

WILKES-BARRE, Pa,一个对于McMahon先生来说原本惬意的夜晚,但当他进入WWE协会主席的豪华轿车的瞬间变得致命起来。汽车突然起火爆炸,将世间所有的体育和娱乐连根拔起,主席当即死亡。当地政府宣称现在说一切都为时过早,事实有待调查,还不知道爆炸由什么引起,但是排除外力因素。

汽车爆炸。" 他们同时透漏在美国东部时间下午11:30 ,无法从已经烧成灰的残留中辨认死者。消防队员很快接手了现场, 用隔离带隔离出部分停车场,以便保护犯罪现场和防止旁观者(其中大多是狂热者)留下痕迹和潜在受伤。尽管高温和天空中弥漫的黑烟,很多人还是不断涌入这里以便近距离查看这场偶然发生在TitanTron 的纷乱。早在此之前,空荡的人群还在自己的位子上像静止的画面一样默默观看。一个 Wilkes-Barre 的消防队员说道,“当我们到达现场的时候 , 整个汽车都在火中。大火像一个魔鬼,无论我们做什么它都能很快覆盖一切。在我的27年的消防员生涯中,从未遇到过像这样的情况”

PS:抄我的那个家伙 我写了一半 你就改了一半 无语啊

意思就是,她拒绝了你!她说谈恋爱无聊,要么敷衍你,要么她有了喜欢的人。至于还能跟以前一样,应该就是不能做男女朋友就做普通朋友吧,不过应该会有一点点尴尬和陌生,我觉得如果你不想连朋友都没得做,还是不要再追求了。。。因为换位思考,换做是你,拒绝了他人,可是呢他还是纠结你。都会觉得烦。你对她什么感觉,你喜欢她吗?有人说说性格相似的人适合做朋友,性格互补的人才适合在一起,很少有人一辈子都那么诺曼科的,可能就是现在处于恋爱朦胧期,她才那么小女人,可能结了婚有了孩子,生活自然而然就回归了平淡。总得来说你要是觉着错过她你会后悔的话,就勇敢一点,包容一点,多哄哄她!她黏你说明她在乎你啊!自古多情善别离,若即若离,离开你吧!她心有不甘,不离开你吧!你又不给他需要的爱,怎么说呢!在你面前和其他男人亲密,说明她还是喜欢你,只是你没有给她对等的爱,所以她想刺激你,就是要告诉你,你不喜欢他,同样用人喜欢她,反之,这也是女孩虚伪的一个方面。喜欢她就去追她,如果不喜欢她,那就当没看见吧!如果真要因为利益而放弃,这样的男人不要也罢。爱情和事业并不矛盾,打拚事业,有人给你加油打气,携手同行,更有力量去追求所希望的,爱情事业双丰收,不是两全齐美。如果要以事业为条件放弃了爱情,即使事业成功了,你再也找不回那种同心的爱情,站到了最高处,却成了孤家寡人。不管怎么样,爱情保卫战,虽经历痛苦,结局圆满,也很欣慰。你对那个男孩了解吗,怎么能知道他对你有感情,男人和女人是不一样,男人有责任感就是好男人,感情相处久之后的积累,男人对那个女孩都是感觉好的,想交往尽设探试他的内心所想,有何兴趣等,他是否很想告诉你他的优势,家里情况,对未来的想法等,如这样的才是对你真的想试好,好好想一下只是关系好的朋友的话其实也不至于远离 要么她其实也是对你有点感情 她自己不善于表达 认为你心里没有她 或对你有所不满 所谓的没有结果 是时候来放弃 要么是另一个男孩抓住了她的心 还有吃醋 如果确定她跟了别人好 还有有意要躲着你 那你就也不要搭理她 把她的号留着 也许哪天她又来找你了 找你诉苦 或觉得还是你不错 你如果想把她的号删了 就不要有犹豫 也可以跟她说一声 把心里的想法跟她说

