


My hometown, Tai'an County, Shandong Province, is located in the middle of Shandong Province. It is a famous cultural tourism city.


There are mainly scenic spots such as Rizhao, Feicheng, Taoyuan world, Taohuayuan, Taishan beautiful valley, Qingdao Laoshan, Jufeng, Confucius Temple, Jinan Baotu Spring and so on.


Mount Tai is one of the national key scenic spots. It is famous all over the world with the exclusive respect of the five mountains and is the first of the top ten famous mountains in China.


From September 6 to 9 every year, Mount Tai International mountaineering Festival gathers tourists from all over the world to climb Mount Tai, which shows that Mount Tai has great charm.


I love my hometown, the mountains and the sea of my hometown. I often think of it. I hope students can go to my hometown for vacation!


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