

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation as the region's most important international economic organizations, must adapt to new situations, adhere to narrow the gap through economic cooperation and realize common prosperity of the purpose of co-operation in time to adjust focus and better meet the majority needs of the developing members. 当前,坚持以尊重差别、自主自愿、协商一致为主要内容的“亚太经合组织方式”,比以往任何时候都更加重要。 At present, insist on respect for differences, independent and voluntary, consensus as the main content of the "APEC approach", more than ever more important. 亚太经合组织应坚持通过这种方式为促进本地区的稳定和繁荣做出自己的贡献。 APEC should stick to this way to promote stability and prosperity in the region to make their own contribution.
促进成员间的经济技术合作,是亚太经合组织的一项重要任务,也是促进共同发展的基本途径。 Promote economic and technical cooperation among members, APEC is an important task, but also the basic way to promote common development. 当今世界,科技进步日新月异,知识经济正在兴起,只有加大发展高新技术的力度,加快经济结构调整,才能促使各成员的经济长期稳定发展。 Today's world, technological advances, knowledge-based economy is on the rise, only to increase the intensity of the development of high technology, speed up economic restructuring, to encourage members of the economic long-term stability and development. 我们高兴地看到,在东道主马来西亚的主持下,亚太经合组织今年制定了《走向21世纪的科技产业合作议程》和《技能开发行动计划》。 We are pleased to see that in the host Malaysia, under the auspices of APEC this year is the "21st Century Agenda for Science and Technology Industry Cooperation" and "Skills Development Action Plan." 这是各成员进一步加强经济技术合作的重大步骤。 This is the members to further strengthen economic and technical cooperation, a major step. 为表示对实施这两个文件的重视和支持,中国政府专门拨款1000万美元,设立“中国亚太经合组织科技产业合作基金”用于资助中国同其他成员在科技产业等领域的合作,并提出、了一系列合作项目的建议。 To show the implementation of these two documents the attention and support, the Chinese government earmarked 10 million U.S. dollars, set up "China APEC Science and Technology Industry Cooperation Fund" for the financing of China and other members of the technology industry and other fields, and suggested that the the recommendations of a series of cooperation projects. 为促进企业参与亚太经合组织活动,中国还成立了“亚太经合组织中国企业联席会议”。 To promote the enterprises to participate in APEC activities, China has also set up a "joint meeting of APEC China Enterprises."
促进贸易投资自由化,是亚太经合组织的另一项重要任务。 Promote trade and investment liberalization is another important task of APEC. 在全体成员共同努力下,这方面已取得积极的进展,还将继续前进。 In the joint efforts of all members of this positive progress has been made, will continue to advance. 在当前形势下,应注重既积极又稳妥的方针,在自主自愿、灵活务实的基础上,允许各成员以适合自己情况的速度和方式,按照两个时间表,为实现贸易投资自由化的目标进行努力。 In the current situation, should focus on both positive and prudent approach, in voluntarism, a flexible and pragmatic basis, allowing members to suit their own pace and manner of the situation, according to two of the timetable for achieving the objectives of trade and investment liberalization efforts.
亚太地区一些国家和地区目前遇到的困难时暂时的。 Asia-Pacific countries and regions currently experiencing temporary difficulties. 我认为,亚太地区的经济活力和发展潜力是巨大的。 I believe that the Asia-Pacific region's economic vitality and development potential is enormous. 只要大家共同努力,加强合作,克服困难,亚太地区经济社会发展的前景是广阔的光明的。 As long as we work together to strengthen cooperation, overcome difficulties, economic and social development in the Asia-Pacific region is a broad bright prospect.


你是要什么风格的? 加我hi吧

I didn't hear what you were saying我不想听到你说什麽
I live on raw emotion baby宝贝,我的感情并不成熟
I answer questions never maybe我也许无法回答那些问题
And I'm not kind if you betray me不过如果你背叛了我,我绝对不会客气
So who the hell are you to save me你从地狱拯救了我
I never would have made it babe我不会让别人得到你

If you needed love在你需要爱的时候
Well then ask for love请你去追寻它
Could have given love我渴望得到爱
Now I'm taking love那麽此时此刻我得到了爱
And it's not my fault这并不是我的错
Cause you both deserve为了你什麽都值得
What's coming now当它来临的时候
So don't say a word就不要说什麽

Wake up call一个使我了解真相的电话
Caught you in the morning with another one in my bed让我在今天上午在床上亲手抓到你和另一个人
Don't you care about me anymore?你不在关心我了吗?
Don't you care about me? I don't think so你真的不在关心我了吗?我不愿意这麽想
Six foot tall6英尺的身高
Came without a warning so I had to shoot him dead突然的冲了过来,我不得不杀了他
He won't come around here anymore他永远都不会再来这里了
Come around here? I don't think so我不认为他还会来到这里
Would have bled to make you happy流出来的血液会使你感到开心麽
You didn't need to treat me that way你没有必要这样做
And now you beat me at my own game你可以对我感到不满
And now I'm finally sleeping soundly现在我终于可以安心了
And your lover's screaming loudly I hear a sound and hit the ground你的爱人在尖叫声中倒在了地面

If you needed love在你需要爱的时候
Well then ask for love请你去追寻它
Could have given love我渴望得到爱
Now I'm taking love那麽此时此刻我得到了爱
And it's not my fault这并不是我的错
Cause you both deserve为了你什麽都值得
What's coming now当它来临的时候
So don't say a word就不要说什麽

