

1学习一门语言 首先要考虑的问题应该是用它来交际
The principal purpose of learning a language is communicating

2全球日益变暖 要警示人们在发展经济的同时注意采取行动 保护我们赖以生存的地球
Global warning warns people that they should take measures to protect the earth that upon which mankind depends for survival when they develop economy.

3战争对本来就贫穷的国家产生了巨大的影响 数百万人们死于饥饿和疾病
Wars have great influence on poorer countries, which means millions of people die of starvation and diseases.

4为了人类自己 是该我们对这个地球负起责任的时候了
For ourselves, it is time for us to be responsible for the earth.

Let s start to save resources. otherwise, we can't improve matters when the situation becomes hopeless.


This is a primary position in management. Incumbent has to be diligent at work and also has to possess some management experiences. Incumbent is the linkage connecting communications between staffs and the management, and is a communicator and executor of policies.

1. 恋爱中的女人对别人的批评是觉察不到的。
Women in Love is imperceptible with the criticism of others.

2. 好几个村庄因大雪而与外界隔绝。
Several villages have Been isolated By the heavy snowfall.

3. 太阳能电池可以把阳光的能量转化为电能。
Solar cells can convert sunlight energy into electricity.

4. 那个国家的地震对当地的旅游经济造成了很大的影响。
That country's earthquake made a great deal of influenceon on the local tourist economy.

5. 我们应该立即采取行动,防止此类悲剧再次发生。
We should take immediate action to prevent such tragedies from happening again.

1 girls who fall in love are always unconcious about the critics from others
2 many villages are separated from outside because of the heavy snow
3 the solar energy battery can convert the energy from the sun to electricity
4 the earthquake in that country brings a great effect on the local tourism
5we must take actions immediatelly, in case of such a thing happens again

答:For ourselves, it is time for us to be responsible for the earth.5让我们行动起来,节约能源,否则一旦我们到了无以挽回的地步都无济于事。Let s start to save resources. otherwise, we can't improve matters when the situation becomes hopeless.希望能帮到你:)...

答:We should take immediate action to prevent such tragedies from happening again.

答:To learn English grammar, it is far from enough to listen teachers.

翻译5个句子 简单的汉译英
答:5.Don't try to escape.

答:1、与当今的年轻人不同,在我们还是十几岁的孩子时,就不得不承担起家庭的责任,帮助父母干家务活。(take on)Different from the young today, when we are tens, we had to take on the responsibilities for the family helping our parents to do housework.2、这一代人对工作认真负责,但...

答:5.让我们来庆祝元旦吧!Let us celebrate the New Year to you!上面好几楼的哥们都是抄网上的,也不看看错了没有,不要害了别人啊!!!还有同学,如果你是学习英语的,我推荐你使用一下“金山词霸”这个软件,很好的,可以翻译任何句子单词,一般都很准的。都是英汉互译哦~~~那软件很好的,一定...

答:1.他的外貌给我留下很深的印象;His appearance deeply impresses me.2.自从你走后,我们非常惦念你;We miss you very much since you left 3.学生们盼着放假;Students are looking for holidays.4.我每天尽量腾出些时间锻炼身体;I try to spare some time to do exercise every day.5.他...

答:the doctor suggestted us not to expose too much skin to the sun-shine.4.尽管多年没见面,他的笑容仍然常常浮现在我的脑海中。(come to mind)although we've not seen for many years,his smile still often comes to mind.5.请不要靠近那些动物,很危险。(keep..away..)please keep ...

帮我翻译下英语句子(汉译英) 急用
答:head to hope the sky that the dark sinks. 10.He makes a firm decision not to let go of. 11.Don't worry, the business of[with] nothing important severity. 12.He ate last night too many. 13.The 迪 gram takes pleasure in help others. 14.Don't the low voice talk....

答:5.在管理中,评价员工的工作是很难的。In management, it's a hard job to appraise one's work.6.如果你昨天参加了晚会,我肯定会看到你的。If you had come to the party yesterday, I would have surely seen you.7.如果你再做那样的事,就会受到惩罚。If you do that again, you ...


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