

Abstract: The life of singing are around to meet the needs of self-generated, the situation is Suozhi it burdens, no limit is the same sense of the people, naturally, of course, the life of singing, and some can be To achieve very nice, very moving. Qin Ren and even the heart, mind shock to the arts position, but as an art song, singing, the performance of the emotional mood of the song, and so is the essence of the song that is to have a wealth of artistic expression, it must follow certain norms , To master the techniques, methods. And their singing voices and better integration with emotion. The art of singing performance is built on the work of the correct analysis and in-depth understanding of the above, through the voice of performance, music performance, language and the performance of the performing arts which means the ability to carry out a performance art.

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Abstract: In our increasingly competitive modern society, the number of university students applying for graduate programmes continues to rise gainst the current gloomy employment prospects.

现代社会竞争日趋激烈,在当前严峻的就业形势下,考研大学生的数量不断 译文: Increasingly fierce competition in modern society, in the current severe employment situation, PubMed keep the number of college students

WIth the increasingly fierce competition in modern society,college students in an increasing number,who are faced with gloomy employment situation in recent years,choose to take part in the exam for postgraduate schools.

Abstract: With the increasingly fierce competiton in the modern society, the population of university graduates who hope to get postgraduate degrees rises sharply, facing a gloomy employment situation.

Today's society is becoming ever more competitive, and faced with a seriously unfavorable job market, more and more college students choose to prepare for the entrance exams for postgraduate studies.

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