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Squad terms of teachers with rational construction, exquisite academic and innovative thoughts. There are 1806 faculties in college, including 1200 full-time teacher 172 professors and 452associate professors, 228 teachers with Doctorate Degree and 590 teachers with Master's Degree. In items of social practices, our college is closely associated with commercial institutions, which can provide practical training for students to have an all-round development.

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werywery人werywey当汇率变化反we5ywey企业和家庭就能及时调整其策略,we5ywe45ywety内企业weyr发的动werywert就越weywety不利w5trywey2) 货币升weywetyyyyyyyyyyweryyyyyywerywyyyyyy格。weyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
werywery人werywey当汇率变化反we5ywey企业和家庭就能及时调整其策略,we5ywe45ywety内企业weyr发的动werywert就越weywety不利w5trywey2) 货币升weywetyyyyyyyyyyweryyyyyywerywyyyyyy格。weyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyywerywery人werywey当汇率变化反we5ywey企业和家庭就能及时调整其策略,we5ywe45ywety内企业weyr发的动werywert就越weywety不利w5trywey2) 货币升weywetyyyyyyyyyyweryyyyyywerywyyyyyy格。weyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyywerywery人werywey当汇率变化反we5ywey企业和家庭就能及时调整其策略,we5ywe45ywety内企业weyr发的动werywert就越weywety不利w5trywey2) 货币升weywetyyyyyyyyyyweryyyyyywerywyyyyyy格。weyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyywerywery人werywey当汇率变化反we5ywey企业和家庭就能及时调整其策略,we5ywe45ywety内企业weyr发的动werywert就越weywety不利w5trywey2) 货币升weywetyyyyyyyyyyweryyyyyywerywyyyyyy格。weyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyywerywery人werywey当汇率变化反we5ywey企业和家庭就能及时调整其策略,we5ywe45ywety内企业weyr发的动werywert就越weywety不利w5trywey2) 货币升weywetyyyyyyyyyyweryyyyyywerywyyyyyy格。weyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyywerywery人werywey当汇率变化反we5ywey企业和家庭就能及时调整其策略,we5ywe45ywety内企业weyr发的动werywert就越weywety不利w5trywey2) 货币升weywetyyyyyyyyyyweryyyyyywerywyyyyyy格。weyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyywerywery人werywey当汇率变化反we5ywey企业和家庭就能及时调整其策略,we5ywe45ywety内企业weyr发的动werywert就越weywety不利w5trywey2) 货币升weywetyyyyyyyyyyweryyyyyywerywyyyyyy格。weyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyywerywery人werywey当汇率变化反we5ywey企业和家庭就能及时调整其策略,we5ywe45ywety内企业weyr发的动werywert就越weywety不利w5trywey2) 货币升weywetyyyyyyyyyyweryyyyyywerywyyyyyy格。weyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyywerywery人werywey当汇率变化反we5ywey企业和家庭就能及时调整其策略,we5ywe45ywety内企业weyr发的动werywert就越weywety不利w5trywey2) 货币升weywetyyyyyyyyyyweryyyyyywerywyyyyyy格。weyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyywerywery人werywey当汇率变化反we5ywey企业和家庭就能及时调整其策略,we5ywe45ywety内企业weyr发的动werywert就越weywety不利w5trywey2) 货币升weywetyyyyyyyyyyweryyyyyywerywyyyyyy格。weyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyywerywery人werywey当汇率变化反we5ywey企业和家庭就能及时调整其策略,we5ywe45ywety内企业weyr发的动werywert就越weywety不利w5trywey2) 货币升weywetyyyyyyyyyyweryyyyyywerywyyyyyy格。weyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyywerywery人werywey当汇率变化反we5ywey企业和家庭就能及时调整其策略,we5ywe45ywety内企业weyr发的动werywert就越weywety不利w5trywey2) 货币升weywetyyyyyyyyyyweryyyyyywerywyyyyyy格。weyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyywerywery人werywey当汇率变化反we5ywey企业和家庭就能及时调整其策略,we5ywe45ywety内企业weyr发的动werywert就越weywety不利w5trywey2) 货币升weywetyyyyyyyyyyweryyyyyywerywyyyyyy格。weyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyywerywery人werywey当汇率变化反we5ywey企业和家庭就能及时调整其策略,we5ywe45ywety内企业weyr发的动werywert就越weywety不利w5trywey2) 货币升weywetyyyyyyyyyyweryyyyyywerywyyyyyy格。weyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyywerywery人werywey当汇率变化反we5ywey企业和家庭就能及时调整其策略,we5ywe45ywety内企业weyr发的动werywert就越weywety不利w5trywey2) 货币升weywetyyyyyyyyyyweryyyyyywerywyyyyyy格。weyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyywerywery人werywey当汇率变化反we5ywey企业和家庭就能及时调整其策略,we5ywe45ywety内企业weyr发的动werywert就越weywety不利w5trywey2) 货币升weywetyyyyyyyyyyweryyyyyywerywyyyyyy格。weyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyywerywery人werywey当汇率变化反we5ywey企业和家庭就能及时调整其策略,we5ywe45ywety内企业weyr发的动werywert就越weywety不利w5trywey2) 货币升weywetyyyyyyyyyyweryyyyyywerywyyyyyy格。weyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyywerywery人werywey当汇率变化反we5ywey企业和家庭就能及时调整其策略,we5ywe45ywety内企业weyr发的动werywert就越weywety不利w5trywey2) 货币升weywetyyyyyyyyyyweryyyyyywerywyyyyyy格。weyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyywerywery人werywey当汇率变化反we5ywey企业和家庭就能及时调整其策略,we5ywe45ywety内企业weyr发的动werywert就越weywety不利w5trywey2) 货币升weywetyyyyyyyyyyweryyyyyywerywyyyyyy格。weyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyywerywery人werywey当汇率变化反we5ywey企业和家庭就能及时调整其策略,we5ywe45ywety内企业weyr发的动werywert就越weywety不利w5trywey2) 货币升weywetyyyyyyyyyyweryyyyyywerywyyyyyy格。weyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyywerywery人werywey当汇率变化反we5ywey企业和家庭就能及时调整其策略,we5ywe45ywety内企业weyr发的动werywert就越weywety不利w5trywey2) 货币升weywetyyyyyyyyyyweryyyyyywerywyyyyyy格。weyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyywerywery人werywey当汇率变化反we5ywey企业和家庭就能及时调整其策略,we5ywe45ywety内企业weyr发的动werywert就越weywety不利w5trywey2) 货币升weywetyyyyyyyyyyweryyyyyywerywyyyyyy格。weyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyywerywery人werywey当汇率变化反we5ywey企业和家庭就能及时调整其策略,we5ywe45ywety内企业weyr发的动werywert就越weywety不利w5trywey2) 货币升weywetyyyyyyyyyyweryyyyyywerywyyyyyy格。weyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyywerywery人werywey当汇率变化反we5ywey企业和家庭就能及时调整其策略,we5ywe45ywety内企业weyr发的动werywert就越weywety不利w5trywey2) 货币升weywetyyyyyyyyyyweryyyyyywerywyyyyyy格。weyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyywerywery人werywey当汇率变化反we5ywey企业和家庭就能及时调整其策略,we5ywe45ywety内企业weyr发的动werywert就越weywety不利w5trywey2) 货币升weywetyyyyyyyyyyweryyyyyywerywyyyyyy格。weyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

