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XXXX in the treatment of early diabetic nephropathy

A, objective:

By XXX on early stage of diabetic nephropathy syndrome of yin deficiency with phlegm and blood stasis type two treatment, to observe its efficacy and safety and to explore its possible mechanism of action.

One, method:

80 cases accord with the conditions of the DN Qi and yin deficiency with blood stasis type two patients were randomly divided into control group and treatment group with 40 cases in each group, the control group for diabetes education, to control diet, adequate exercise, to conventional oral hypoglycemic agents or giving insulin hypoglycemic treatment, hypertension, dyslipidemia and be antihypertensive lipid symptomatic therapy; treatment group in the control group based on the use of XXXX, 4 capsules each time, 3 times a day ( by preparation center production ) oral treatment, for one month. Comparative analysis of before and after the treatment with fasting plasma glucose ( FPG ), 2 hour postprandial plasma glucose ( 2hPG ), retinol-binding protein ( RBP ), urine protein and superoxide dismutase ( SOD ), angiotensin converting enzyme ( ACE ) and other indicators.

Typical cases headhunting services - Tongfang Weishi
公司情况: Company:
公司主要从事大型集装箱检测系统研发、生产、海外销售及安装服务。 Companies engaged mainly in large container inspection system development, production, sales and installation services overseas.

职位特点: Posts characteristics:
委托代聘职位数量较多; And the number of jobs by more recruits;
代聘职位主要以难点职位为主,如多种小语种海外市场经理,特殊行业的电气研发高级工程师等。 Engaged mainly in the difficult post positions mainly small variety of languages such as overseas marketing manager, special electrical industry R & D, such as senior engineer.

完成结果:近1年的服务,成功推荐25位候选人。 Complete results: Over the past one year, 25 successful candidates recommended.

客户评价: Customer rating:
反应速度快,一个新增加的职位,通常能在一周之内完成初次推荐; Fast response, a new increase in jobs, usually can be completed within a week of the initial recommendations;
推荐的候选人数量不多,但质量较高; Recommend a small number of candidates, but the quality is higher;
猎头顾问工作认真,能及时与候选人、客户进行交流,及时处理寻访过程中相关问题。 Headhunting consultancy work seriously, timely and candidates, customer communication, timely processing searched for a process related issues.

自我成绩: Self-accomplishment:
积累了大量的在PLC方面有丰富经验的电气高级研发工程师候选人的简历,这些人完全可以满足工业自动化企业的需求; Accumulation of a large number of the PLC have experienced electrical senior R & D engineers candidate's curriculum vitae, these people fully meet the needs of industrial automation business;
积累了大量小语种海外市场经理人脉资源,这些小语种涉及有:葡语,西语,意大利语,法语,德语,斯瓦西里语,阿拉伯语,俄语,希腊语等。 Accumulated a large number of small languages overseas markets manager vein of resources, these small languages involved are: Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, French, German, Swahili, Arabic, Russian, Greek, etc..


答:完成结果:近1年的服务,成功推荐25位候选人。 Complete results: Over the past one year, 25 successful candidates recommended.客户评价: Customer rating:反应速度快,一个新增加的职位,通常能在一周之内完成初次推荐; Fast response, a new increase in jobs, usually can be completed within ...

答:None: None 的意思是没有学院参与的。在那种某种特殊物品稀少的时候出现的情况。比如,没有长期的资金预算了或者该物品被立法机关明文限制。又比如,一些州学校的录取要求就是一种学员不参与现象。累死我了,你放出的时候就不能讲讲情况,翻译完了都不知道说的是什么,因为翻译是要结合语境的。翻译到...


哪位翻译高手 帮忙翻译下!谢谢
答:我们是一家领先的现代大学的研究进入通信,文化和媒体研究,法律等领域,亚洲研究,语言学,艺术和设计(包括音乐),电子工程,政治和国际关系,我们已经获得了专业认可的所有核心学科。我们非常期待建立一个与自己的大学交流计划。--- 答案如上,谢谢采纳!

答:3、财运 一生财运在于偏道。起先为衣食碌碌奔波,后来将有一段时间陷入困窘,寄人篱下,在这期间,需要事事小心,远离是非,方可安堵。中年时候,财运渐长,事业有成,家业日隆。4、后代 二十岁之内要小孩的话,多半吉凶难测。三十岁左右,命中无灾无克,方宜生子。子孙虽少,但是承传门风,若...

答:firms 是名词这里 应该理解为公司,商家 impose..on.. 把。。强加于 顾客遭到商家的不公平待遇时一般不会倾向于用法律手段,因为顾及到市场交易的效率 上面两个大白痴

答:急需要一段翻译,哪位高手帮帮忙呀~~~谢谢了!! 发源于美国西部边疆的密西西比河,用她那略带原始野性的乳汁,哺育了马克•吐温的童年、少年、青年,打开了通向马克•吐温幽默创作的智慧之门。人们在马克•吐温的作品... 发源于美国西部边疆的密西西比河,用她那略带原始野性的乳汁,哺育了马克•吐温的童年、少年...

答:1. They have endowed a foundation in the area of global health and learning, with the hope that as we move into the 21st century, advances in these critical areas will be available for all people.在全球范围内的健康和学习方面,他们已经捐赠了一个基金会,就希望来说,随着我们进入21...

答:"Hey,nice to meet you again! we met last year remember ? we even had (lunch/dinner)together"问候家人 hey,how's the family?你家人最近怎样?I heard that ...我听说...之类的..邀请别人 would you like to go get a drink?要去喝一杯吗?Let me buy you (lunch/dinner/a cup ...


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