

The reason: The thing that a hospital offers is the rehabilitation of the patients' health condition, which is invisible that it fails to measure the serving quality by using detection facilities. There are four ways that can be taken to control the matters that affect the process of medical service: 1.To construct a whole set of quality control system. 2. To control all the factors and taches that could affect the serving quality. 3. To definitude and attach importance on the position responsibilities of all crew members and departments. 4. To quantitize the vocation indexes of all the employees. Under the improvements above-mentioned, a hospital can definitely reassure to offer passable services to the patients, and subsequently increase the satisfaction index of the patients and reduce the chance of medical incidents.
The medical treatment quality is the lifeline of a hospital, which embodies the serving tenet of a hospital. And it is where the shoe pinches are for a hospital to exist and develop. The medical treatment quality management is the radical measure to ensure and improve the medical treatment quality and the core segment of the hospital management. It is also a concrete embodiment of the multi-targets management standard of hospital and a significant symbol to evaluate the management standard of a hospital. Therefore, in order to advance the core competence of a hospital, the medical treatment quality management must be intensified.

吁……终于翻完了,纯手工,力求完美。给你找了很多专业词汇(如核心竞争力应为core competence,上面两个翻译的不对),所用的语法也很地道。
提一点:你的中文中有几处是巨长的名词叠加,这样的情况若硬翻的话(像上面的那个),英文看着极为weird,因为在英语中若要说明某个观点,提出某种情况的几个改进方法时,是要依次列举出来的,这样才有条理。你这两段话是要面试的时候说么?若是,把我写的1234换成first of all, secondly, the last but not least等即可。
上面二位翻译的很简劣,让native speaker看了一定会晕的。而且有很多错误,用词也不地道。(如最后一句复制到word里,会出现fragment的情况)LZ不信可找个外教啥的,让他看看两篇翻译对比一下。

1.Wheather estabilish a new club,we have different idea.
2.I can't say clearly,but the piano is strange.
3.He is very interested in foreign culture and read lots of book to get some useful message usually.
1.We have a big disagreement about whether we should establish a new league.
2.There is something wrong with the paino ,but I can't tell clearly or fairly.
3.He is so curious about foreign cultures,so he often read books in order to find something useful
1.We have great a disagreement on whether we should set up a new league.
2.There is something wrong with the paino that I can't tell clearly.
3.He is so curious about foreign culture that he often read books in order to find something useful.

1. Americans who would be patriots must try to learn what it is that they have in common, what it is in the republic that is worth cherishing and preserving; until they know that, their patriotism will have no more content than a bright, loud afternoon parade.

2. Computer language may range from detailed low level close to that immediately understood by the particular computer, to the sophisticated high level which can be rendered automatically acceptable to a wide range of computers.

3. From the time when our caveman ancestors gnawed their wild-pig bones in front of their smoking fire to our own days when we sit around a table spread with snowy linen and shining silver, we have the history of the change in eating habits from the simple satisfaction of hunger to the meal as a delightful, if rather complex, social institution.


1.Americans who would be patriots must try to learn what it is that they have in common, what it is in the republic that is worth cherishing and preserving; until they know that, their patriotism will have no more content than a bright, loud afternoon parade.

2.Computer language may range from detailed low level close to that immediately understood by the particular computer, to the sophisticated high level which can be rendered automatically acceptable to a wide range of computers.
3.From the time when our caveman ancestors gnawed their wild-pig bones in front of their smoking fire to our own days when we sit around a table spread with snowy linen and shining silver, we have the history of the change in eating habits from the simple satisfaction of hunger to the meal as a delightful, if rather complex, social institution.


Americans who would be patriots must try to learn what it is that they have in common, what it is in the republic that is worth cherishing and preserving; until they know that, their patriotism will have no more content than a bright, loud afternoon parade.

2.Computer language may range from detailed low level close to that immediately understood by the particular computer, to the sophisticated high level which can be rendered automatically acceptable to a wide range of computers.

3.From the time when our caveman ancestors gnawed their wild-pig bones in front of their smoking fire to our own days when we sit around a table spread with snowy linen and shining silver, we have the history of the change in eating habits from the simple satisfaction of hunger to the meal as a delightful, if rather complex, social institution.

1 美国人想要成为爱国者首先要学会理解爱国者们的共同之处,在这个国度什么东西才值得珍惜和坚持,直到他们理解了这一切,他们的爱国主义内涵将不仅仅是辉煌的和嘈杂的游行。



请帮忙翻译三个句子 有加分

答:1.He was respected by others,because he had a strong sense of justice.2. Uncle Tom is ill ,so we won't let him in on this message.3. A good leader should encourage his assistant to be outspoken.

答:1 We should do everything we can to protect the environment 英译汉:我们应该尽所能去保护环境。2 But the government has done something useful to protect the environment. 英译汉:.但是政府已经采取了有效的措施保护环境了。3 The wind is blowing strongly with lots of sand and...

答:to others, it plays a pivotal rule at international affaires otherwise. (otherwise是副词,另一个方面,用otherwise就是想感情不要呢么"冲",如果你想"冲"一些,就用 however)(3)Personal intention can not solve the matter but expertise.(but这里是连词,but expertise整体做句子"状语")。

答:你好,为你的翻译如下:He has a very sensible perception,he always knows how to make me feel happy.I wish i could stay with him for a long period!(鼻子的意思不能直译,是说他的嗅觉很灵敏,容易察觉到事物)希望能帮到你~

答:表意不明确)3.where heart disease and cancer have been on a steady increase for the past 40 years.3. 在...,心脏病与癌症病例在过去40年里持续增长。(句子不完整)您好,原文翻译如上供参考,不明白可继续提问。若回答对您有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢。

答:给单词造句是我最喜欢的,下面就欣赏三个带Why的句子吧~①Why did you buy a spade?翻译:你买铁锨干什么?②Why didn't you go there?翻译:你为什么没去那儿?③Why spend such a lot of money?翻译:为什么要花这么多钱呢?以上就是Why的例句了,下面我们再来了解一下这个单词的其他相关知识~...

答:1`He confessed to have committed murder, but because I was diagnosed with mental illness from a death.2`He confessed to have committed murder, was diagnosed with mental illness because of death from catastrophic floods that washed away many houses, placed the entire town in ruins 3...

答:分析:1. see是及物动词,句中丢掉了宾语 。2. much depends on the neighborhood or setting前缺掉主语,应该添加which成为非限制性定从句。修正:In the experiments I've seen something on intervention, 文which much depends on the neighborhood or setting..翻译:这次试验中,我已经看到有关...


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