
汉译英 帮忙翻译几个句子~

1. We usually prepare some Chinese food for our forein friends.

2. Can you do me a favor?

3. Let's book a quiet room for him in this hotel.

4. Li Li teaches Mr. Green Chinese every morning.

5. Please call me David.

6. Do you often send e-mails to your parents?

7. There are a lot of new words in this text.

The day of July 23 flew so fast that I even didn't have time for my dairy as usual.(fly过去式flew表时间过得快,as usual表一向如此)

I almost finished the first season of "Lost" today.(英语中没有书名号)

"Lost" is a fantastic TV series.(fantastic可表“极好的,了不起的”之义 TV series 电视剧)

Compared with others, this TV series is more suitable for me.(others代指其他电视剧)

Since I wasted so much time, I think I should do a self-criticism.(waste 可做及物动词 self-criticism 自我批评,检讨)

Learning English requists long time. as the saying goes: Rome was not built in one day.(意译的 取罗马非一日建成之义)

I'll carry on with it. (carry on with sth 继续,坚持)


1. I really miss the days which i stayed with my brother at the end of October in Beijing , very short, but very memorable.

2. During the day, with his camera, according to our plans Dao Chuguang, visiting the many tourist attractions, very happy.

3. Test is near, time is pressing, nervous and busy

5.When everything is over, we can do what we like to do things

1。Good memories in October of stay in Beijing and brother in those days, very short, but very unforgettable
2。During the day. With my camera, according to their plan, stroll everywhere around the many tourist attractions, very happy
3。The exams are near, time is pressing, atmosphere and nervous, everyone in the busy

1. I really miss the days which i stayed with my brother at the end of October in Beijing , very short, but very memorable.

2. During the day, with his camera, according to our plans Dao Chuguang, visiting the many tourist attractions, very happy.

3. Test is near, time is pressing, nervous and busy

5。when its ending,we can do things we want to.

1.Miss those days stayed in Beijing with my brother in October, very short, but very unforgettable.
2. During the day, with his camera, according to our plans Dao Chuguang, visiting the many tourist attractions, very happy.
3. Test is near, time is pressing, nervous and busy
5。when its ending,we can do things we want to.

答:Bill Smith is an Australian businessman.He likes to play on the computer and listen to music.He has a wife who is a doctor and a son.He works hard and is willing to help others.He has opened two factories. Ten poverished children have received their education with his help....

答:1、办公室里一个人也没有。(left)There's no one left in the office.3、学生们轮流大声朗读课文。(take turns doing)The students took turns reading textbooks out alound.4、大熊猫是一种濒危动物。(endangered)Giant panda is an endangered species.5、除非我们现在行动,否则成百上千的...

请高手帮我翻译10 个句子,谢谢啦~!
答:1、同这个案件相比,最近几个月的盗窃事件不值得一提。The thefts in recent month paled compared with this case.2、那次交通事故虽然已经过去了好几年,但他还是摆脱不了负疚感。He still can not shake away the guilty feeling even many years have passed since the traffic accident.3.尽管...

答:船已经几乎和水面垂直了(船几乎快沉没了)。受伤的战士以直立的姿势,笔直的躺在床上。8.Irony implies the opposite of what is apparently being stated 反语(讽刺)暗指表面上所说的话的相反面 这么多内容,你给的分值太少了。不过我实在看不惯楼上的翻译。希望对你有帮助 ...

答:今晚你到达的时候,她将已经打了几个小时字了。8.He said he would come to see me.(过去的时间)他说他将会来看我。9.She said she was going to start at once.(过去的时间)她说她将会立即开始/启程。10.I believed by the end of that year an advanced version of that software ...

答:1.他对目前的工作感到心满意足。She is content with her present work.2.现代科技已将人们从繁重的家务中解放出来。(free...from)Modern technology has freed people from heavy housework.3.安妮尽一切可能使婚姻不致破裂。(fall apart)Annie tried her best not to make her marriage fall apart...

答:1. 同大多数人一样,我从小所受的教育使我认为生命是一个不断索取的过程。直到三十年前我才有了一个重大发现:给予会让生活变得更精彩。2. 飞机是运输食物的最快捷方式。当通过其他途径给人和动物运送食物难以实现时,飞机的作用就表现得尤其明显。3. 他站起来,穿过房间,迅速而猛烈地将门大打开来...

答:1. Teachers can help to point at what Juanmian, thank you.2. To take the exam this time it is not easy, thanks to teacher 3. Not so bad as the basis of that.4. I hope that the teacher to let me an opportunity to continue learning.5. Year of the Ox happy teacher'...

答:1.All of this?/Will you buy all of these?2.It can not be tilted for a long time,or it will be out of shape and couldn't recover.3.Gentleman/madam,wait a minute,I have to make out an small ticket,you can take this tiket to check out first at the checkout counter,...

答:and the trainning for the foreign side.3.the chines side in charge of a large overseas engineering project.4.the resposibillity of the job is to deal with the problems in the workplace at any times and make rapid response of problems in the scene.都是我自己翻译的。供参考。


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