There are differences in thinking, is unique to each nation, and change is inevitable; and with the social development, cultural exchange and integration of all it is imperative. Therefore, on this point, the approach should first be put right, all ethnic and cultural exchanges during the same time, it should be a spirit, learn to respect, understand and accept his nation's thinking, rather than thinking of this nation different mode of thinking as heresy other; in the mode of thinking with his comparison of the nation, we should be good at thinking about our own shortcomings and merits of his national thinking, good at each other. For language differences, the translator should be continuously strengthened by the sensitivity of the language translation, from the pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, semantics, rhetoric, and other continuous training to improve their own language, to develop their own form a kind of regularity of the translated reading language habits of various texts written in time to understand the various developments in language translation. To avoid the translation caused by cultural differences in the cultural barrier, a translator should aware: as translators, not only those who become proficient in dual-language, but also to become proficient in the "double culture" of the people, to translation of works to be good at identifying the cultural terms and the implicit cultural connotations, and continuously train their own "cultural awareness", while the correct translation under the direction of view to know how to deal with cultural differences. Such as encountered in the text appear Cultural default and the reader can not possibly under the context of the perceived situation, the translator should be good at seizing the default when the translation of cultural information, and appropriate means to add integrity to cultural transmission of information to avoid the consequences of mistakes. In addition, the translation process, the treatment of source language and target language culture to be objective and fair. Furthermore, the translator should also recognize that cultural compatibility; precisely because of this cultural compatibility between countries before the exchange of all levels may continue; translator's job is to continuously promote the culture of this compatibility. Finally, the process of translation as the case may take a different translation methods. To recognize that alienation and domestication of two different translations as a means, not mutually exclusive, mutually exclusive, but complementary and mutually reinforcing. Alienation stressed that "to retain the source language culture" to enrich the target language culture and its expression, which play the role of cultural exchange; Naturalization emphasis on "Communication First", the translator must not only try to overcome the language barrier, but also to overcome the culture barriers, so as to avoid conflicts caused by cultural misunderstanding of the various forms. Can be seen from the above, both of which emphasize communicative translation, but from different angles, focusing on a different. In the process of translation is essential to deal with the relationship between the two. We should always remember the premise: the purpose is to exchange translation. To be good at a combination of both. Such as the translation of "mere copycat" adopt additional literal transliteration / translation of the alienation of its literal meaning, paraphrase / naturalization law notes to complement its literal translation. This will not only meet the information exchange, cultural exchange has reached.

Thinking pattern on the differences, is characteristic of every nation, it is inevitable and changes ; and with the development of society, the national cultural exchange and convergence and it is imperative. therefore, in this regard, first of all nationalities must be straight, for cultural exchange, should be in the spirit of tolerance and respect, knowledge and his mode of thinking, not with the thinking patterns of other modes of thinking as heresy ;In his mode of thinking of contrast, to realize their thinking pattern of national thought and the advantages and complementarity. in response to the linguistic differences, the translator should be strengthened to translate the language of the sensitivities and phonetics, grammar and semantics, vocabulary and rhetorical all aspects of improving its own language training, to school themselves to develop a reading of the translation of laws written in the text,
Understand the language in interpretation of the dynamic development. to avoid cultural differences caused the translation of cultural exchange, the translator will be aware that : for translators, not only to become proficient in both words, should be proficient in the culture, to identify to be done in terms of culture and culture is implied, for its "cultural consciousness ”. at the same time to translate the correct guidance to know how to deal with the cultural difference.
Such as to the original in translation in the cultural default, and could not be perceived from the context of the situation in the translation will be able to catch the default cultural information and adopt appropriate measures to complete, so as to avoid information error resulting in cultural consequences.In addition, the translation with the source language, culture and the receptor language and culture should be objective. moreover, the translator also recognize the cultural compatibility ; it is because of culture, this compatibility between nations a more exchanges can only continue the work is steadily ; the promotion of culture. ultimately, this compatibility is translating process depends on specific conditions and take a different translation.Recognize the alienation and co-opted as two different kinds of the translation of the measures are not mutually exclusive, mutually incompatible, but to complement each other, complement each other. alienation "keep source language culture to enrich the cultural and its purpose, thereby to cultural exchanges ; the role of the" communication "the first is not only to try to overcome language cultural barriers and to overcome the obstacles in order to avoid conflict of cultures and forms of misunderstanding.
From the above we can see that both the translation of sex, only from a different perspective, a different emphasis. in the process of how to deal with the crucial. it is always remember that a major : translation purpose is to exchange. to combine the two translations. as the "east" to the frowns 施效 音译 and translation alienation translation out according to tish sommers, paraphrase the comments of the letter to translate a supplement. it has information,To cultural exchanges.


