



I washed myself 我穿着短裤洗澡
With pants that were not mine 裤子不是我的
I washed myself 我打着肥皂
With [pain] she'd made soap 这肥皂就是她给我的痛苦
My name is June 我叫JUNE
And I'm doing fine 我很好
But people call me March 但人们叫我MARCH
I want to make 我想模仿The same noise as a running horse 马儿奔跑的声音
I want to hear the same noise as a landing plane 我想听飞机着陆的声音
My name is JuneAnd i'm doing fine 我叫JUNE 我很好
But people call me March 但人们叫我MARCH
I'm feeling downOwn a store 我感觉很糟我有一个书店
I gave you a book 我给你一本书(我给你我的爱)
you burned it downand reading lights 你点燃了书却阅读这火光 (你毁灭了这份爱并享受着我的痛苦)
I could save 我本可以挽救(收回我的爱并挽救我自己)
I try to look at what would be my grave 我去看看我的墓志铭会是什么
I'm feeling downOwn a store 我感觉很糟我有一个书店
I gave you a bookYou burned it down 我给你一本书
And reading lights 你点燃了书却阅读这火光
I could save 我本可以挽救
I try to look at what would be my grave 我看看我的墓志铭会是什么
I'm feeling down 我感觉很糟(要死了) 括号部分是个人理解

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