



The national social security fund, and the social security fund is two different concepts, is the government in order to debt gap and deal with the aging problem for social security and the establishment of. Study on the national social security fund investment operation in order to solve its own problems such as sources of income instability, low investment returns. Only from the researches in various aspects, in order to solve these problems, and preserve and increase the value of social security, finally solve the historical debts, the ageing of the population problem, therefore, research on this problem is very important.


In the present state of the national social security fund, this paper uses the most recent data to illustrate the problem, to illustrate the seriousness of the problem, and by using the principal-agent theory, VaR method of management, the risk of the application of the council. In this paper the comprehensive use of empirical analysis, ratio analysis, a variety of methods of mathematical modeling.


Through the study of the national social security fund problem, supplemented by a variety of methods, the successful experience of foreign countries, finally put forward some feasible methods of investment method, investment control, such as should join index investment, resource reserve investment in investment means, can calculate the daily loss using the VaR method, is proposed the feasible suggestions for the solution of the problem.



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