There are differences in thinking, is unique to each nation, and change is inevitable; and with the social development, cultural exchange and integration of all it is imperative. Therefore, on this point, the approach should first be put right, all ethnic and cultural exchanges during the same time, it should be a spirit, learn to respect, understand and accept his nation's thinking, rather than thinking of this nation different mode of thinking as heresy other; in the mode of thinking with his comparison of the nation, we should be good at thinking about our own shortcomings and merits of his national thinking, good at each other. For language differences, the translator should be continuously strengthened by the sensitivity of the language translation, from the pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, semantics, rhetoric, and other continuous training to improve their own language, to develop their own form a kind of regularity of the translated reading language habits of various texts written in time to understand the various developments in language translation. To avoid the translation caused by cultural differences in the cultural barrier, a translator should aware: as translators, not only those who become proficient in dual-language, but also to become proficient in the "double culture" of the people, to translation of works to be good at identifying the cultural terms and the implicit cultural connotations, and continuously train their own "cultural awareness", while the correct translation under the direction of view to know how to deal with cultural differences. Such as encountered in the text appear Cultural default and the reader can not possibly under the context of the perceived situation, the translator should be good at seizing the default when the translation of cultural information, and appropriate means to add integrity to cultural transmission of information to avoid the consequences of mistakes. In addition, the translation process, the treatment of source language and target language culture to be objective and fair. Furthermore, the translator should also recognize that cultural compatibility; precisely because of this cultural compatibility between countries before the exchange of all levels may continue; translator's job is to continuously promote the culture of this compatibility. Finally, the process of translation as the case may take a different translation methods. To recognize that alienation and domestication of two different translations as a means, not mutually exclusive, mutually exclusive, but complementary and mutually reinforcing. Alienation stressed that "to retain the source language culture" to enrich the target language culture and its expression, which play the role of cultural exchange; Naturalization emphasis on "Communication First", the translator must not only try to overcome the language barrier, but also to overcome the culture barriers, so as to avoid conflicts caused by cultural misunderstanding of the various forms. Can be seen from the above, both of which emphasize communicative translation, but from different angles, focusing on a different. In the process of translation is essential to deal with the relationship between the two. We should always remember the premise: the purpose is to exchange translation. To be good at a combination of both. Such as the translation of "mere copycat" adopt additional literal transliteration / translation of the alienation of its literal meaning, paraphrase / naturalization law notes to complement its literal translation. This will not only meet the information exchange, cultural exchange has reached.