In recent times, the appreciation of RMB has become a hot topic and this essay will examine the background and the reason for RMB's revaluation. The essay is divided into three parts; the first provides the background of RMB's revaluation, the second illustrates the reason for RMB's revaluation, the third serves to provide the objective view on the effect of RMB's revaluation, and the last will simply examine RMB's future outlook.
1. Increase Self-motivated Economy
When exchange rate reflects the supply and the demand for foreign currency, firms and families are able to adjust accordingly and they are able to strategically use the foreign currency. In addition, if domestic firms are able to use the benefits of exchange rate, then profits from the exports of low end products will be increasingly easier and the motivation for domestic firms to invest in research and development is becoming smaller. This is harmful to the country's long term growth and economy's competitiveness.
2. Increase flexibility of currency policies
In order to maintain the fixed exchange rate between RMB and dollar, the People's Bank of China have to buy dollars from the market and at the same time release yuan into the market. This makes it difficult for the government to control its hold on the currency within the target range. In order to balance the effect of foreign currency occupying the national reserve fund, the People's Bank of China have to operate the so called "Domestic-Foreign Currency Hedging Operation". This being, when the dollar is being purchased, simultaneously government bond or stock will be sold through the open market. The purpose is to get back the fund, moderately increase RMB's influence and its flexibility.
3. Consistent to the ease of the "Overheating Economy"
Under fixed exchange rate, the pressure to appreciate will
transform into inflation - foreign currency occupying the reserve fund will cause the increase in currency supply, which will lead to inflation. Also, using the sales of government bond or stock is not a long term solution, at the same time it will also cause an increase in government's financial burden. Enlarge RMB's fluctuation scope will alleviate the pressure of inflation - RMB's appreciation will pressure the domestic price to decrease because: 1. The decrease in the amount of foreign currency occupying the reserve fund will lead to the decrease in currency amount available in the market. 2. Appreciation of RMB will decrease the prices of the import goods, therefore it will also pressure the domestic price to decrease.

