

It is now possible to step through time (using the ‘‘step’’ button and interval
located below and to the right of the main map) and simultaneously generate an
example PVT solution (displayed in the ‘‘Features→Estimated Position’’ menu),
while also outputting raw measurements that can be used to repeat the PVT
calculation afterward.

This scenario option is primarily designed to use several
entries at closely spaced intervals (the only requirement being that the simulated
step size is smaller than, and ideally an exact multiple of, the Waypoint’s command


1. Why the stars will flash flash it?

Because we can see stars sparkle, this is not because of the stars change their brightness, but with the atmosphere, blocking the.

Across the atmosphere between us and the stars, when the starlight through the atmosphere, they will receive the impact of atmospheric density and thickness. The atmosphere is not absolutely transparent, its transparency will be different according to the density difference. Therefore, we look at the stars on the ground through it, you'll see the stars as if flashing the same again.

2. Plug tips

Why are electric fans, washing machines, refrigerators and other household appliances are mostly three-wire plug to use? Three-phase three-wire plug and plug What is the difference? Three-phase electrical means three different firing line, they are each of the voltage between the two lines is 380 volts, are generally used for power system, prevalent in the industrial use of electricity. The household appliances generally use the single-phase power supply, the three lines are FireWire, zero line (neutral line) and ground, FireWire, and the zero-line voltage between 220 volts, so this is not a three-phase electricity, it plugs and sockets are not three-phase three-phase plug and socket is the ground for safety.

3. On one occasion, Newton concentrate in the laboratory experiments, even a meal time forgot. He then took an assistant several eggs, and sent to a laboratory to go to the Newton said: "There are a few eggs, you cook to eat." Newton said: "Well, thank you, would you please put all their eggs where the bar. "finished, he buried experiment. After a very long time, Newton's hungry, and he come not to eat lunch. So he readily took a pot, put eggs in pot to the stove for a while, they began to start experiments. After a half an hour, Newton finished the experiment. Then he remembered the pot of eggs. He opened the lid a look inside there are no eggs, only a pocket watch. Newton was shocked, looked up, eggs are still on the table, but the table pocket watch had disappeared. Newton too much to concentrate on the original experiment, the results of the pocket watch as eggs to cook.

Let lady phase from later, heavy comb cicada whiskers, beauty and delicate eyebrows, qiao according to gentle and graceful appearance, Lord of the official employment rate. Solution quarrels with his interpretation of knot, more mo phase hate. A don't two wide, each birth rejoice. Three years garment grain, make offer soft instrument, v may lady long live years.

원하다 낭자 상 떨 어 져 이후, 무게 빗질하다 매미 鬓 미 쓸다 娥眉 로 공 을 달성하다 요조하다 의 자태 를 속기 채용 고관 의 기둥 이다.끄르다 비난하다 놓아두다 매듭 을 더 모 상 증오하다 이다.한 별 2 폭, 각 낳 은 부 자가 된 다.3 년 씌우개 곡식 을 헌 연약하다 예물 을 염원 낭자 천추 만세.
À la femme et à démêler cigale tempe après EMei, balayer, adresse de manières qui se vanter charmante hauts fonctionnaires recrutés. L’interprétation du mouvement populaire de libération du Soudan, et permettant de plus à haïr. Un large, les deux garçons d’autre c. Vêtements de trois ans, et à consacrer, à l’intérieur des générations est femme!

Let lady phase from later, heavy comb cicada whiskers, beauty and delicate eyebrows, qiao according to gentle and graceful appearance, Lord of the official employment rate. Solution quarrels with his interpretation of knot, more mo phase hate. A don't two wide, each birth rejoice. Three years garment grain, make offer soft instrument, v may lady long live years.


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