There are differences in thinking, is unique to each nation, and change is inevitable; and with the social development, cultural exchange and integration of all it is imperative. Therefore, on this point, the approach should first be put right, all ethnic and cultural exchanges during the same time, it should be a spirit, learn to respect, understand and accept his nation's thinking, rather than thinking of this nation different mode of thinking as heresy other; in the mode of thinking with his comparison of the nation, we should be good at thinking about our own shortcomings and merits of his national thinking, good at each other. For language differences, the translator should be continuously strengthened by the sensitivity of the language translation, from the pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, semantics, rhetoric, and other continuous training to improve their own language, to develop their own form a kind of regularity of the translated reading variety of texts written language habits, to keep abreast of the developments dynamics of language translation. To avoid the translation caused by cultural differences in the cultural barrier, a translator should aware: as translators, not only those who become proficient in dual-language, but also to become proficient in the "double culture" of the people, to translation of works to be good at identifying the cultural terms and the implicit cultural connotation, and continuously train their own "cultural awareness", while the correct translation under the direction of view to know how to deal with cultural differences. Such as encountered in the text appear Cultural default and the reader can not possibly under the context of the perceived situation, the translator should be good at seizing the default when the translation of cultural information, and appropriate means to add integrity to cultural transmission of information to avoid the consequences of mistakes. In addition, the translation process, the treatment of source language and target language culture to be objective and fair. Furthermore, the translator should also recognize that cultural compatibility; precisely because of this cultural compatibility between countries before the exchange of all levels may continue; translator's job is to continuously promote the culture of this compatibility. Finally, the process of translation as the case may take a different translation methods. To recognize that alienation and domestication of two different translations as a means, not mutually exclusive, mutually exclusive, but complementary and mutually reinforcing. Alienation stressed that "to retain the source language culture" to enrich the target language culture and its expression, which play the role of cultural exchange; Naturalization emphasis on "Communication First", the translator must not only try to overcome the language barrier, but also to overcome the culture barriers, so as to avoid conflicts caused by cultural misunderstanding of the various forms. Can be seen from the above, both of which emphasize communicative translation, but from different angles, focusing on a different. In the process of translation is essential to deal with the relationship between the two. We should always remember the premise: the purpose is to exchange translation. To be good at a combination of both. Such as the translation of "mere copycat" adopt additional literal transliteration / translation of the alienation of its literal meaning, paraphrase / naturalization law notes to complement its literal translation. This will not only meet the information exchange, cultural exchange has reached.

Thinking pattern on the differences, is characteristic of every nation, it is inevitable and changes ; and with the development of society, the national cultural exchange and convergence and it is imperative. therefore, in this regard, first of all nationalities must be straight, for cultural exchange, should be in the spirit of tolerance and respect, knowledge and his mode of thinking, not with the thinking patterns of other modes of thinking as heresy ;In his mode of thinking of contrast, to realize their thinking pattern of national thought and the advantages and complementarity. in response to the linguistic differences, the translator should be strengthened to translate the language of the sensitivities and phonetics, grammar and semantics, vocabulary and rhetorical all aspects of improving its own language training, to school themselves to develop a reading of the translation of laws written in the text,understand the various developments in language translation. To avoid the translation caused by cultural differences in the cultural barrier, a translator should aware: as translators, not only those who become proficient in dual-language, but also to become proficient in the "double culture" of the people, to translation of works to be good at identifying the cultural terms and the implicit cultural connotations, and continuously train their own "cultural awareness", while the correct translation under the direction of view to know how to deal with cultural differences. Such as encountered in the text appear Cultural default and the reader can not possibly under the context of the perceived situation, the translator should be good at seizing the default when the translation of cultural information, and appropriate means to add integrity to cultural transmission of information to avoid the consequences of mistakes. In addition, the translation process, the treatment of source language and target language culture to be objective and fair. Furthermore, the translator should also recognize that cultural compatibility; precisely because of this cultural compatibility between countries before the exchange of all levels may continue; translator's job is to continuously promote the culture of this compatibility. Finally, the process of translation as the case may take a different translation methods. To recognize that alienation and domestication of two different translations as a means, not mutually exclusive, mutually exclusive, but complementary and mutually reinforcing. Alienation stressed that "to retain the source language culture" to enrich the target language culture and its expression, which play the role of cultural exchange; Naturalization emphasis on "Communication First", the translator must not only try to overcome the language barrier, but also to overcome the culture barriers, so as to avoid conflicts caused by cultural misunderstanding of the various forms. Can be seen from the above, both of which emphasize communicative translation, but from different angles, focusing on a different. In the process of translation is essential to deal with the relationship between the two. We should always remember the premise: the purpose is to exchange translation. To be good at a combination of both. Such as the translation of "mere copycat" adopt additional literal transliteration / translation of the alienation of its literal meaning, paraphrase / naturalization law notes to complement its literal translation. This will not only meet the information exchange, cultural exchange has reached.

