

《For Whom the Bell Tolls》is one of the most wide-spread novels that Hemingway had. It moved generations and generations by its profound humanitarianism.
The American youth Robert Jordan voluteenes to join the Spanish government army, engages in blasting activities behind the enemies. In order to coordinate with the counterattack, he acts under order to attach with the local guerrilla to finish the mission which is to destroy a bridge. In the flames of the war,he falls in love with a little girl called Maria who was abused by the enemy and smooths her spiritual wound. In three days, Robert experiences the conflict between love and duty and the test of life and death, and his personality is kept subliming. On the way to retreat after the destruction of the bridge, he leaves the hope of life to others.His leg is broken by the bomb but he still decides to leave alone and stop the enemies. Ultimately, he dedicates his young life for the Spanish people. This book touches generation by its deep humanitarianism.
Three days of time, the writer describes how Robert makes a choice between life and death, and between love and responsibility. Interspersed with love is only to protrudes Robert's humanitarian spirit of ”I will, and I"

With the advent of consumer society, luxury consumption is at an unprecedented rate close to the Chinese people's lives, the Chinese became the world's main consumer of luxury goods group, luxury goods consumption behavior has become an important topic of contemporary China. Chinese luxury consumption has caused the speed of global attention, the article analyzes the rapid growth of the Chinese luxury consumption reasons and characteristics.

"Interest is the best teacher.", according to the features of the development of students, "passion and love with fun," the interest in teaching, the teaching process, by creating a relaxed atmosphere. The English learning and teaching content with proper use a variety of media, class, inspiring game, incentive emotional teaching art class teaching, enhance the taste of interesting, stimulating the students' interest in learning English, and make students to attend class activities, everyone enjoys learning English every pleasure, finally realizes the simple communication in English teaching goal of English learning, interest. First. It is the inner motive to promote students' learning, students' ability to a great extent by the high degree of interest in learning English. Teachers to create multiple can stimulate students' interest in learning teaching situation, create the strong learning English atmosphere, give full play to students' subject status, using a variety of medium mediums, using the appropriate games, enables the student to learn English, dare to speak English, so as to realize the students to use English communicative purpose.

"Interested in is the best teacher.", According to primary and secondary school students to develop the characteristics of the "passion Kai Fun, Fun in hygiene conditions," the taste of teaching, in the teaching process, by creating easy. Enjoyable English learning atmosphere, combined with the proper use of teaching content multi-media, classroom games, incentives, encouraged by the emotional appeal of teaching art teaching, enhance the fun of the classroom to stimulate students interest in learning English so that all students willing to participate in classroom activities and enjoy each bring English language learning were fun, and eventually realize a simple communication in English teaching objectives. English learning, interests first. It is to motivate students to learn the internal driving force, the level of language ability of students to a large extent by the degree of interest in learning English. teachers should create variety can stimulate interest in teaching students to learn the scene, through the creation of a strong atmosphere of learning English, and give full play to the theme of student status, using a variety of media tools, the use of appropriate games, so that students willing to learn English, and dare to speak English, in order to achieve enable students to use English communicative purpose.


答:7、归根到底一句话:落后就要挨打。(come down to )Come down to a word : fall behind will be beated 8、他全神贯注地看足球比赛,以至于丝毫没有觉察到有人在他身边坐下。(unaware of)He was so absorbed in ...

急,请大家帮我把下面几句话翻译成英语 ,谢谢了!
答:joy 那些对叛徒奋起反抗的人们欢呼起来。China Dalily(应该是Daily吧?) is more than a newspaper, and it helps us to improve our english.中国日报不仅仅是报纸,它还帮助我们提高英语水平。参考资料:zx123cv ...


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