

"Learning" is a term that refers to all kinds of learning technology assistance, support technology in the process of learning. Usually the medium of teaching is the computer technology, especially the digital technology. Electronic learning is defined as "teaching method by digital technology assisted". In some cases, electronic learning doesn't even include face-to-face communication. Context, electronic learning refers to the generation of meaning is also different. In the company, it can refer to all kinds of strategies using the company's network to provide staff training courses; in America, it is defined as the learners use the main techniques based on the network or computer, there are plans to study in many university; recently, it is used to refer to a specific class mode, in this mode the students almost don't need to use the campus teaching resources and participate in the face to face teaching, because of their online learning. She told me that the school of foreign languages of Huazhong Normal University consists of 5 departments. Everyone has the potential of success on the stage of life, so we should believe in yourself. I feel all like a fantasy dream, a dream that I never knew. She did not stand in our way, as our opponents.

Using artificial climate incubator indoor culture method, with "SA1" peanut varieties for experimental material, using pot way, according to the different intensity, respectively from the next PeiZhou elongation length, fresh weight, dry weight, PeiZhou under diameter, IAA concentration, GA concentration and ABA concentration seven aspects to analyze light intensity to peanut seedling stage growth under the influence of the PeiZhou. The results found that: light significantly inhibited peanut seedling under PeiZhou elongation, promote the PeiZhou diameter increase, reduce the IAA concentration, improve GA concentration, improve the ABA concentration. 3500 lux is under the growth of peanut PeiZhou critical light intensity, light through the regulation under the peanut PeiZhou endogenous hormones influence its agronomic characters.

(1)Saving shipping cost. If we ship it by bottles, it will require 3 of 20-feet containers, each can take 12000 bottles. By contrast, it will require 1 container if we ship it by ISO tank or flex-tank. A container vessel of Maersk can ship over 14000 of 20 feet containers. It will cost higher by shipping company than forwarder, who can save a lot of cost by mixed loading and shipping.
(2)The forwarder will provide us the best transportation plan, which will be the most economical and fast in order to benefit for client.
(3)The forwarder can perform the safety inspections and custom clearance.
(4)Prepare related documents, such as bill of lading, airfreight list and international road transport order.
(5)Provide transport insurance, stock and distribution. The forwarder will ensure risks range according to potential risks and apply insurance for client. The forwarder will take care and make decision of temporary stock or distribution based on its agency and network.
(6)Provide supervision and tracing for transportated freight.
(7)Assist client to reach the requirement of related rules and L/C.


答:1.他在夜深人静后门有动静时开始(做某事)2.这次破坏不是很严重,仅仅是在车门上有道划痕。3.妈妈在温柔的一前一后摇动摇篮时为妹妹清唱了一支摇篮曲。4.thense(这个词打错了吧) 天气很热,在等待宣布结果的时候我们真是出了一身汗。5.他靠在座椅靠背上而且把腿在前面伸直。6.她就是那种在...

答:1. It seems useless for Tom to persuade those students to accept the apologies from the school master.看起来汤姆说服那些学生去接受校长的致歉是没用的。2. It is a general acknowledgement that how to be a tactful employee in the office is the first priority.一般人都会认可如何成为...

答:你不明白楼下的翻译是因为他用的机器翻译。Finally, there is knowing.最后,还有互相了解。I know Scott will be late to most appointments and eat the last chocolate in the box.我知道大多数约会Scott都会迟到,并且他会吃掉盒子里最后一块巧克力。He knows that I sleep with a pillow over ...

求大神帮忙翻译一下,谢谢 Hi Christine, Sorry I haven’t e_百度...

跪求高人 帮我翻译一下下面的英语 急用 谢谢
答:六,从英语翻译到中文 1,我们的好恶,品位,喜好决定了作为读书活动的选择,看电影,露营,或某种文化追求,都与社会环境和学习经验。我们取得的东西,从我们的家庭,学校,工作对象的各种利益,和大众媒体。基本上,这种态度就等于承认休闲是生活的重要休闲区和一个可以而且应该很好地加以利用的信念。2,...

答:1.他对目前的工作感到心满意足。She is content with her present work.2.现代科技已将人们从繁重的家务中解放出来。(free...from)Modern technology has freed people from heavy housework.3.安妮尽一切可能使婚姻不致破裂。(fall apart)Annie tried her best not to make her marriage fall apart...

答:Mes parents voudraient m'envoyer 父母想把我送到 Passer 2 mois chez la Queen 英女皇的国家渡过2个月 Est-ce que *Dieu* pourras la sauver? 可是上帝能拯救她吗?Si je deviens sa copine? 如果我变成英女皇的伙伴(或女朋友)Oops j'aime pas l'anglais 啊,我讨厌英语 Mais j'aurais ...

汉译英 请帮忙翻译一下 谢谢了
答:1在西方人看来,与人交谈时不看着对方的眼睛是很不礼貌的。(have a conversation)To westerners, it is very impolite not to look at his or her eyes while having a conversation with him or her.2 有的手势在不同的文化中表达的意思完全相反。(entirely)In different cultures, some ...

答:无数次想要传达给你 你不是孤身一人 哭出来也无妨 依赖我也无妨 我决定包容你的一切 我就在你身边 因为有我在 你不必再害怕 看不见的线将我们连在一起 好好去感受这温度 就算要结束 trust me 牵紧的手不会松开 以疼痛为代价得来的坚强 你到底忍受了多少的思念 隐藏着何等的悲伤 朝阳升起的地...


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