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This paper discusses the landscape design of pedestrian street design on the relationship between functional and beautiful. Which relates to the modern landscape design and landscape design in early differences in social, cultural spiritual change, urban development and other training issues. The development of urban construction, the continuous improvement of social productivity, people enjoy the spiritual life as well as changes in consumer attitudes were a simple analysis; through reference lists and the current status of pedestrian landscape design study, from the street and even the city itself needs , raise the level of the angle of people's mental and philosophical theories of reference, etc. obtained in the design of the development of increasingly innovative and improve living standards today to enjoy the spirit level to practical design concept based at least in the design of pedestrian street lights to be out, refined and beautiful shape up as the primary consideration in the design of street lights, and presents the appearance of the development trend of the main practical supplement.

This is a heavy burden for films to bear.
这是电影所要承担的沉重负担。 Without denying that films can have powerful ideological and emotional effects, it would be wise to think carefully through all the methodological barriers to sweeping claims for their specific historical and politic impact. 毋需否认,电影具有强大的思想和情感的影响力,但为针对电影具体历史和政治影响的索赔,仔细地全面思考扫除这些索赔在方法上的障碍是明智的。For example, since in the Weimar years foreign films made up around half the total screened in German theaters, do we conclude that foreign filmmakers must shoulder half the blame?例如,因为在(德国)魏玛共和国年代,外国电影占据了德国剧场中全部电影屏幕的一半左右,我们是否就可得出结论说,外国影片制造商必须承担一半的责难呢? Puzzles such as this have led some historians, without exactly repudiating Kracauer, to seek to change the terms of understanding.像这样的困惑已导致某些历史学家 (没有完全否认克拉考尔)寻求改变理解的期限。If we want to learn about how and why people make choices—or films¬—in a historical moment, it is fruitless to analyze them on the basis of what was going to happen years in the future.如果我们想了解人们如何和为何在一个历史的瞬间做出选择,或制作电影,那么基于未来几年中会发生什么事来进行分析是徒劳的。

如果我们想理解人们在某个历史时期,为什么,如何作出选择的话, 单单根据接下来会发生什么来分析他们是没有意义的。


什么啊那是 第一句就不对





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