
谁能帮我翻译一下 这几个句子,急呀!!!!!!!!!!~

I especially like "the hunger games" series 3 tunes, and especially like Finnick that part. When he heard that you want to play him, I'm really wait in hope.


I like you play movies very much. Such as: pirates of the Caribbean 4's "missionary," Snow White and the huntsman "prince.





1, seeing the old man was dying, the neighbors without delay, sent for a doctor at once
2, a beautiful orchard VIP pay day after day to work hard and to water, weeding, remove stones. But the harvest time always pleasant.
3 and he had been rich all his life, but he never took much delight in the property he possessed.
4, in the search process, they constantly thinks he found buried in the ground treasures, results nothing.
5, should businessman request, the restaurant sent away other guests, begin to prepare delicious food and he alone.
6, "I can put these old newspapers?" The worker asked. "Certainly," he nodded his head.

1.Seeing the old man was dying, the neighbors sent for a doctor at once without delay.
2, A beautiful garden needs people to work hard day after day, such as watering, weeding and removing stones. But the harvest time is always pleasant.
3 He has been rich all his life, but he was never happy for the property he possessed.
4, In the process of searching, they constantly think they have found the treasures buried underground, but it turned out nothing.
5, As the businessman required, the workers in the restaurant sent away other guests and began to prepare delicious food for him alone.
6, "Can I move these old newspapers away?" The worker asked. "Absolutely" ,he nodded his head.

1, seeing the old man was dying, the neighbors without delay, sent for a doctor at once

2, a beautiful orchard VIP pay day after day to work hard and to water, weeding, remove stones. But the harvest time always pleasant.

3 and he had been rich all his life, but he never took much delight in the property he possessed.

4, in the search process, they constantly thinks he found buried in the ground treasures, results nothing.

5, should businessman request, the restaurant sent away other guests, begin to prepare delicious food and he alone.

6, "I can put these old newspapers?" The worker asked. "Certainly," he nodded his head.

seeing the old man was dying, the neighbors without delay, sent for a doctor at once

2, a beautiful orchard VIP pay day after day to work hard and to water, weeding, remove stones. But the harvest time always pleasant.

3 and he had been rich all his life, but he never took much delight in the property he possessed.

5, should businessman request, the restaurant sent away other guests, begin to prepare delicious food and he alone.

6, "I can put these old newspapers?" The worker asked. "Certainly," he nodded his head.

答:2.学好一门外语 learn a foreign language well 3.跟我交朋友 make friend with me 4.看她的父亲 look after her father 5.在房间里唱歌 sing in the room 6.要不要给他回信 reply him or not 7.别在街上玩球 Don't play ball in the steet.8.去车站怎么走 how does the way to the...

答:21.这是一款最新型的手机,不仅能用来打电话,而且还能上网和发邮件。This is one of the latest mobile phones, with which you can not only make phoe calls, but surf the internet and send e-mails as well.22.你能帮我看看这台数码相机出了什么毛病了?Could you please help me check ...

答:1、将来会有更多的树 There will be more trees in the future.2、人们不用走在路上上班,他们能飞在天上 People won't need to walk to work. They can fly in the sky.3、我从来不喜欢一个人住(独居)I never like living alone / on my own.4、明天的天气怎么样?What will the weat...

答:Try to be more careful next time 6.李蕾,有你一个电话 LiLie ,there's a call for you.7.你为何不脱下你的毛衣?你需要穿凉快些(take off)Why don't you take off your sweater? You need to be a little cooler 8.谢谢你给我这样一个精美的礼物 Thank you for giving me such a wo...

答:2. It's a little bit expensive. Can it be cheaper?3. Is there a little larger size for this kind of clothes / shoes?4. I can only speak a little English.5. Please speak it slowly, my English is not so good.6. I don't understand what you mean.7. I only want ...

答:5 甚至没有多少人知道这幅画的存在,直到它在1937年在一个展览上展示,之后就很快的被博物馆买了下来。6 美国政府对韩国/朝鲜发动了“肮脏的战争”,后面的看不懂。。。7 他们总是在想进步,却只在乎他们自己的利益。8 如果雪莉的一些幻象变成现实,那么自私就会从这么世界上消失。9 同上(5)...

答:1, seeing the old man was dying, the neighbors without delay, sent for a doctor at once 看到老人奄奄一息,邻居们一刻也没有耽误,马上请来医生 2, a beautiful orchard VIP pay day after day to work hard and to water, weeding, remove stones. But the harvest time always pleasant...

答:1. 如果你在这样的天气出去的话,就会有感冒的危险。(there is a risk of…)If you go out in this weather, there is a risk of catching a cold.2. 这种乏味的工作简直是在浪费她的才能。(a waste of…)Such a boring job is a waste of her talent.3. 她在这一领域很有名气,...

答:1. The beam that is emitted by a laser differs in several ways from the light that comes out of a flashlight 发出的光束,在几个方面激光与从发出的光手电筒。2.The agreement on banning nuclear weapons is necessary for global peace.关于禁止核武器是必要的,但世界和平。3. Some foreign...

答:A green hunting cap squeezed the top of the fleshy balloon of a head 一顶绿色的猎帽把圆滚滚的气球顶部压出一个头来。he lay flat on the brown , pine--needled floor of the forest ,his chin on his folded arms.他趴躺在褐色松针铺就的森林地面上,下巴枕着交叉的胳膊。


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