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Gift "is a kind of carrier of the media. We have a saying in China, called" thousands of miles to send goose feather, courtesy light affective heavy ". In People's Daily life activities, "gifts" as a kind of mediation, often used to pass one thick affection of Italy.
As the saying goes: "blood isthicker than water. (blood is thicker than water)
We have to appreciate an old mother on his eightieth birthday the day full of joy and hope mood waiting for the postman delivered softly presents the story of her daughter's birthday congratulations.


答:常见的有二种。Helps me to translate ,please.Could you please translate it for me?

答:My work is an advertising company to do sales, I like my job, although sometimes I feel a bit tired and busy, my working hours are Monday to Friday, in addition to work I will use my spare time to pursue my hobbies, I like sports, I will be Monday to Friday noon time...

答:-- Mahatma Gandhi 希望改变世界就先改变自己 (就如2楼说的一样)只要在google搜索一下就会找到答案. kingofhill | 发布于2009-03-17 举报| 评论 0 0 改变了,你希望在这个世界上看到. dave41 | 发布于2009-03-17 举报| 评论 0 0 把这个世界改变成你想看到的样子 a907h | 发布于2009-03-1...

答:你属于那种性格的人?你觉得你的性格怎么样? What kind of person do you think you are? What do you think about yourself?你喜欢什么科目?为什么?What's your favourate subjects? Why?简述一下你的发展目标是什么? Please intreoduce your goals in the future.雅虎翻译永远只是逐字逐句的翻译...

答:学历 education degree; 工作阅历 working experience 工作加班 work overtime; 应试教育 examination-oriented education 英语学习 English study; 创新思维 innovation thinking 考试作弊 cheating in examination;同学之间互相攀比keep up with class;散伙饭 goodbye meal 水污染 water pollution; 汽车尾气 ...

答:然后才能通向另一个美好的世界 where the sun is still shining just for you.在那里阳光仍然为你而绚烂 Young man ,including me ,年轻的人儿,还有我 is too hard to imagine 太难去想像 how tremendous sacrifice our parents have done to us or just stood behind u ,父母在背后默默的为我们...

答:你再也看不到我重新回到事业的顶峰 I wish that you were here to celebrate together 我真的希望你能在这儿和我一起庆祝 I wish that we could spend the holidays together 我真的希望我们能一起度过一个个假期 I remember when you used to tuck me in at night 我还记得你在夜晚轻轻给我盖...

答:我们不能在一起过圣诞节真是太可惜了……您一定乐得跳起来了!圣诞节中英文祝福语 Wishing you a song in your heart at Christmas and blessings all year long.圣诞之际,祝你心中有首快乐的歌,新年快乐!Merry Christmas and happy New Year!圣诞快乐,恭贺新禧!Wishing you peace, joy and ...

答:4, the phone rings, you pick up the handset that is just thinking of the people.5, asked people to back you scratch his itch once to the most flexible parts.6, suddenly remembered the childhood best friend's phone number.7, are you going to buy something the price.8, ...

答:楼主你好!我来给您翻译一下吧。说实话,我认为这个英文就是机器翻译出来的,句子颠三倒四,完全没有语法可言。。。好囧啊。。。dear leaders:亲爱的领导 hello!您好!was pleased to participate in your company's human resources recruitment.很高兴参加贵公司的人力资源招聘会。as the car is ...


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