

1.How often do you travel at school ? 2.The teacher asked her students to wear school uniform, wearing a red scarf. 3They don't have enough time for extra-curricular activities.4Jim can choose their favorite subject to study.5We have two hours of homework today.6How long is your school lunch break? 希望能帮助你啊

  Although the new government isconfronting enormous difficulties that have never been seen before, the leaders look quite confident.
  2. 这一代新产品的特点是省电、重要轻。【characterize】
  The generation of new products is characterized by energy-saving and light-weight.
  3. 寂寞与安全是新生需要应对的两大问题。【cope with】
  Loneliness and safety are two problems the new students need to cope with.
  4. 作为一个受过教育的人,你给社会带去的不能只是钱。【contribute】
  As an educated man , what you contribute to the society should not be just to make money
  5. 他这么一个曾经位高权重的人接受这一新角色需要时间。【come to terms with】
  It will take up some time for him, such a once powerful man, to come to terms with the new role.
  6. 北京的资源远不足以承受目前的人口数量。【sustain】
  The resources of Beijing are far from sustaining the present population.
  7. 这个班男女学生的比例是1:4。
  The ratio of the boys to the girls in this class is 1:4.

Raise "please book
Respect, general manager of leaders:
Hello! I'm the production of an employee. I joined tatelman and horse company already full two years. Along with the global economic recovery, domestic economy is growing, people's living standards in increasing, while our salary standard still stays in the basis of five years ago. In these years, we are still obscure, cautious and conscientious work in our work. Over the past two years, guangzhou government to improve rural migrant workers income raised salary standard in this region. As we produce a glimmer of employees, the company over pay but no major changes. Our work is to Germany and horse company, also for us and family life. We hope to continue in Germany and horse work, we also hope that the work can be company affirmation. In this connection, we apply to co raise, look the company approval.
Our current salary (monthly salary yuan, deduct social security, housing accumulation fund of yuan, monthly income actual only yuan).
Applicant: ChenJinJun
2011 February 2nd

答:Raise "please book Respect, general manager of leaders:Hello! I'm the production of an employee. I joined tatelman and horse company already full two years. Along with the global economic recovery, domestic economy is growing, people's living standards in increasing, while our salar...

答:1你去哪 where have you been?2你去干什么 what did you do there?3你在干什么 what are you doing?4我没干什么 I'm doing nothing.5让我们吃饭吧 Let's have dinner.6今天吃什么饭 what do we have for supper?7你怎么老不回来 why aren't you always coming back?8我们要去睡了 we...

答:The Chinese girl who got your gift 我靠,楼上2位又拿在线翻译害人 -_-

麻烦有哪位英语高手的人帮我把以下的中文句子翻译下!! 注意:要用到括 ...
答:1 Ever since the mobile phone, he never written a letter to a friend。2Professor Lee at the graduation ceremony made a short speech, his words deeply etched in my memory。3He found that there is strong interest in their oral 4. He suspected a strong interest in foreign culture...

答:呵呵)、宝贝肌肤Babies’ Skins、浓妆艳抹Beautifully Make Up、美发宝典Treasury for Hairdressing、我的身体My Body、美容情报Hairdressing Information、男人健康Men’s Health、女人健康Women’s Health、运动健身Exercise and Fitness、身体处方Recipe for Body、心理调频Channel for Mentality、母婴育儿Mothers ...

答:8.跟他说话简直是浪费我的时间! 9.不吃了,我饱了。 10.那个十年前买回来的老古董,我早就想把它扔了!只是那个食古不化的老头硬要把它留下。 11.像你这样怎么可能会闯得出一番事业来呢? === 英文: 1. The sad memories always in my mind refuses to go away 2. When I was *** all and that...

答:2. he asked me where ( / ) I ( lived).3. he wanted to know ( / ) Mike( would ) come here.4. he said that the moon( runs) around the earth .5. Don't ( take ) food to the party.If you do,the teacher will put it away.6. (To become ) a professional ...

答:able to revere that first dawn?哪怕付出生命的代价 Even by the cost of life,结束这永无止尽的命运 ending this unending fate,也要一睹那灿烂的光芒 having a glimpse of that glorious radiance 或许 你会如此选择吧?So perhaps, you will make this choice.参考资料:自己,受英文教育的 ...

答:1.I'm thirsty and I want a cup of tea.How about you?2.He acted more slowly since he hurt in the accident.3.There are many Scenic sites in the city.4.The group is growing good this year,for there is plenty of rain.5. The history museum is near the railway station.6...

答:Good morning. It is a great pleasure(pleasure不可数,可当形容词用,改为It is pleasure 或者honour) for me to introduce myself to you here. I hope I can make a good performance today. I'm confident that I can succeed. Now I will introduce myself briefly . My name is Xiao...


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