

1. First, we need to let him believe that this is possible.
2. The foul weather still may continue for a several day again.
3. Come if having put up problem, to be responsible whom?
4. I try to make an explanation to him, but he goes to in the twinkling of eyes but angrily.
5. People tries generally sunlight for one of the life prerequisite. 6. I should not drink so many beer's yesterday.
7. Unnecessarily during the past your capital so early. Convention begins just now at 9 o'clock.
8. One came across problem , she was therefore likely in the past to go to look for her elder sister to give a hand.
9. The floor is wet. A moment ago must have rained.
10. She should not swell up could it be said that salary?

1. The camel is approximately 5,000 years ago in the beasts become load.
2. She was an assistant to the general manager in the company.
3. His words can be divided into the following points.
4. People began to here about air pollution.
5. Everyone should our contributions to the development of an own strength.
6. She was the most happy to help others.
7. This summer is the best selling fruit.
8. He looks much younger than practical.
9. I feel the medication, more seems worse.
10.Between two men,he is taller

She is content with her present work.
Modern technology has freed people from heavy housework.
3.安妮尽一切可能使婚姻不致破裂。(fall apart)
Annie tried her best not to make her marriage fall apart.
4.他再也忍受不住牙痛,于是就去看医生。(put up with)
As he couldn't put up with his toothache any more, he went to the dentist's.
In management, it's a hard job to appraise one's work.
If you had come to the party yesterday, I would have surely seen you.
If you do that again, you shall be punished.
A good student will never cut classes/play truant.
If we had got up earlier, we would have arrived in Beijing yesterday.
If only she were with me.

1.He is totally satisfied with his current job.
2.Modern technology has already set people free from heavy housework.
3.Anne tries her best to save her marriage from falling apart.
4.He couldn't put up with toothache any more so he went to the doctor.
5.It's hard to judge the employees' work in management.
6.If you attended the party last night, I must have seen you.
7.If you do that again, you will be punished.
8.A good student would never skip classes.
9.If we got up early, we should have already arrived in Beijing.
10.How wonderful if she is with me!

1、He is content with the current job.
2、Modern technology has set people free from their heavy domestic duties.
3、Annie does everything possible to make the marriage not fall apart.
4、He can no longer put up with the toothache, so he has to see the doctor.
5、In the management, it is very difficult to evaluate the staff's work.
6、If you had taken part in the party yesterday evening, I am sure I could have seen you.
7、If you do that like this again, you will suffer for it.
8、Good students will not be absent from school.
9、If we had got up earlier , we would have arrived in Beijing yesterday.
10、If only she had been with me.

1.He is satisfied with his present job.
2.People were free from the heavy housework by mordern technology.
3.Anny try her best to protect her merry from falling apart.
4.He couldn't put up with the toothache any more, so he went to see the dentist.
5.In the management, it's hard to appraise employee's work.
6.If you attended the party last night, I must have seen you.
7.You would be punished if you do such a thing again.
8.Good students would never skip classes.
9.We should have arrived in Beijing yesterday if we got up early.
10. if only she is with me.

刚才综合了一下答案 嘿嘿·~~虚拟语气也不是你那样滥用的

He is satisfied with his job

答:完全地,彻底地,全然地vt.1. 使变平2. 【音乐】使(音调)下降,尤指降半音vi.1. 逐渐变平2. 【音乐】以降调唱(或奏)3. 【航海学】将(帆)收近龙骨线,把(纵帆)的后下角尽量向船中央拉(与in连 ...

急!!! 请英语高手帮忙翻译一下!!! 谢谢啦!!!
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答:OA从最初的以大规模采用复印机等办公设备为标志的初级阶段,发展到今天的以运用网络和计算机为标志的现阶段,对企事业单位办公方式的改变和效率的提高起到了积极的促进作用。Trough the initial stage featured mass use of ...

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答:I used to work as a volunteer at the subway station, the care-center for the handicappedand the geracomium. My major work at the subway station was to keep order at rush hours and to remind passengers to...

跪求英语高手帮忙翻译 把一下的中文翻译成英语... 谢绝在线翻译的,语 ...
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