

我觉得这三点同样重要: 高薪保证了高的生活质素, 良好的工作环境使人身心愉悦, 工作的得心应手使人获得精神上的满足。

我现在从事的职位压力并不大, 是比较机械化的工作, 正因为如此所以薪金也不高.

作为一个出色的秘书, 我想有几方面很重要:
工作细心,有耐性: 能独当一面, 因为很多时候要为你的上司排忧解难,和处理一些突发事件.

I think the same as important at three points: high salary ensures high life, good working condition brings pleasure, smooth work satisfies people's mind.

The work i do is more mechanized and less pressure, so my salary is poor.

I think something primary as an excellent secretary with:

Work carefully and patiently,

Be unique in solving emergency and trouble for your superior many times.

Having strong sense of order to schedule for your superior at lots of times.


1. Tens of thousands of people in the first world war broke out in front of the years to come to the United States, in order to escape suffering.


2. When you meet the emergency use flashlight or mirror was flashing light serves as the SOS.


3. I opened the door smelt Fried ham fragrance.


4. A see this rare diamond everybody cannot help but stretch hand to touch once.


5. His little sister sent into the elevator, watching the elevator door sliding shut, turned away.


6. So far no signs that who will be the next President.


7. Shanghai to nanjing train from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. every twenty minutes hair flight.


8. We on prices sharply increased without preparation

Many people are concerned about the pollution of the environment.
You will find a series of English reading metarial.
He decided to settle down in America after he have been working overseas for few years.
There were too many wars in this country.
I bet that he destoryed the window.
Would you like to write down your thoughts?
I study very hard for scoring a good mark.
Tom is very excited, we need to calm him down.
They met in the Mary's party, then they fell in love.
If we add up our scores, we will get 90, the full mark.
He does not live here any longer.


1:most people care about environment pollution problems.
2:you can find a set of english reading material.
3:after a few years of work oversea, he decided to settle down in USA
4:this country experienced too many wars
5:i think he broke the window.
6:why not put your thought on a piece of paper?
7:i study hard before exams, for a good mark.
8:Tom was too excited, we must think of a way to calm him down.
9:they meet at Mary's evening party, then they fall in love on each other.
10:if we add all the marks together, we will get total 90 marks
11:he doesn't live here anymore.
恩~ 里面会有语法之类的问题的了~

1.Many people care about the problem of pollution.
2.You can find a series of English reading material in the library.
3.For living abroad several years, he decided to live in the USA.
4.The country experienced too many wars.
5.I consider the windows are broken by him.
6.Why don't you write your thoughts on the paper?
7.I studied hard before the exam, in order to get a high score.
8.Tom is too excited, we must think of an idea to make him quiet.
9.They met on Mary's party, then fell in love.
10.If we add the whole marks, we well get 90 in total.
11.He no longer lives here.

1. Many people are concerned about the pollution of the environment
2. You can find a series of English in the library
3. After several years working in foreign countries, he decided to settle in the United States(USA).
4. This country has experienced many wars
5. I think the window is broken by him
6. Why don't you write your thoughts on paper
7. Before the exam, I study hard, it is in order to get good grades
8. TOM was too excited, we must try to calm him down
9. They in Mary's party after knowing, then love each other
10. If we add up all the points, we would get score 90.
11. He no longer lives here

请各位法语高手帮帮忙吧 翻译一下这几个句子~
答:les gens qui ont des problèmes.14 真理如同太阳,它让人看到一切,却不让人看他。La vérité ressemblant au soleil, met tout en lumière sauf elle-même.15 你的学习成绩可以衡量出你付出的努力。Tes notes représente tes efforts.翻译从来不是唯一的,希望对你来说这是一份好的参考。

答:1/ I really hope that you can have a more reasonable attitude towards this.2. In that accident I had my leg broken, so did my son.3. That old woman was too sad to walk by herself.4. After fifty years of his death, his achievements are only admitted by society.5. Here...

答:你的问题把我陷入一个相当困难的境地。14.The right of pursue happiness is issued to us all with our birth, but no one seems quite sure what it is .我们天生就有了一种追求幸福的权利,但是似乎没有人确切的知道幸福到底是什么。15The only reason that there aren't more women ...

答:1.我今天早上坐错车了(说话的时候是在晚上,所以应该都用过去式吧?!),那车是往反方向走的,我赶紧下车,然后又问路人那一辆吃是对的,他们说然我上马路对面坐车,结果我今天用了一个多小时才到学校,迟到了 I took wrong bus this morning. It was going to the opposite direction. I ...

答:are illegal because they contravene labor laws.依照欧盟委员会,没有此等的转让是因为违反劳动法而变得违法的。因为并不清楚语境,所以transfers无法给出确切的解释。这句话后半部分(即no such以后)是要一起读的。好不容易翻译完了。。。百度教育团队【海纳百川团】为您解答 希望能帮到您!

答:1. A brilliantyoung master of deception who at different timesimpersonated a docter ,a lawer,and an airplane in 26 countries.他是一个才华横溢的欺骗高手,曾经在不同时间在26个国家中假冒过医生,律师和飞行员。2.He became the youngest man to ever make the FBI's most -wanted list ...

答:1.I'm thirsty and I want a cup of tea.How about you?2.He acted more slowly since he hurt in the accident.3.There are many Scenic sites in the city.4.The group is growing good this year,for there is plenty of rain.5. The history museum is near the railway station.6...

答:1 we do one thing at the time, we should pay attention to it and the main contradiction. According to the practical situation and adjust their working methods, not blindly.2 from reality, seeking truth from facts.3 when we start with a piece of work, we should first through ...

答:can't even speak simple English, much less English articles.5.不管花多少钱,我们都要尽最大的努力营救汶川地震中的每一个受害者。(regardless of)We have to try our utmost efforts to save and rescue every single victim in the Wenchuan Earthquake regardless of the financial costs....

答:1.我曾经在一家少儿英语学校兼职3个月,没有带班,只是听其他老师讲课 I was doing a part time job in an English language school for children for a period of 3 months. I have not done teaching, but as an observer in classes conducted by other teachers 2.我还没有参加英语等级...


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