中译英:老板除了接受工人们所请求改善工作环境之外别无选择 翻译

我除了爱你别无选择 汉译英~

I have no choice but to love you.

This fish serves the crab only.

The boss doesn't have any other choices except for accepting workers' request for improving the working environment.

The boss has/had no choice but accept the request of the workers for improving their working conditions.

The boss had no alternative but accepting the requirement to improve the working environment from the workers.

中译英:老板除了接受工人们所请求改善工作环境之外别无选择 翻译
答:The boss doesn't have any other choices except for accepting workers' request for improving the working environment.

答:In the workplace and others working relationship with colleagues, including workers or colleagues. The main work of fun and satisfaction from colleagues harmony. Including working relationship with your boss relationship. Management and employee relationship is not always very frank, this is ...

中译英:尊敬的老板,我们已经通知了各位员工做好准备工作,您放心吧_百 ...
答:“尊敬的老板”在此处有两个翻译法,老板和员工的关系很好,就用“ Dear boss" ,听起来亲切些。 若是关系一般,就用”Honorable boss“,能表达敬意。“您放心吧” 有两种翻译,如果老板和你们的关系非常融洽,就译成“Don't worry" 。如果关系只是一般般,就用”“Please set your heart at rest...

答:1. Working in the factory, he became a people and the (identify)2. They were not free and fluent in English student exchanges with the United States (communicate)3. This drug trial in the elderly who have not (try out)4. We should do our utmost to protect old children fro...

高手请进 帮忙翻几句中译英
答:life is so interesting.14.___except the requirements of the workers are satisfied___ (除非工人们的要求得到满足)there will be a strike soon.15. We hung out a lantern___so that we wouldn't get lost in the heavy fog___. (免得他们在大雾中迷路)....

答:42、罢工结果,资方接受了工人的要求。The strike resulted in the management's accepting the workers' demands 43、煤矿工人们决定为争取更好的工作条件而举行罢工。The coalminers decided to go on strike for better working conditions 44、我很想买这本英文词典,遗憾的是我身上带的钱不够。I'd...

答:42. 罢工结束,资方接受了工人的要求。The strike has stopped, the management has accepted the workers' demands.43. 煤矿工人们决定为争取更好的工作条件举行罢工。The coal mine workers have decided to go on strike for better working conditions.44. 我很想买这本英文词典,遗憾的是我身上带...

求翻译 中译英
答:August 6th, 2012 At about 23:00,A worker named XiaoMing pushed a plastic box filled with rags to the production lines.When he passed the 2# and the 3#gate(becuase there are some bolts between the 2#&3# gate which was once used for fixing the shelf ,but didn't remove ...

答:My mother is a self-employed household. She is not serious at all and she is very humorous. She teaches me how to behave well and she makes me learn lessons from the trivial things.With her help , I grow up day by day.I am a lovely and optimistic person, but when I ...

答:The boss made the workers work twelve hours a day.老板使工人们每天工作12小时


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