

1.during the ....,I miss.....
2.advice sb.to do sth.
3.buy the computer desk that is used to be put on the bed
4.I am still not fine.
5.Everything is depended on the person who do it .
6.I care nothing.
7.the dumplings for supper
8.dreaming about bearing




最近的一项教育实验表明,“天才”之间的差异儿童和普通可能有高达1)做__expectations__与智慧。小学老师在2)_deceived__以为她的学生高于平均水平的情报。然后她3)__managed__让他们做的出色的工作,尽管他们真正的智商在正常范围。看来,她相信她的学生智力足以使他们4)_into_更好的学习者。很难5)__pinpoint __exactly这种信仰的表达。6)__may __have如何做一个老师讲的课:许多积极的,支持表达式和一些表达不耐烦,烦恼,或7)__irritation__。非语言沟通,包括8)_facial __expressions,可能也发挥了作用。但有一点是明确的:标签和期望:9)__strongly _影响结果。教室外面,可以作为标记,10)often__不产生负面影响。标签我们把不同社会群体通常不是11)__inclusive__。事实上,他们往往是性别歧视或种族歧视。12)__course__,有好的和坏的各种人。但我们13)__tend__to接受一些关于某些群体更容易比别人。学校的实验表明,这种标签有14)__great__的能力。但当标签是不公平的,他们可以很负15)__damaging__。

1、He have started off at 6:00 to the workplace,an hour earlier than usual.

2、Actually the General was put under house arrest, finding sustenance in traditional Chinese painting and finding calm and comfort in the Chinese Ink.

3、Like Mrs.Taylor,Mrs.Green lives on a low pension from day to day,staying in a gloomy and small room,and she is eager for someone's staying with her.

4、Being busy before setting off,riding the bus and the picnic itself have made the children emotional and excited.

5、I didn't recognize her at once,because she isn't the lively girl I know,she just likes a fashion model ,wearing a new green velvet long skirt and green shoes,with hair twined around her head.

6、It was the first time that he returned to his hometown since 40 years before,he came back with memory of missing past.

7、I should ride the NO.21 trolley bus,so I ran to the station as soon as possible and got on the bus.It was too late when I found I had riden a wrong bus.I regarded the NO.15 bus as the NO.21 bus,but the ticket seller said that I could change bus at next station.





答:1、He have started off at 6:00 to the workplace,an hour earlier than usual.2、Actually the General was put under house arrest, finding sustenance in traditional Chinese painting and finding calm and comfort ...

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有没有人帮我翻译成英语啊,很急,在线等 ,谢谢,不要电脑翻译的
答:1.对事态紧急性的相同认知,让他们从一开始就关系紧密起来。They’ve been working closely since they both realize it is an urgent case at the first beginning.2.“你的手已经忙不过来了,奶奶。”他说着就把小男...

一段简单的汉语,大家帮帮忙翻译成英文 很急很急 谢谢了 万分感谢啊!
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高手帮忙翻译成英语啊,不要用软件的。。谢谢诶。。。急急急急急急_百 ...
答:how to improve listening always concern for people, especially the listening comprehension ability enhancement. Listening comprehension ability also became the emphasis and difficulty in learning English. As is known to...

能帮忙翻译成英语么 很急 给力100分
答:physical life, and have a positive influence on local government 's mass sports policy desicion.Key words: LInxiang, urban residents, physical exercise, investigate and analyze 翻好了。望对你有帮助啦......

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帮忙翻译成英语啊 急!!!
答:Military training has been just over, it has had discussion not essential to university students that we have launched military training in bedroom 对此我们还是有分歧的。As to this we disagreed .军训可以锻炼身体...

请英语高手帮忙翻译成英文,很急,谢谢各位了(在线翻译就别来了,全是语 ...
答:the method of science are combined to form stable triangle, our values will be easily moved.我是纯手工翻译的,虽然时间用的不多,但确实很累。您采纳谁都没有关系,只希望您能找到正确答案,O(∩_∩)O谢谢 ...

答:can train themselves, but I think I can do the job.2. I feel the character is very suitable for front desk, I am very careful, very responsible, work is also useful initiative.哈哈,祝你成功!


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