

【男人怔了怔,抬眼看见了站在浅辰旁边的柏川,立即受宠若惊地和他握手:“Nice to meet you too!” (很高兴见到你)
“It is the first time he comes to London.(这是他第一次来伦敦) I guess he likes it.(我猜他喜欢这里)”柏川微微笑着,态度自信却相当有涵养,“Are you living here?(你住在这里吗)”
“Yes, but I’m from south of England.(是的,但是我来自英国南部) I moved here alone when I was 16.(我16岁时独自来到这里)”
“London is sort of multiculturalism, do you think it’s too much hassle to work here?(伦敦有些多元化,在这里工作你不感觉有些麻烦吗)”
“Yes it is!”(的确)英国男人相当认同地点点头,“People always have the mentality that It’s bad for democracy.(人们总是些有损民主的想法) But I’m loving it, it’s full of new things.”(但是我很喜欢,因为它总是充满新奇)
“Really? I thought it was bad for women.” (真的吗,我觉得这对于女性不好)
“hahaha who cares about women.”(哈哈,谁在乎女人呢)英国男人看了看浅辰,“guys are always fitter.”(人们总是能胜任的)
柏川轻声笑道:“I don't wanna disappoint you, but you can’t hit on him.”(我不想让你失望,但是你不能让他记住你)
“Why not?” (为什么不呢)
“because he’s not into men.(3)” (因为他对男人不感兴趣)
“What? No freaking way!”(什么!没门!)英国男人又看看浅辰,“He’s definitely not straight.(他显然不耿直) I’m gay I can tell that. (我是同性恋,我能分辨出那个)The way he looked at you were just like me looked at my first boyfriend.”(他看你的眼神就和我看第一个男朋友的一样的)

柏川怔了怔,半晌才低声说道:“No, he doesn’t fancy me … at all.”】(不,他根本一点都不喜欢我。。。)

XX control system, which adopting the combining GPS and diper positioning control system independently developed by our company, using high performance control platform, is the most advanced control device at present. It is powerful, convenient and precise in scope.

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麻烦英语达人帮忙翻译一下! 谢谢。
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大家帮忙翻译一段文字,英语的 :大家好,我叫吉姆,今天早上我丢了一块黑 ...
答:Hello,everyone! my name is Jim, I lost a black watch this morning, if anyone saw it please call me immediately, my phone number is 456-5632, you can come to class 7 grade 4 to meet me, too. Thanks a lot!


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