


我觉得第二个就可以,把tax 换成taxation

1.总经理 General Manager
2.行政副总经理 Administrative vice manager
3.销售副总经理 Sales vice manager
4.生产副总经理 Production vice manager
5.办公室 office
6.会议室 Conference room
7.销售部 sales department
8.技术开发部 technology development department
9.综合部 Comprehensive department
10.财务部 Finance department
11.质量部 Quality department
12.QC办公室 QC office/Quality Control Office
13.培养室 Cultivate room
14.理化分析室 Physic and chemistry analysis room
15.更衣室 Changing room
16.药品生产原料(中药材等)检测室 Raw material(Traditional Chinese medicine)room
17.包装材检验室 Package material checking room
18.试剂及玻璃仪器存放室 Reagent and glassware storeroom
19.药材检测室 Medicine examining room
20.精密仪器实验室 Precision instrument lab
21.天平分析实验室 Balance analysis lab
22.标准配制实验室 Standards lab
23.高温仪器实验室 High temperature instrument lab
24.卫生检查室 health inspection room
25.普通仪器室 General instrument room


1. general managers 2. administrative deputy general managers 3. sell deputy general manager 4. to produce deputy general manager 5. offices 6. conference rooms 7. sales outlets 8. technologies development divisions 9. syntheses department 10. finance departments 11. quality department 12. QC office 13. raises rooms 14. physics and chemistries analyses room 15. changing rooms 16. drugs productions raw material (traditional Chinese medicine and so on) to examine the room 17. packing materials checkout room 18. reagents and the glassware depositing room 19. raw materials for medicine examinations room 20. precision instruments laboratories 21. balances analyze the laboratory 22. standards to compound the laboratory 23. high temperatures instruments laboratory 24. health inspections room 25. ordinary instrument rooms

1. general managers 2. administrative deputy general managers 3. sell deputy general manager 4. to produce deputy general manager 5. offices 6. conference rooms 7. sales department 8. technologies developments department 9. syntheses department 10. finance departments 11. quality department 12. QC office 13. raises rooms 14. physics and chemistries analyses room 15. changing rooms 16. drugs productions raw material (traditional Chinese medicine and so on) to examine the room 17. packing materials checkout room 18. reagents and the glassware depositing room 19. raw materials for medicine examinations room 20. precision instruments laboratories 21. balances analyze the laboratory 22. standards to compound the laboratory 23. high temperatures instruments laboratory 24. health inspections room 25. ordinary instrument rooms

1.总经理 General Manager
2.行政副总经理 Administrative vice manager
3.销售副总经理 Sales vice manager
4.生产副总经理 Production vice manager
5.办公室 office
6.会议室 Conference room
7.销售部 sales department
8.技术开发部 technology development department
9.综合部 Comprehensive department
10.财务部 Finance department
11.质量部 Quality department
12.QC办公室 QC office/Quality Control Office
13.培养室 Cultivate room
14.理化分析室 Physic and chemistry analysis room
15.更衣室 Changing room
16.药品生产原料(中药材等)检测室 Raw material(Traditional Chinese medicine)room
17.包装材检验室 Package material checking room
18.试剂及玻璃仪器存放室 Reagent and glassware storeroom
19.药材检测室 Medicine examining room
20.精密仪器实验室 Precision instrument lab
21.天平分析实验室 Balance analysis lab
22.标准配制实验室 Standards lab
23.高温仪器实验室 High temperature instrument lab
24.卫生检查室 health inspection room
25.普通仪器室 General instrument room

跪求高人 帮我翻译一下下面的英语 急用 谢谢
答:六,从英语翻译到中文 1,我们的好恶,品位,喜好决定了作为读书活动的选择,看电影,露营,或某种文化追求,都与社会环境和学习经验。我们取得的东西,从我们的家庭,学校,工作对象的各种利益,和大众媒体。基本上,这种态度就等于承认休闲是生活的重要休闲区和一个可以而且应该很好地加以利用的信念。2,...

答:)what the name of invoice to?(发票的单位写哪里?)2 可乐是可以无限续杯的,你要是喝完了,我们服务人员会自动给你满上。这个是不要钱的,只要您花一杯的钱。Our coke is unlimited refilling, as soon as you finish yours we'll refill for you, it all you can drink here....

答:yea..Feel a little bit strange..耶...感到有点怪怪的...do i really need to write about something?-.- 我真的需要写点啥?-.- ~Am i a senior3 student???我是高三学生吗???i can't accept that kinda heave study course but i have to..我受不了那么繁重的功课可是我必须......

答:电脑的发明对科学的进步产生很大的影响(affect)The invention of computer has affected the advancement of science greatly.尽管他已经十八岁了他还是很少意识到与别人交流的重要性(realize)Although he is 18 years old, he seldom realizes the importance of communicating with others.人工翻译 ...

答:6.Opportunity is surelly very important, but having power is first 7.你要实现理想,不只是说说而已 7.You want to achieve your dream, not just say 8.梦想离你不远,所以请别忘了去奋斗 8.Dream is not very far away from you, so please don't forget to strive for it ...

答:9 如果你开车的时候超速行驶,警察就会让你停车并且给你一张罚单 10 我们从网上获得大量信息,那对于我们来说很有趣(run改为fun)我想要悬赏!!!我费了很大功夫写的,可怜可怜我吧!!!参考资料:http://tran.httpcn.com/

求英语高手帮我翻译几个句子!!!急!在线等~~~ 谢绝在线翻译
答:不管怎样,我们都应该找到一个折中的办法。如果政府试图提高英语流畅度的计划威胁到马来语的存在,那么政府就要冒着在马来保守的政党的引起怒火的危险。但从影响这回发展计划的实用主义的观点来评判,过去的一些民族主义狂热份子开始放弃这种看法。5. The mild capitalism emerging in Eastern Europe, though...

答:我之所以报考贵校原因有三点:1:我喜欢法律专业,希望将来能在法学领域有所作为。2:xx大学的法学教育在全国高校中是最好的,在这里我可以享受最优质的教育资源。3:xx城市的政治文化氛围很好,在xx城市,特别是在xx大学这样一个良好的学习环境里,更有利于我对法律知识的学习。There are three reasons...

答:1. Overall responsibility for the management and operation of stores;2. The development of store sales, gross margin plan, and guide the implementation;3. Communicate and implement the work plan of operations;4. With regional headquarters and other business departments of communication;5....

急!!! 请英语高手帮忙翻译一下!!! 谢谢啦!!!
答:中翻英:收到你的来信很高兴, 也非常感谢你的细心.现在还有一个问题,就是你上封邮件提到的款式有8个,这次却是7个,还有附件CAD图里面有九个款式, 请您确定一下具体是那些款式.Glad to hear from you and thanks for the care.Another question is: The style you have mentioned in the last e...


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