

My father had studied in Germany, learn German literature, so I learned from him a lot of German customs, so I am longing for. And I know that Germany is the world's most powerful development of science subjects, and one of the countries rich in scientific research, and the chemical industry is very developed, so I am very anxious to go to Germany to learn a practical technology. In recent years, China and Germany's increasingly close economic and trade exchanges, Germany has been China's largest European trading partner. And I know that Germany has a developed system of higher education, colleges and universities a total of more than 300, ranking the first in Europe.
Many universities have more than a hundred years of history, so far trained 112 Nobel Prize winners.
Nuremberg University, "student satisfaction" has been among the best, this is the school has always stick to their school characteristics, and stressed that "interdisciplinary education and research", and humanistic care to students a sense of responsibility are inseparable. Professors and other faculty members and students friendly and harmonious relationship between the. In sticking to its "interdisciplinary study and research" on the basis of school characteristics, the Nuremberg University in Germany and abroad with other leading universities and research institutes have maintained close relations of cooperation


期货future goods, future
deal in futures做期货交易
Futures do not trade in shares like stocks.期货交易不像股票那样分发股份。

远期at a specified future date, forward
forward rate [金融] 远期汇率;远期汇票兑换率; [金融] 期汇率; [金融] 远期利率

•General business knowledge relating to financial, healthcare
•Have a passion for the Internet, and an abundance of common sense

动画设计、animation design
动画技法、animation techniques
卡通设计、cartoon desgian
3D动画、 3D animation
动画造型设计、animation style design
影视剪辑制作、flim and video editing and making
动画场景设计、animation scene design
摄影 photography


Animation Design, Animating Techniques, Cartoon Design, 3D Animation, Cartoon Model Design, Videos Editing, Cartoon Level(或Environment) Design, Videos capturing.


Animation design, animation techniques, animation design, 3D animation, animation design, video clip production, animation, scene design, photography

答:Qualifications 资格;条件 •General business knowledge relating to financial, healthcare 具备与金融、保健相关的一般业务知识 •Have a passion for the Internet, and an abundance of common sense 酷爱互联网并具备丰富的电脑常识 动画设计、animation design 动画技法、animation techniques ...

答:1. 我们公司的责任是受我们服务的总体情况限制的。怀疑 liability 应该是 reliability, 如果换成reliability,意思是 我们公司的可靠性是受我们服务的总体情况限制的。2. quarantine (隔离,扣管) 后面接不合格产品 (rejects)。 Buckle 是安全带,带扣 的意思,可不是 扣留的意思。buckle manages ...

帮我翻译下句子 英翻中 中翻英 谢谢各位了。不太会的不要乱答哦~
答:1.听到他坐到了未干的油漆上,笑死我们了。2.他爸很固执,让他承认自己的错误根本不可能。3.在找到正确的方法前她失败过很多次。4.以污染环境 为代价的工业增长是不可取的。5.她喜欢和有活力的学生一样,觉得教学是份有价值的工作。6.随着经济的快速增长,我们生活的各方面都发生的巨大的变化。7...

答:中英互译翻译,即指中文和英文两种语言进行互相翻译,使得两个国家的人可以进行正常的沟通和交流,从而去了解另一个国家的风土人情以及文化信仰等方面。常见的互译软件 1、中译英: deepL 专业翻译都会用的翻译工具,尤其很多专业性强的文章也能准确翻译,除中英互译外,小语种和英文的互译也做得很好。2、...

答:中翻英和英翻中只是语言转变的方向相对 ,而英文只能中文翻字面意思,不能领会含义,中翻英也一样

答:操作设备:戴尔电脑 操作系统:win10 操作软件:浏览器 1、 打开百度搜索框,如下图所示:2、输入“百度翻译”关键词,如下图所示:3、在文字框里输入要翻译的文字,如下图所示:4、 选择要翻译成的语言,如下图所示:5 、点击“百度翻译”功能键,如下图所示:6 、查看翻译结果,如下图所示:...

英文翻译, 中翻英...20点!!!
答:Taiwan to go to other cities and counties as long as no traffic jams all of a sudden on to! North America on the material into the NT dollar are also full of expensive Xiangchuquwan Taiwan has not so convenient the bus difficult in North America and so on .....

答:Generation dynasty of the establishment, consolidation and development is bound to experience all kinds of internal and external struggle. The way the struggle has a variety of forms, Yi Yin imprisoned Taijia, within the ruling clique is a way of resolving contradictions, but also play...

答:I find it's hard to cooperate with those who stick to their ideas 2.他建议我们在作出决定之前再仔细考虑下各种可能性。(suggest)He suggested that we should think every possibilities before making decisions 3.面对小孩的答复,他真是哭笑不得。(whether)Facing the answer of the children...

答:She wears sunglasses in order to proect her eyes from burning by the sun.我下午五点钟开车去接你。(pick up)I will drive to pick you up at 5 in the afternoon.我们应该尊敬老人、尊重父母、尊重老师。(show respect for)We should show repect for the old, parents and teachers....


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