

Packaging design in the field of graphic design has been to occupy a very important position, a successful packaging design can directly affect the consumer's purchase. Packaging will become the first impression in the identification and selection of consumer goods, an important basis for the phenomenon in the homogenization of goods increasingly serious problem of today, packaging design has become an important component of the circulation of commodities, but also increasingly becoming a commodity consumers to identify good and bad One of the ways, so many manufacturers, while packaging design can enhance the brand of goods.
The production of packaging and promotional apparel design features, including the type booth, lap swimming, fishing nets and clothing bags and other packaging, all used toilet paper production, as a result of a lot of clothing now also uses plastic bags, toilet paper is more prominent The concept of environmental protection, the overall white more unique style, coupled with the use of nautical themes, giving a natural, freedom, feeling light-yi.
Now only if the packaging is no longer something to be easily damaged for the purpose of transportation. Bags can also be played on window decorations and publicity.


Today is Mother's Day. I know some of my classmates are going to help their mothers with the housework, others .are going to buy some flowers for their mothers. I want to say to her that I love her very much. But as a boy, it is a bit difficult for me to show my heart. I think only girls can do that. My mother is very kind. She takes care of me day and night. She spends little money, but buys anything for me that I need. This time I must show my love. I am going to give her a card and write like this, "I love you, mother!" I am going to put it under her pillow.


答:" I am going to put it under her pillow.

答:你能给我帮个忙吗?Can you help me?/ Can I ask you a favour?

答:可以翻译成:Honey/darling(选一),happy valentine's day! you will always be my beloved one, and I believe lovers will always be couples!

让人帮个忙 英语翻译
答:列方程解一下就可以了 3a = (15-12)*60 - (a + 132)

答:乐于助人的英文翻译是be eager to help people,词组要表达热心去做事。重点词组:be eager to 英 [bi: ˈi:ɡə tu:] 美 [bi ˈiɡɚ tu]盼望,渴望 相关短语:1、be eager to do 盼望去做 ; 急欲 ; 渴望做 ; 急于做 2、be eager to help 赶快帮助 ; 以...

答:1.Person is furious along me, those who resist shall perish. Since you be bent on so-called, ... Be died 2.You are good for nothing.Be die 3.why I...ah 4.Because you are alone,your strength is indeed very big and powerful , you do not believe in anybody only ...

帮个忙 翻译成英文
答:From production to transportation, and supply of urban pipe network, pipeline transport occupies an absolute advantage. 而在输气管道的运输中一般都是以长距离输送为主。 In the gas pipeline transportation are generally dominated by long-distance transportation. 论文通过对国内和国外的长输管线的...

答:When I was much younger,I thought that my happiness would be found in fame and fortune. I thought it would be cool if I was a celebrity.I could give interviews all the time, have hundreds of fans around the world,and have big expensive cars taking me to school.When I got...

答:Yes,I still remember my first piano competition,clearly My teacher said to me, ,“Do not be afraid, or stress, flat your state of mind, you can put the surrounding teacher as vegetables and fruits, without any person around ,there's, only you and the flowing music, "So...

答:No matter what will come into occurrence ,I will back you in great silence behind you 如果你不开心没有倾诉的对象,你可以找我,我虽然不能逗你笑,可我不会笑你。If you are unhappy without having a listener to listen to you , you can come to find me for sure. Though I can'...


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