Thinking pattern differences, each nation characteristic, also is inevitable and change; and with the development of society, the national cultural exchange and the fusion and be imperative. Therefore, in this regard, first of all should be the right attitude, all ethnic groups in the cultural exchanges at the same time, should seek common ground while reserving differences in the spirit, learn to respect, understanding and acceptance of his nation's mode of thinking, rather than with the other of the thinking mode of different mode of thinking to be heresy; in and his nation's mode of thinking in contrast, must be able to recognize their own shortcomings and his thinking mode of national thinking model, be good at learning from. According to the language differences, the translator should continue to strengthen the language sensitivity, from voice, vocabulary, grammar, semantics, rhetoric and other areas continuously improve their own language training, to cultivate oneself develop a regular reading the translated language written by various texts of the habit, timely understanding of the translated language various developments. In order to avoid the cultural difference translation in cultural communication obstacle, translators must realize clearly: as translators, not only to become proficient in dual language, more to become proficient in" two cultures ", should be good at identifying the translated works in cultural terms and the hidden cultural connotation, develop their "cultural consciousness", while in the right translation under the guidance of the view of how to deal with cultural differences. For example, when the original of cultural default and readers can not be perceived when the situation according to the context, translators must seize the default in translation, cultural information, and the use of appropriate means to complete, in order to avoid cultural information transmission failure consequences. In addition, the translation process, treat the source language culture and the target language culture to be objective and fair. Furthermore, the translator should be aware of the cultural compatibility; it is because of this cultural compatibility, among all aspects of communication can be continued; the translator 's job is to constantly promote the culture of this compatibility. Finally, in the translation process in the specific situation and adopt different translation methods. To recognize the foreignizing and domesticating as two different processing translation means, are not mutually exclusive, mutually exclusive, but complementary, mutual complement. Alienation of" keep that source language culture to enrich the target language culture" and its way of expression, and thus play a role in the cultural exchange; domestication emphasizes" communication first", a translator should not only managed to overcome language barriers, but also overcome the cultural barriers, to avoid cultural conflicts caused by various forms of misunderstanding. Can be seen from the above, the two stressed the communicative translation, just from different angles, different emphases. In the translation process of how to handle the relationship between the two essential. We must always remember that a premise: the purpose of translation is to exchange. Be good at combining the two. Such as the translation of" hollow" can use transliteration and translation / translation from its literal meaning, translation / adaptation annotation method to its literal translation supplement. So that not only achieve the exchange of information, but also achieves the cultural exchange. 大概是这样

答:将中文译成英语 Hello, my name is Li Hua, I know you want from the Internet to make Chinese friends. I happen to think that way, so I hope we can become pen pals. My school is called the resource at noon, which is a key school. There are many extra-curricular school ...

答:however,is that protect it and use it wisely.Our future depends on it.在所有地球上的资源 - 石油,天然气,黄金等等 - 没有什么能比得上一滴水重要。认识到水的性质能帮助我们了解这个星球上的生命。最重要的事情,我们可以了解水,然后,保护它,更明智地利用它。我们的未来取决于它。


大神们帮我翻译下这篇短文! 急求!!!


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大家帮我把一篇文章翻译成英文 谢谢~~~
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答:A nationality, a country, will have a kind of spirit. One kind can encourage the spirit that persons strive to make progress. China's Olympic spirit, it is exactly a trend of complying with the times, arise at the historic moment. It is the inheriting and developing of ...


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