

1 responsible for insurance claims, the business of work, upload insurance company and communication to the company's business relations and work matters, master insurance business knowledge;
2, is responsible for the insurance car file collecting, sorting the insured claims to the age of real and effective all formalities;
3, regularly for service manager to provide detailed insurance statements;
4, and properly keep the insurance claims all kinds of files, documents;
5, complete other work assigned by leadership.

Formula 1:(Pyramid)WeightX1015=The weight of the Earth
Formula 2:(Pyramid)HeightX1billion=The distance from the Earth to the Sun 1500million km.
Formula 3:(Pyramid)The square of height=Surface area of triangles
Formula 4:(Pyramid)Base circumfrance:Height=Circle circumfrance:Radius
Formula 5:(Pyramid)Base CircumfranceX2=赤道的时分度(这个不知道)
Formula 6:(Pyramid)Base Circumfrance÷(heightX2)=∏(∏=3.14159)
Who can believe that this series of data are just coincidences?
Also, 延长在底面中央的纵平分线,就是地球的子平线,this line exactly cuts the continent and ocean of the Earth into two halves. Moreover, the base of the pyramid is positioned at the exact centre of all continents of the Earth. The size of the large pyramids and the size of the North Hemisphere is very similar in ratio. Therefore, there are people who deduce that at 4000 years ago there is already people who have calculated the 扁率 of the Earth. Also, the axis of the two poles of the Earth is different everyday. However, passing the 25827 year period it would go back to the original position, and the diagonal sum of the pyramid, is exactly a weird number of 25826.6. People know this: 1000 years after the pyramid has been built, the 毕达哥斯拉定律 will be shown after that. After 3000 years, 祖冲之 can calculate the "py" into such accuracy. And the western country can calculate into such accuracy not until the 16th century.
4000 years after the pyramids have been built, Columbia has discovered "the United States of America", since then people have the understanding on how continents and oceans are divided on the Earth.
5000 years after the pyramids have been built, we can just calcuate the weight of the Earth, and the distance between the Earth and the Sun...However, the people who lived 4500 years ago, how can they know in such exact details?

1. I like to play well and potential of individual ability, and full of some challenging work.
2. I am under the pressure of the most strengths (independent, collaborative manner) a good job.
3. My short-term goals include: a. well adapted to the company's work environment, culture; b. to provide English language level and obtain the relevant certification; c. obtain the relevant technical certification, and to provide technical support to colleagues; d. is well I completed the task assigned to a higher level.
a. 很好地适应公司的工作环境、文化氛围;
b. 提供英语水平并取得相关认证;
c. 取得相关技术认证,并向同事提供相关技术支持;
d. 很好地完成上级指派给我的任务。

4. My long-term goals include: a. continue to accumulate and technological upgrading in order to continuously improve problem solving skills. b. accumulation and summary of relevant project experience, the lack of continuous improvement projects. c. learning, enhance the project management knowledge and lessons learned in order to have the project management capabilities. d. complete the company very well the tasks assigned to me, is the task of reaching more than 95%. e. a team leader (TeamLeader)

4. 我的长期目标包括:
a. 不断地积累提升技术水平,以持续地提高问题解决能力。
b. 积累并总结相关项目经验,分析项目中的不足持续改进。
c. 学习、提升在项目管理方面的知识并总结经验,以具备项目管理的能力。
d. 很好地完成公司分配给我的各项任务,是任务达成率达95%以上。
e. 成为团队负责人(TeamLeader)


1. I like the job that is not only challenged but also use my skills and talents.
2. I can work together as a group and work by myself under the pressure.
3. These are my short-time period goals:
a. Get used to my job as fast as I can.
b. Provide my English skills and get the certifications.
c. Get related technical proof, and provide technical helps to my team mates.
d. Follow the boss' orders and finish them on time.
4. My long-time period goals:
a1. Keep improving my technical skills, and continually solve the problems.
a2. Remember the experiences and know how to use them.
b. Study and improve leadership experiences to be able to lead the team.
c. Complete the assignment that gave by company, and make sure its above 95%.
d. Become a team leader.

1. I like to play good personal ability and potential, and must be challenging job.

2 my most strong pressure (independently and collaborative) to finish the job well.

3 I of short-term goals include:
A. well to the company's working environment, culture atmosphere,
B. provide English level and made relevant certification,
C. obtain related technologies to provide certification, and colleagues related technical support,
D. well completion of tasks assigned to my supervisor.

