

到了十三岁时,我在古堰城里谋生,十六岁安家在荣城,然后带着自己一身薄弱的技术,在三个地方闯荡。我秉着诚信的态度在外奔波.:修建房屋,希望能修很多房子让穷人住,扶助那些穷苦得人,如端来兄弟等人。日夜交替,二十年匆匆而过了。时光如梭,转眼间,就接近四十了 。因此,我于512地震时,回到故乡都江堰。重建家园。
创业很困难难,但是它难不过世道坎坷,人世间的冷暖;放手很容易,但是却放不下我的这些兄弟们,前途。我往 北眺望秦岭,往西又是峨眉,南面连接着大海


The modern enterprise theory and the management practice indicated that the enterprise all supervisory work, is starts from the establishment and the perfect internal control; Enterprise's all activities, are unable to drift away beside the internal control. May say that “controls strongly, out of control weak, uncontrolled chaotic”. The internal control is the modern business management frame important constituent part, is the enterprise sustained development system guarantee. This article in the elaboration internal control's significance and in the function foundation, analyzed and had understood the modern business management some questions which and the insufficiency existed in the internal control aspect, and aimed at these questions to discuss and to propose the related solution countermeasure, hoped might have the help to the Chinese Enterprise in the internal control aspect. the input content already achieved the length limit also to be able to input 9999 character insertion picture deletion picture insertion map to delete a map insertion video frequency video frequency map reply then 2 point empirical value, replied that is accepted may the synchronization increase the empirical value and wealth value the reference: The anonymous reply submission replies

Modern enterprise theory and management practice shows that the enterprise all administrative work, establish and improve internal control from the start; All the activities of enterprises, can free from outside of internal control. Can say "get control is strong, weak, without control is out of control is random". The internal control is a modern enterprise management framework, is an important part of enterprise and continuous development of system guarantee. This article elaborated the significance and functions of the internal control, on the basis of the analysis and understanding of the modern enterprise management in the internal control of some of the problems and defects existing, and in the light of these problems are discussed and relevant countermeasures for Chinese enterprises, hope can help in internal control.

Modern enterprise theory and management practice shows that the enterprise all administrative work, establish and improve internal control from the start; All the activities of enterprises, can free from outside of internal control. Can say "get control is strong, weak, without control is out of control is random". The internal control is a modern enterprise management framework, is an important part of enterprise and continuous development of system guarantee. This article elaborated the significance and functions of the internal control, on the basis of the analysis and understanding of the modern enterprise management in the internal control of some of the problems and defects existing, and in the light of these problems are discussed and relevant countermeasures for Chinese enterprises, hope can help in internal control.


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