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前苏联著名导演安德烈·塔可夫斯基曾经说过 :


Andre Takovsky, a former Soviet Union director, once said:
The movie is, let a person in the ever-changing environment, and let him figure the wrong body countless near or far over, let him have relations with the whole world."


Apartment C
Block 3 Phase 3
Taoyuan Village
Dragon Pearl Avenue (或用译音: Longjoo Avenue)
South Mountain District (或用译音: Nanshan District)
Guangdong Province


Due to the lack of professional morality and accounting personnel of the distortion of accounting information to social causes tremendous losses. Link to the accounting personnel vocational moral level, is related to financial laws and regulations can be carried out and economic order can be maintained, and economic development, the big question can smooth the inherent risk is an accountant. With the deepening of the reform of the accounting personnel, professional ethics, and influence the development of the accounting profession. Finally to analyses the reasons and realistic effects, and further discusses how to improve accountant ideological quality, strengthen accounting professional ethics construction. To strengthen political study, improve to the importance of the accounting professional ethics construction, Strengthening the professional ethics education, enhance the sense of accounting personnel, Establish supervisory mechanism, mount tube wealth, Establish accounting job rotation system, ensure the quality of accounting work, To establish and perfect the selection and incentive mechanism, improving quality of accounting personnel in business.

Due to the lack of professional morality and accounting personnel of the distortion of accounting information to social causes tremendous losses. Link to the accounting personnel vocational moral level, is related to financial laws and regulations can be carried out and economic order can be maintained, and economic development, the big question can smooth the inherent risk is an accountant. With the deepening of the reform of the accounting personnel, professional ethics, and influence the development of the accounting profession. Finally to analyses the reasons and realistic effects, and further discusses how to improve accountant ideological quality, strengthen accounting professional ethics construction. To strengthen political study, improve to the importance of the accounting professional ethics construction, To strengthen moral education, enhance the professional accountants make

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求翻译成英文!!急~~~ 可追加~~~
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答:United States of Livingston Montana the actual geographical location, is located at the entrance of Yellowstone National Park, about 80 kilometers north, the east-west Interstate Highway 90, directly through the city, it is also a transportation hub. If visitors from the north into ...


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