

1 He had been sick for a month, which made him lose a lot in his study.
2 The letter must be handed to him personally.
3 He highly might be rejected by the army for his weak eyesight.
4 Obviously, it's his assisstant who is running this bookshop.

Yes, you can 是的,你能
And more importantly, you can become a millionaire by 40 if you led a ground work in your 20 to do it. 更重要的是, 如果你在20-30这个年龄段打下基础,你就能在40岁前成为百万富翁。
You know, when you right at the college, you may have dates, you focus more in having fun, less on your long term financial prospective. 你知道, 当你上大学的时候, 你可能忙于约会, 更多的精力放在寻欢上, 很少关注未来长期的财务.
I am not saying you should not have that crazy weekend in Las Vegas, but you need to be thinking about where you can position yourself for long term will. 我并不是说你不应该去拉斯维加斯欢度周末, 但是你需要思考你长期的定位。
Gets started in a company 401K and put as much money you can comfortably do from your income , look for that first real estate by , may be go to your parents for the help of the down payments. 从一个401K的公司开始, 从你的收入中存入尽可能的钱, 寻找有价值的地产, 或许你需要寻求你父母的帮助来付分期

You know there are a lot of people have opportunities to do things, eh, they don't do that because they are not just focusing on the long term at that age. 许多的人其实都有机会去做这些事,但是他们没有做, 因为他们在他们这个年纪并没有注意这些问题。
But you need to start sooner or later. And one day you wake up, you will be rich.
但是你需要尽快的开始. 有一天当你醒来, 你就会发现你已经很富有了

She had three years two months of become a doctor.
Since he was agree to attend the meeting,we would like to ask him lecture.
The region's agriculture is advance since two thousand years ago.
If you want to be success in your life,the important thing is give yourself confidence.
Usually,by increase the supply or decrease can lower the price.
According to the hobbies,she and her twins sister didn't have any consistent place.
His art works in many places are way better than his father.
I already know that is opinions is include many facts.
Work hard can yield back success,this sentence is very correct.
Do you think US should give responsibility to this accident.

1. She has been practising three years and two months.
2. Since he agreed to attend the meeting, we would like to ask him lecture.
3. It is said that this region as early as 2,000 years ago agricultural very advanced.
4. If you want to have success in life, the most important thing is to establish confidence.
5. Generally speaking, by increasing the supply or demand reduction can lower prices.
6. On the hobby, she and her twin sister, little in common.
7. He created works of art in many ways better than his father.
8. I have a clear understanding, his conclusion is based on the facts.
9. Success is hard work, this statement is correct.
10. Do you think the U.S. should bear full responsibility for the accident.

答:21.这是一款最新型的手机,不仅能用来打电话,而且还能上网和发邮件。This is one of the latest mobile phones, with which you can not only make phoe calls, but surf the internet and send e-mails as well.22.你能帮我看看这台数码相机出了什么毛病了?Could you please help me check ...

答:欢迎来北京!据电话沟通,下周我会和L会一起赴约,请提供具体时间给我们。1. 谢谢你寄给我们的布块样品,我们已经收到了。布扣上的布料与XXX的相同,我们已经找到了;其他四块布料已经快递给R 让他们照着样子去寻找了。2. 附件是R 提供的New wall bay的图纸,供参考;任何问题请让我知道,...

答:以上为自译 <The Best is Yet to Come> 永远有一个吻未尝 有些烛光未燃亮 若爱太苦要落糖 结它断线亦无恙 to hug someone to kiss someone the best is yet to come 若要错失永不能守 得到也不代表长久 假使快乐有尽头 痛苦也未会不朽 寂寞半点假如不能承受 这生命注定过得不易笑与泪亦...

答:4The foreign teacher Mr.Halt has a strange way of writing .Here's a notice from him,but no clear sense of what he has written can be made at all.外国老师Mr.Halt有一个奇怪的方式写作。这里是他的通告,但是他没有确切地写明他要表达的意思。不是很会翻译。有错误的话,别笑我....


答:Calmement您的?再见? (第一句)虐待儿童协会大堂(第二句)阿莫尔(第三句)即使一拉差(第四句)呼吸dehors 。 J'abandonne 。 (第五句)

答:in his laboratory, He went to Beijing for an academic forum,10 days after.He visited some research institutes, and flying back yesterday.Army's revolutionary, modernized and standardized continue enhance, national defense capabilities and military defense capabilities is improving.人工翻译 ...

答:1. The beam that is emitted by a laser differs in several ways from the light that comes out of a flashlight 发出的光束,在几个方面激光与从发出的光手电筒。2.The agreement on banning nuclear weapons is necessary for global peace.关于禁止核武器是必要的,但世界和平。3. Some foreign...

答:)-HR background preferable 人力资源专业或有相关工作经验优先考虑 Interested individual please send attached CV of MS word format and state the position you apply for by any of the following ways:对此有兴趣的人请将微软word格式的真实简历和将应聘的职位以下面任何一种方式投递:...

答:1.It's very difficult for a pedestrian to know how fast a car is travelling before it can stop.对于一个行人来说了解一辆行进中汽车需要多久能够停下来是很困难的 2.Then if the road is clear,it is safe to cross.那么如果路面很空旷,穿过将会很安全 3.If people run across the ...


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