

In the soul, love is a dominant passion in spirit, it is a mutual understanding of the body, it is our hiding behind the numerous mysterious we love being a secretive and the envy of elegance possession.

Each girl should find the strength standing on the earth.
This kind of strength is not to mean the silly love.
Everybody is not perfect, so do I.
Just you have not seen a lot of.
In the teenaged sky, rely on the capability to win.
It is our only opportunity.
I will choose graceful leaving, and you?

I love you, long(龙)
I want to with you
I want to with you forever
It never will change forever
I love you
I love you very very much
I promise that I will with you and love you forever
Whatever there will happen anymore
Believe me that my heart will go on
My love will with you forever
It never and won't change in my life~~~Forever

根据你写的~~我稍微改动了一下 不过只是让”永远”更深刻罢了!! 为什么要用英文写啊?? 不管怎样~~~愿你幸福!

dear long ,i love you
i want to be with you
and never change
老公: d
i love you
so much
for the rest of my life is my promise
nomatter what will happen in the future
my love remains
it can't be changed forever

Long , I love you
I want to be with you
to be with you forever
I'll love you all my life
I love you
I love you very much
All my life is my promise
regardless, whatever has to be happened
My love for you will not change
It will not change all the life

I love you,Long!
i wanna with you forever
nothing gonna change my love for you
i love you
i promised you
no matter what happen,i won't change my love for you
你还可以加you are my soul,my world,how can i live without you?(你是我的灵魂,你是我地世界,没有你我怎么活?)一楼的好死板!貌似初中英语?

i love you, long!
i want to live with you,
forver with you!
love you, never change
i love you!
love you so much, so much...
i promise to go with you, all my life!
in the future so many things will change
but, me, will never change my love to you
love you all my life!

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答:forever Whatever there will happen anymore Believe me that my heart will go on My love will with you forever It never and won't change in my life~~~Forever 根据你写的~~我稍微改动了一下 不过只是让”永远”更深刻罢了!! 为什么要用英文写啊?? 不管怎样~~~愿你幸福!


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