

Sorry I can not offer you right now, since the manufacture hasn't been done yet and the final package can only be comfirmed after the production. I'll keep following up and send you the package information once production is done.


人员调动 Personnel movement
物品管理 goods management
合同管理 contract management
用户管理 user management
办公助手 work assistant
系统退出 system withdrawal

Staff mobility
Management items
Contract Management
User Management
Office assistant
Withdraw from the system

答:总地来说,对色彩的研究能帮助我们理解并改进自身。它提供了另一种方法来治愈我们的身体和心灵,并且能帮助我们了解他人所想要传达的信息。我们能够对他们的需要做出回应因而达到相互理解的一个新阶段。7.Everyone lies. Little lies,perhaps , may not cause serious problems,but still they are lies. ...

答:对于楼上的翻译我不做评价,以下是我自己做的翻译供参考:1.提前祝你新年快乐 Wish you a happy new year ahead of time.2.还记得上次你回来的时候我们去整头发吗?Do you remember our cutting hair last time you came back?3.刚和你见面时,怕会和你有距离感 I'm afraid we feel strange ...

请英语好的前辈帮忙翻译几个单词 谢谢
答:1:Safety Helmet; 安全帽 2:Head Warmer; 头上带的保暖的一类东西 3:Safety Glasses; 安全眼镜 4:Ear Muffs; 耳外伤 5:Ear Plugs; 耳塞 6:Small Bag; 小袋子 7: Safety Boots; 安全靴 8: Warm Coat(Navy Blue); 大衣(海军蓝)9: Summer Coverall; 夏季工作服 10: Gloves(...

答:1.我曾经在一家少儿英语学校兼职3个月,没有带班,只是听其他老师讲课 I was doing a part time job in an English language school for children for a period of 3 months. I have not done teaching, but as an observer in classes conducted by other teachers 2.我还没有参加英语等级...

答:您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。原句 1、注重发展轻工业,符合发展新农业。翻译:Paying attention to the development of light industry, in line with the development new agriculture.2、农业在本省经济中占优势。翻译:Agriculture in this province is an economy.3...

答:逐次如下:The country needs a period of calm without more surges of radical change...国家需要安静的期间,不用根本变动更多 浪涌 Jones himself was a curious mixture of radicalism and conservatism 琼斯是激进主义和保守主义一个好奇混合物 The trial was a radicalizing(使 激进,激进化) ...

答:my teacher will allow me the opportunity to broaden my knowledge.5 It is because this university has a very long history, a big and imposing campus, a large collection of library books and materials, well qualified teaching staff and good facilities.纯手工翻译,希望对你有帮助 ...

答:1.This year is 2008,it's a really important year for us Chinese,for the 29th Olympics will be held in our capital--Beijing.2.Today,i mean to teach you some English about sports.3.Who can speak these sport items in English?please hands up.4.Speak these sport items in ...

答:16.每个工作日内的8小时 8 hours each working day 17.译 员到达时间2011年12月5日 Arrival time of the interpreter 5 Dec 2011 18.翻译与设备使用时间 Hiring Period of the Interpreters and the interpretation equipment 19.2011年12月5-7日(三天) 5-7 Dec 2011 ( 3 days)20翻译与...

答:1. Please don't get annoyed by my grammars. I'm still learning them.2. I'm not good at some areas, but I can make it up using my expertise in others areas.3. Please kindly give your advice on this.4. I love studying and I'm always energetic and enthusiastic. I'm ...


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