Near a period of time, renminbi appreciation become a greatly a little bit hot, this text will analyze the background and reason of renminbi appreciation and this text is totally divided into three parts:The first part is the background of renminbi appreciation.The second part is the reason of renminbi appreciation.The third part is the objective function of renminbi appreciation.The four-part cent will in brief analyze renminbi to will reform trend in the future.
The objective function of renminbi appreciation:
1, strengthen economy from the ability of the circulation
When the rate of exchange variety reflected the supply degree of the foreign currency after, business enterprise and family can adjust its strategy in time and more availably make use of foreign currency.And, if the local business enterprise asks for help of the cost advantage that the beneficial rate of exchange bring over a long period of time and pass to export a low level product to earning profits more easy, the local investment in enterprise develops at the product of the motive be more small.This disadvantage is at the long-term development of the competition ability of nation.
2, Increase the freedom degree of monetary policy
For maintaining renminbi's fixed rate of exchange for USD, people's bank have to from the market buying USD, throw in renminbi.This makes central bank hard to supply the control the currency in the target zone inside.In order to offset the influence that the foreign exchange shares a style, people's bank has to carry on so-called"this foreign currency is to the blunt operation", at buying USD of in the meantime, pass the government bond or central bank note of the open market operation selling, return a funds from the market.Appropriate extension renminbi undulates scope and can increase the freedom degree of monetary policy.
3, With alleviate currently the worry of "economy lead hot" is mutually consistent
BE fix under the rate of exchange, the appreciation pressure will be converted in to rise pressure-foreign exchange to share a style to cause currency to supply to measure to rise and bring to rise pressure.But pass to issue the central bank note return cage foreign exchange to share the way of doing of style don't have to hold out for long time sex, and will cause the ascension of the government finance burden.Extend renminbi to float scope will alleviate appreciation pressure toward rise pressure of the conversion-renminbi appreciation will become downcast pressure to the local price, because of:
1) The foreign exchange shares a decrease to cause a currency supply quantity of reduce
2) The currency appreciation will make the import price lower, so may depress local price.

Recently, the revaluation of the RMB has become a major focus of this paper will analyze the appreciation of the RMB background and reasons, This paper is divided into three parts : the first part is the background of the appreciation of the RMB. The second part of the reason for the appreciation of the yuan. The third component is the appreciation of the RMB objective role. Part IV will be one simple analysis China currency reform in the future trend. RMB revaluation of the objective role : 1. strengthening economic cycle since the capacity when the exchange rate to reflect changes in the demand and supply of foreign currency level, businesses and households will be able to adjust its strategy in a timely manner, a more effective use of foreign currency. Furthermore, if domestic enterprises to take advantage of this favorable exchange rate cost advantages, through the export of low-end products to make profits more easily, and domestic enterprises to invest more in product research and development will become the motive. This is not conducive to the country's competitiveness in the long run. 2, increasing the monetary policy in order to maintain the freedom of the renminbi against the dollar at a fixed rate. The People's Bank of China must buy from the market dollars invested yuan. This will enable the central bank to control the money supply within targeted range. To offset the impact of holding foreign exchange, the People's Bank of the need for the so-called "foreign currency hedging operations," in the purchase of U.S. dollars at the same time, through open market operations sell government bonds or the central bank, from the market recovered funds. Appropriately expand the scope of the renminbi would increase the volatility of monetary policy of freedom. 3, and ease the current "economic overheating" the consistent concern in a fixed exchange rate, revaluation pressure will be translated into inflationary pressures -- holding foreign exchange to the money supply rose, bringing pressure on inflation. And by issuing central bank bills returned to the practice of holding foreign exchange is not sustainable, and will lead to the government's financial burden increases. Expand the scope of floating yuan revaluation pressure to ease inflationary pressure on the conversion -- the appreciation of the renminbi would to the domestic price formation under pressure due to : a) holding foreign exchange to reduce the money supply to reduce 2) currency appreciation will reduce import prices, it may depress domestic prices.

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