

Plesens,you later don't discuss and me anything about it, don't talk about me, as if you don't know that I, don't know me, never met such a person, I don't want to get you into trouble, this is my reasons, but what about you, if want to make friends with me, if you think that you own problems, don't blame others, in fact, all of this is your own problems cause, think about it! If you really can change, everyone will be your friend, here with you a thank you, sorry! 赞同0| 评论

I must apologize. As my shipper prepared to ship your model 165 light blue moccasins something caught his eye during our 3-point pre-shipment inspection that he deemed unacceptable for shipment.
我必须道歉. 在"三点"出货前检测过程中, 我的托运人发现你所购买的型号165浅蓝色的软皮鞋有问题, 没能通过检测, 因此被拒绝托运.

We ship from stock and this was our last pair that we had in our stock. In an attempt to find you a replacement pair, I did a check of other vendors on Amazon and with the manufacturer and it appears this color Thunderbird moccasin has been discontinued.这款鞋子, 我是从库存中提出发货的, 而且我们也就只剩下这唯一的一双了. 我试着从亚马逊以及其他制造商那弄到同款替代品, 但是我最终发现浅蓝色雷鸟软皮鞋已经停产了.

Not being able to deliver an order to my customer is unacceptable to me and I would personally like to make this right for you. I propose to refund you in full for this purchase and offer to send you another Thunderbird moccasin of your choice in a size 6.5 on me, no charge, shipping included. If you like, I can also issue you a credit of $39.95 for a future purchase. 不能给客人发货是我所不能接受的, 我也很为你处理好这个事情. 我承诺全额退款, 并且我会免费给你快递另外一款6.5寸的雷鸟牌鞋子(包邮). 如果你愿意, 我会给你开一个39.95美金的支票用于下次采购.

Please let me know how you would like to proceed.请告诉我你的看法.

Again I apologize for this problem.再一次抱歉.

"My hairstyle? Hairstyle in our daily life style very important! Someone has ever asked me why do you care so much about your hairstyle, I replied that it represents my image! Good hairstyle is representing the good image, although noble soul that is most important, but I think personal image is often people's first impression of you, also is one kind of affirmation! I was long hair, without bang, very clean ponytail. But I'm not quite satisfied with his hair, and in high school, I put one month before the raised from a long head send off. You see now this is my handsome hairstyle! So said issue for us is very important. It can make you reconsider oneself, let someone a full life of faith, let you have a brand-new appearance. Dear classmates, let us have a new hairstyle. Everyone is the most perfect oneself everyday! Hope you have a good mood! I love you!

My hair? Hairstyle in our daily life is very important.someone has ever asked me: why you care about you hairstyle so much? My replied that it represented my image. Good hairstyle represent a good image,but noble soul isthe most important. Actually,people are impressed of your first impression.I weared ever a long hair,without bang and having clean ponytails.In fact,i was not satisfied with this hairsthle,so i cut it after i entered high school.Now,You see it is my handsome hairstyle! So how important the hair for us is . It can make you reconsider youseleself, let someone have more confidence and let you have a brand-new appearance. Dear classmates, let us own a new hairstyles. Everyone is the most perfect person.Have a good day.

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答:Dear all 现通知大家group medical 在8月1日起已开始生效 而医疗卡大约会在下星期才会有 但如果同事有需要睇医生 大家切记要取回医生纸以便claim钱 敬请留意。 Dear All Re: Group Medical Insurance Please be advised that our group medical insurance has been mencing on 1st August. However the...


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答:Hairstyle in our daily life style very important! Someone has ever asked me why do you care so much about your hairstyle, I replied that it represents my image! Good hairstyle is representing the good image, although noble soul that is most important, but I think personal image ...


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