的翻译是:My delay is high.Sorry

我的延迟很高 .对不起
英文:I'm sorry the delay is very high.

答:我的延迟很高.对不起的翻译是:My delay is high.Sorry 我很卡,延迟得很厉害英语怎么说 the game is not running *** oothly. Sever delay !推迟用英语怎么说 推迟用put off Put off the meeting till Saturday.把会议推迟到星期六。或者用postpone He postponed the meeting to tomorrow.他将会...

答:My network latency is high。望采纳

答:We will never do any disservice to you

答:I'm sorry to reply to / answer your letter too late.I'm sorry to give (you) too late a reply /too late an answer .I'm sorry to write back too late.I'm sorry (that) I have written back too late.I'm sorry for writing back too late....

答:pardon, het spijt me, excuses西班牙语:Afligido法语:Pardon, navré, je suis désolé, excusez-moi, déplorable德语:Bedauernd, leid tun, traurig, bedaure, leidtun, verzeihung, sich entschuldigen, die Entschuldigung意大利语:mi scusi希腊语:λυπάμαι芬兰语:Kurja, mitenk&...

"对不起 耽误您这么多的时间"怎么翻译
答:I'M sorry to trouble you so long time.

答:英 [pʊt]美 [pʊt]v.放;安置;猛推;用力插入;将…送往;使…前往 第三人称单数: puts 现在分词: putting 过去式: put 过去分词: put 语法:1、I wouldn't put it past sb (to do sth)(informal) 我看…干得出(错的、违法的等事)used to say that you think sb is ...

我对不起你 的英文是什么啊
答:第二,英语中的"I am sorry." 是非常不值钱的表示。只能翻译成客套上用的”对不起!” 而中文中的 "我对不起你" 是有负罪感的,不能简单地用"I am sorry."来表示 。英文译文完全要看情况而言。如果是丈夫或妻子有外遇,该说:Sorry, I betrated you.或,Sorry, I'm guilty to you.如果是...

答:一楼的回答基本上是对的。sorry for my delay submitting the file to you 不太对。 submit 是“递交”的意思。Sorry for my delay of (或者in) sending the file to you.

“我感到很抱歉” 用英文怎么说?
答:固定搭配:I am so sorry you 我非常对不起你 ; 我很舍不得你们。例句:1、Oh, I am so sorry. 噢,我很抱歉。2、Honey, I am so sorry. 亲爱的,我很抱歉。3、I, too, believed that once and today I am so sorry for it. 我也曾经相信过一次,今天我仍为此感到非常难过。


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