

The information you required has beed sent to you ,Please let me kow when my accountant will recover ,by the way ,any more information you want know .
If we can't keep on with our deal ,should I used up the rest money in the account!

Make all the freedom connecting
How to drop the gap,suspicion,,envy,resentment,mistakes,indifferent,taboo and strange between human beings?
Since ancient times, the best solving medicines is invariable, that is to communicate, interpersonal communication, the communication among the relatives, the communication among the lovers, the communication among the friends, the communication among the colleagues, the communication among the superior and the subordinate, the communication among the neighbours, the communication among classmates, the most important thing is, communication of people and the world …
There is benign but sincere communication, does not store the misgivings knowingly between men, not knowing the footpath between fields like the passerby among the father and son, lovers can not be like birds flying in different directions, will not fall out and become enemies among the friends, colleague can engage in internal strife each other, leader and subordinate to can overtly agree but covertly oppose, neighbourhood can so near and yet so far, among classmates …Will not lift the iron hammer of majiajue again ?
With true in the face of true, with candid to reciprocate candidly, we will be omnipotent.
Let all be free in UNICOM, it is the basic idea of the healthy humanized life.
The existence of UNICOM cell-phone newspaper, offer one information platform, benign to link up, offer first individual masses model for calligraphy or painting for modern society even more.
Exchange and offer model and platform with the mutual trust between people too while offering basic information of life in UNICOM cell-phone newspaper, make the greatest efforts in order to dispel estrangement.
After subscribing the relevant columns of mobile phone newspaper, can give the relevant columns of " soul UNICOM ", one every day, two once in a while, direct it against the city person in all kinds of Human communication and might produce in trifling matters of everyday lifing question,in the face of life in reason, transform in life, and then create life.
Let all free UNICOM,
UP new forces want you and enter new space-time reddest,
Enter new space-time , enjoy new life
The network is no longer what one was , the wonderful nowhere block of wood is around
Hundred is changed into life being connected by me
The Unicom mobile telephone signal is easy to cover without exception on the ground under the ground,
Feeling is a Chinese knot , Unicom whole world heart

Today, I bring you some riddles, their answers will be guessed by you. I will discover the information about the answer little by little, if you think out the answers, don't hesitate to speak it out. Don't worry about making mistakes. I hope all of you can concerntrate on my riddles and join in it actively.

Sorry, you are not correct.

You are approching the correct answer now.

Go on, it is almost right.

Your answer is very close to the correct answer, but I have regretly to tell you , it is just close to the answer.

Bingo, you got it!

Today, I bring with some riddles, so I want to you guys give the answers to those riddles.
I will say some relative information to you, you can give the answer to me as soon as you know it. It doesn’t matter to have the wrong answers. I hope everyone can concentrate your attention and join the game actively.
You got the wrong answer!
You have some ideas!
Come on, almost near the right answer!
Exactly right!

I have brought you guys some riddles today and I want you to guess them.I will give you hints little by little to help you get the correct answer.And when you think you have the answer (或者 if you think you know the answer), tell me right away. It is perfectly okay to get it wrong (或者 it is perfectly okay if you didnt get it right).I just hope that all of you can concentrate and fully participate in this game, and of course, enjoy the game.

Good guess/try, but this is not the correct answer.
Ah, you're on the right track!Keep guessing!
Keep trying, you almost got it/you're nearly there!
You're getting really close,just one more step to the answer!!
Bingo, you've got it!/this is exactly the answer!

Today, I've brought some riddles for you to guess the answers. To help you with the guessing, I am going to give out information about the answers bit by bit. You can reply immediately if you think you have guessed the right answer. It doesn't matter at all even if you get the answer wrong. I hope all of you will listen attentively and participate actively.

This answer is wrong./It's wrong./I'm sorry you've got the wrong guess.
You are getting on the right path!
Come on, you are getting to the point.You are getting closer now.
You've almost got it! But just miss a littl/e!
Correct guess!/ Yes, it's correct!/ Yes, you've got it!


Today, I bring some riddles for you to guess the answers. I will be a little bit to reveal information about the answer. if you think of the answers please response the answer immediately,it does not matter if guessed wrong. Wish everyone to focus, to join us.
if it was wrong.
A little touch with it.
Continue to try and it is nearly to the right answer.
It is almost right, but it is almost right.
Absolutely correct!

请高手把中文翻译成英文 谢谢
答:Spring outing Spring is my favorite season, I always enjoy its gentle, in this beautiful spring day, Spring outing essential, I do not like many people noisy places, weekends and good friends gathered in the quiet lakeside ring, where the beautiful scenery, people very uncomfortable,...

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请高手帮忙翻译 把一段中文翻译成英文
答:你好,翻译为:“This exhibition has let me be full of infinite far to the dinosaur thinking of with curious, and having produced deep interest. That I want to be tied in wedlock , to be going to be if film story line and the dinosaur is stretched thereupon is a extremely ...

答:马斯洛(M l。w。1918—1970年)在20世纪中叶首次提出了人类需要五层次理论:生理需要、安全需要、社交或爱的需要、自尊的需要与自我实现的需要。后来,马斯洛及其他学者们将其发展完善并整合为三种理论即X理论、Y理论和Z理论。X理论与Y理论的名字由麦格雷戈提出的。Maas Luoyang (M l. W. 1918 have ...

答:I hope to become a excellent project manager in five years. Working with team of our company to develope software that will satisfy the requirements of our clients with reasonable overall structure in technology and easy in maintenance, which will benefit our company greatly. Therefore,...

答:Chinese Lunar New Year holiday is coming, the shop closed in January 24thFebruary 10th delivery, delivery orders during recovery, unified issued in February 11th. I wish everyone a happy new year, happy forever!

答:Guangzhou Han Biotechnology Co., Ltd. is a professional commitment to the development of new, extraordinary and special business enterprises. Company aim is "market-leading, technology pioneer. " Companies rely on Korea Biotechnology Research Center (South Korea.VILIE BIOSCENCE RESEARCH ...

答:你像一支红烛为后辈奉献所有的热和光 you're like a candle giving its light to the younger generation 你的品格和精神可用两个字就是燃烧,不停的燃烧 your virtue and spirit can be summed up with the word: burning!老师,人类灵魂的工程师,有谁不在将您赞扬!teacher, the engineer of ...

答:Office assistant:1. Email, fax, scan files,Assists supervisor processing related matters,3 communication customer, customer information feedback, handling of customer information,4 data entry, proofreading and attendance statistics,5..25 drafting and modified report, manuscripts,6 and ...

答:To love, you should first learn to wait.去爱,你首先必须学会等待。是这个意思吗?如果不是请别见怪,呵呵


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