

第二行开头,最好改成I am a boy,即去掉Chinese。你这样说不地道......
2.第二行末尾,应该是let me tell you something about my family.在这里不能用tell to。
3.第四行第一句话去掉。small family不地道......直接就第二句话就行。
4.第二段第二行,My parents have gray hair。

Everyone has a room. I have a room too. Now, let me tell you about my room.
My room is a small one. There is a desk,a bed and a wardrobe. I have lots of books, they are in the bookshelf of the desk. Under the bed, I have two cabinets. All my toys are in these cabinets.
This is my room. What about you?

Lost:My book
I lost my book. The book is green and topic of the book is Survive. I’m very sad, because the book is the homework of winter vacation. I must find it. If you find it, please call me. My telephone number is 123456789. Thank you for your help.

Found: At school
I found a green schoolbag. The schoolbag is small. There is a pencil and a book in the schoolbag. The pencil is green and the book is green too. If these things are yours,you can call me at 12346789.

小同学,三篇文章写的总体很好! 思路很清晰,就是有个别小问题,我已经在不破坏原意的基础上改正了!
语法点: there be 句型后如果跟两个或两个以上的名词短语,遵循就近原则。
e.g. There are three apples,one orange and two bananas.
There is one orange,three apples and two bananas.

Everyone has different likes and dislikes. I have them too. Now, let me tell you about my likes and dislikes.
For eating, I have some healthy eating habits. I like eating noodles for breakfast because I think they are delicious. I don’t like cracker because I don’t think they’re clean. For lunch and dinner, I want to have food at home. I don’t want to eat fast food because I think it’s bad for my health.
Then, I want to tell you about my sports habits. I like playing ping-pong because it is easy for me.But I think playing basketball is too difficult to I don’t want to play basketball.
These are my likes and dislikes. How about you?

I have lots of teacher and my favorite one is Ms.Tian.
Ms.Tian is my history teacher. She teaches well and she always kind to us. She usually tell us some useful stories. So I think her lesson is interesting and she is a good teacher.

Do you want to buy some beautiful clothes? Do you want to buy fresh food? Do you want to buy useful books? Now, you can go to the Xinhua Store and buy your needs
For clothes,the primary price of the black is 1000 yuan, but the price of the black sweater is100 yuan now! All socks are on sale, two pairs is only 1 yuan. For food, we have cheap fruit. A kilo of bananas is 2 yuan and 2 kilos of bananas are 3 yuan. For books, we gave English-Chinese dictionaries for 30 yuan and they are too useful for your study.
Let’s buy our needs at Xinhua Store now! Come on!


二篇第二行应为She always tells us...,第三行Her classes are ...
第三篇第四行two pairs are

Everyone/Everybody has different likes and dislikes。 every只有每个的意思。

Everyone/Everybody has different likes and dislikes。 every只有每个的意思。

She usually tell to us some useful stories. tell后面加s
I have lots of teacher teacher后面加s

答:All socks are on sale, two pairs is only 1 yuan. For food, we have cheap fruit. A kilo of bananas is 2 yuan and 2 kilos of bananas are 3 yuan. For books, we gave English-Chinese dictionaries for 30 yuan and they are too useful for your study.Let’s buy our needs a...


答:由于在小学没有做任何要求也没有让练字,所以我的字写得很不好。而且现在已经一个暑假没有写什么字帖了,所以请老师原谅,但在新学期,我会努力。我就像爱因斯坦的三个小板凳一样,虽然我现在的字不好,但我一定会努力。请老师相信我。 我憧憬着陈老师用您那睿智的语言,带领我们在神奇的知识海洋中畅游,和我们一起驰...

答:初一生活二三事作文1 初中生活是我一生中最难忘的一段时光,他是一手充满青春活力,朝气蓬勃的进行曲。它洋溢着快乐激情,也不乏有烦恼一悲伤。 初中生活的头一曲自然是我们唱的最久的教室进行曲。朗朗的读书声是这首曲子的主旋律。上课,老师迎着我们欢快的歌声走进教室,又踏着如释重负的音符离去。课间,一些在课堂...

答:笔记 初一学生一般不会合理记笔记,通常是教师黑板上写什么学生就抄什么,往往是用“记”代替“听”和“思”。有的笔记虽然记得很全,但收效甚微。正确的方法是: (1)记笔记服从听讲,要掌握记录时机; (2)记要点,记疑问,记解题思路和方法; (3)记小结,记课后思考题。学好理科的方法:一、认真安排时间。首先你要...

答:示例结构1亲爱的爸爸妈妈,这次考试我没考好,比上次统测退了几名,希望你们原谅我下次考试我一定会考好的。 我的生命是你们给的,没有你们就没有我,没有你们这十几年的养育就不会有我,没有你们十几年的教育和栽培就没有我。 从今天开始,在学校我会做一个有礼貌、学习好的学生,在家里我会做一个孝敬父母、整天...

答:3、克服消极心理,保持乐观的心态,培养积极的学习动机,保持学习内容的新鲜感,学会挖掘所学内容的新意,寻找科学学习方法,轻松应考。 相信经过我的努力,做一个做事有条有理的好学生,也祝我的学业天天向上。 初一个人成长计划篇2 一、 指导思想 养成 教育 是我们学校的根本任务和主要内容。以培养学生良好的生活习惯...


答:这就是我!我是一个普通的女孩子,我虽说张得普通,但是我却有着独一无二的性格。下面是我带给大家的初一400字 优秀 作文 《这就是我》,一起来欣赏一下吧。 这就是我作文400字 初一作文 篇1 我的皮肤比较黑,长着一双大大的眼睛。 我的 爱好 有很多很多,比如:滑板、下 五子棋 、可是我还是最喜欢骑自行...

答:你写作文时总是无从下笔?下面是我为大家整理的初一周记作文8篇,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 初一周记作文 篇1 上学的路上,我既难过又兴奋。难过的是,暑假怎么这么过就过去了;兴奋的是,我终于又能见到我美丽的校园与好久不见的朋友们。 我边走边想着,糊糊涂涂地进了校门,糊糊涂涂地向左走,走向了远志楼...


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