4 my long-term goal include:
A. accumulation to enhance the technical level, continuously improve ability to solve problems.
B. accumulation and summarizes related project experience, analysis the continuous improvement projects.
C) study, ascension in project management knowledge and experience in project management, ability.
D. perform well in company of various tasks assigned to me, is a task rate above 95%.
E. TeamLeader (team),

Chinese to English translation
1. I like to play well and potential of individual ability, and full of some challenging work.

2. I am under the pressure of the most strengths (independent, collaborative manner) a good job.

3. My short-term goals include:
a. well adapted to the company's work environment, culture;
b. to provide English and gaining certification;
c. access to relevant technical certification, and to provide technical support to colleagues;
d. well done the tasks assigned to me superior.

4. My long-term goals include:
a. continue to accumulate and technological upgrading in order to continuously improve problem solving skills.
b. accumulation and summary of relevant project experience, the lack of continuous improvement projects.
c. learning, enhance the project management knowledge and lessons learned in order to have the project management capabilities.
d. complete the company very well the tasks assigned to me, is the task of reaching more than 95%.
e. a team leader (TeamLeader)

答:3. My short-term goals include: a. well adapted to the company's work environment, culture; b. to provide English language level and obtain the relevant certification; c. obtain the relevant technical certification, and to provide technical support to colleagues; d. is well I comp...

大学里的 专业 及其英语翻译?大学所学各专业的 英文翻译
答:数量经济学 Quantitative Economics 中文学科、专业名称 英文学科、专业名称 国防经济学 National Defense Economics 法学Law 法学Science of Law 法学理论 Jurisprudence 法律史 Legal History 宪法学与行政法学 Constitutional Law and Administrative Law 刑法学 Criminal Jurisprudence 民商法学(含劳动法学、社会保障法学) Ci...

答:1. The total help desk 2. Infant Reading Room 3. Newspapers and Periodicals Section 4. Toy world 5. Electronic Reading Room 6. Multimedia room loaned 7. Training activities 8. Chinese and foreign literature Room 9. Cultural Education Room 10. Exhibition Hall 11. Integrated Library ...

答:5, complete other work assigned by leadership.

高分求专业英文段落翻译 拜托了 :)
答:Human resource service outsourcing is to show enterprise integration and utilization its external most outstanding specialized resources, thus to reduce cost, improve efficiency, give full play to its own core competitive ability and the enhancement enterprise for rapid environmental contingency ...

答:(a quick bite 就是简单的吃个饭的意思。 bite 同音于 byte,字节,电脑专业术语嘛。。。所以就被他们篡改了。。有电脑公司特色)7. In a restaurant window: "Don't stand there and be hungry, come on in and get fed up."餐馆橱窗: 不要站在那里挨饿,进来吃个饱。(feed, 喂饭。

答:“享受生活”英文翻译有:1、Enjoy the leisure life in the fun!2、Kindle the zest of vigor, Enjoy the essence of life!3、Enjoy Life!重点词汇:enjoy 1、享受…的乐趣;欣赏;喜爱 例句:We thoroughly enjoyed our time in New York.我们在纽约的时间过得十分快活。2、[VN] ~ yourself过...

【最高分】寻求人工专业翻译【中—> 英】!【寻找到满意回答为止】_百 ...
答:03. 生活中若没有朋友,就像生活中没有阳光一样。A life without friends is a life without sunshine.04. 明天的希望,让我们忘了今天的痛苦。Tomorrow’s hope makes us forget today’s sufferings.05. 生活若剥`去理想、梦想、幻想,那生`命便只是一堆空架子。If stripped of ambitions, dreams ...

答:welding 36、咖啡壶焊接点焊机系列 /coffee pot, spot welding machine for welding 37、金属眼镜架焊接专机 / metal spectacle frame welding machine 38、锁具焊接专机 / lock/welding machine 39、更多电阻焊非标设备 /the more resistance welding of non-standard equipment/ 终于翻译完了,累……...

答:Practice of International Business)广告学(Advertisement)语言及方言 (language and dialect)• 中文普通话:母语 (chinese Mandarin: native language)• 英语:良好 (english: favorable)• 英语等级:大学英语考试四级(College English Test)简称CET:Collage English Test band four ...


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