Wake up call一个使我了解真相的电话
Caught you in the morning with another one in my bed让我在今天上午在床上亲手抓到你和另一个人
Don't you care about me anymore?你不在关心我了吗?
Don't you care about me? I don't think so你真的不在关心我了吗?我不愿意这麽想
Six foot tall6英尺的身高
Came without a warning so I had to shoot him dead突然的冲了过来,我不得不杀了他
He won't come around here anymore他永远都不会再来这里了
Come around here?他还会来到这里?
I don't feel so bad, I don't feel so bad我觉得事情没有那麽怀,我觉得事情没有那麽怀
I don't feel so bad我觉得事情没有那麽怀
I'm so sorry darling我很抱歉,亲爱的
Did I do the wrong thing?我到底做错了什麽?
Oh, what was I thinking?哦,我到底在想什麽?
Is his heart still beating?难道他的心仍在跳动?
Woah oh ohh哇~~哦~~~哦~~

Wake up call一个使我了解真相的电话
Caught you in the morning with another one in my bed让我在今天上午在床上亲手抓到你和另一个人
Don't you care about me anymore?你不在关心我了吗?
Don't you care about me? I don't think so你真的不在关心我了吗?我不愿意这麽想
Six foot tall6英尺的身高
Came without a warning so I had to shoot him dead突然的冲了过来,我不得不杀了他
He won't come around here anymore他永远都不会再来这里了
Come around here?I don't feel so bad他还会来到这里?我觉得事情没有那麽怀

Wake up call一个使我了解真相的电话
Caught you in the morning with another one in my bed让我在今天上午在床上亲手抓到你和另一个人
Don't you care about me anymore?你不在关心我了吗?
Don't you care about me? I don't think so你真的不在关心我了吗?我不愿意这麽想
Six foot tall6英尺的身高
Came without a warning so I had to shoot him dead突然的冲了过来,我不得不杀了他
He won't come around here anymore他永远都不会再来这里了
No, he won't come around here. I don't feel so bad不,他不会回到这里了,我觉得事情没有那麽怀
I don't feel so bad我觉得事情没有那麽怀
I don't feel so bad我觉得事情没有那麽怀
Care about me? I don't feel so bad在关心我麽?我觉得事情没有那麽怀

Wake up call一个使我了解真相的电话
Caught you in the morning with another one in my bed让我在今天上午在床上亲手抓到你和另一个人
Don't you care about me anymore?你不在关心我了吗?

I didn't hear what you were saying我没听到你在说什么

So who the hell are you to save me那你是什么人要拯救我

I never would have made it babe 我本来是做不了的,宝贝。

Wake up call 叫(你)起床的电话

caught you in the morning with another one in my bed (让我)抓到你早上和别人在我的床上



答:How do I get close when she looks like an angel?每当她看起来像一个天使的时候叫我怎么接近她?A moment of her time just seems impossible to me 她的片刻的时间于我都是不可能的 It’s hard to find the words to get to know this stranger 很难找到话题来熟悉这位陌生人 I’m ...

答:'Cause you have brightened up my life 因为你已点亮了我的生命 Take this gift it is all I have to give 带上这份礼物,这是我的所有 A prayer of love forever straight to the heart 祈求爱能永驻心田 A prayer of love forever straight to the heart 祈求爱能永驻心田 ...

答:A thousand different 千万不同的声音 Roads that lead 道路将人引向 A million different ways 千万不同的归宿 But one things is for sure You 有一样永远不变的是你 Always nothing else compares 你给我的爱 To the love You've given me 无人能及 这是一首向神表示心迹的歌 ...

答:这是我翻译的 When you're in love with a beautiful woman 当你和一个漂亮女人恋爱 It's hard 这不容易啊 When you're in love with a beautiful woman当你和一个漂亮女人恋爱 You know it's hard 你知道这不容易 It's hard, you know it gets so hard 这不容易,你知道这非常不容易 ...

答:and i'm tired of waiting 等待已身心疲倦 I'm waiting here in line 我正排着队在等待 hoping that i'll find 希望可以找到 what i've been chasing 我一直在追寻的梦 I shot for the sky 我奋力飞上蓝天 I'm stuck on the ground 却重重跌下 so why do i try? 我为...

答:everything's changed we never know 一切都会变都 但是我们从来都不会知道 how did i fall in love with you 永远都记得---我是怎么爱上你的 我先申明这不是我机译的,后街男孩的歌曲最早的时候我本是不屑一听,然而当在前几年我再次欣赏时,才感觉到他们的歌曲不愧为欧美榜第一的排行 ...

答:What's wrong with the world, mama?这个世界究竟怎么了,妈妈?People livin like they ain't got no mamas 人们像生活在自己没有妈妈的世界 I think the whole world's addicted to the drama 我想整个世界都沉溺于戏剧中 Only attracted to the things that'll bring the trauma 只在意那些会...

答:You Know I still Love YouBaby. 你知道宝贝我仍然爱你 And it will never change. 这个是不会改变的 I want nobody nobody But You, I want nobody nobody But You 我除了你谁都不要*2 How can I be with another, I don't want any other 我怎么可以和别人在一起,我其他的谁都不...

答:Baby come close, let me tell you this 宝贝,靠近我吧,让我来告诉你 In a whisper my heart says you know it too 在我的心中,有一个声音轻轻地告诉我你也知道它 Maybe we both share a secret wish 也许,我们都在分享一个秘密的愿望。And you're feeling my love reaching out to you...

请英语达人帮帮忙哈……翻译一下Norah Jones的歌曲Lonestar,谢啦...
答:It's dark 这夜太黑暗 and I think that I would give anything For you to shine down on me 我想我会为你付出所有,只为了你能够照耀到我 For you to shine down on me 只为你能够照耀到我~~tips:这首歌表达了黑夜寂寥的心情,作者期望在这落寞的夜晚通过努力看到心中的光明。


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