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Chinese food, long history. In etiquette, pay attention to Food is the country where eating etiquette naturally become an important part of food culture. With the constant exchange of Western food culture, more and more foreigners are also popular. Chinese food banquet ritual known as Duke began thousands of years of evolution, of course, there will be no "Meng Guang Liang Hong received the case " that day, but it was finally formed a set of widely accepted today, eating dining etiquette, is Eating etiquette in ancient inheritance and development. Etiquette for eating Chinese food feast of the nature, purpose and different; different regions, but also different. Chinese food dishes are cups, plates, bowls, plates, chopsticks, spoons and six. In the formal dinner, glass dish on the top left, the glass on the upper right. Chopsticks and spoon can be placed on specific transposon, or on the paper sleeve. Communal chopsticks and spoons on the best on the specific transposon. Chinese food is generally the order of the meal: the first on the cold, after the hot dishes, sweets and fruit on the last. Before dinner, the waiter sent to each of the first with a wet towel is a towel, it is best not to use it to wipe her face. In the shrimp, crab, chicken and other dishes before, the waiter will give her a little spittoon, in which floating lemon slice twist or rose petals, it is not drink, but hand-washing purposes. Wash your hands, you can turn his hands dampened fingers, gently rinsed, and then with a small towel.

Angel is bright, he illumines the whole world. But we overlooked one thing: When the world is not dark, his shadow, became the only flaw ... ...


Angel is bright which light up the whole world.
But honestly, we miss one thing.
while there is no darkness around the world,
her shadow becomes the only flaw left.

Angel is luciferous, His brilliance illuminates the whole world. But there is a thing that we neglected: His shadow becomes unique blemish when the world without dim.

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答:Along with our country economy of continuously strong, more and more business enterprises for robbing to share a market, reduce risk, walk up conduct diversified road.These groups that across profession and across region turns a company to usually cross several character qualities,risks,t...

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答:Dear guests,Our coffee house's business hours have some changes.From May 1st to 7th,the breakfast time will be adjusted to 6:30-10:30,lunch and dinner will be provided with single choosen or business meals.We deeply apologize for the inconvenience brought to you....

答:The suggestion of the doctor:The tomato can resist cancer, protection heart health, return ability promote immunity ability.However, concerning tomato you still need to know two matter, one is the tomato be more redly more good, because this kind of tomato can contain to take more ...

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答:people there celebrate dragon-boat festival by dragon boat race.注:本文有着浓厚中国风,不推荐翻译为Dragon,在西方文化中Dragon为恶龙。Seraph为圣经中炽天使,据描述和中国的龙很相像。本译文只粗略的翻译了大概意思,并且为了西方人理解,将玉皇大帝的概念置换为上帝,或者称为“神”。本文仅供参考...

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答:With the constant development and perfecting of market economy, enterprises are becoming fiercer in competition.In the course of management of enterprises, marketing what tactics involve move about quite a lot relate to sell the logistics, therefore activity these form marketing and ...

答:My name is shutingchen, I am from China, I was born in 12/3/1993, actually is 5 only escort write wrong written 3, my father is a cook, in my seven-year-old when he went to the United States, my mother is free profession, I have a younger brother ego year old. My...


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