

烷基卤化物重量为glahs班轮,冷却到约-78 ' ,并增加了催化剂。班轮是密封成一个Ipatieff型旋转釜850毫升。能力当时收取约10-50大气压力与乙烯。旋转的釜是在理想的温度4个小时,更多的乙烯增加的压力,如果低于45大气层,允许其在一夜之间,然后打开了产品的工作中方法答:
更大规模的试验,开展superatmospheric压力在高压配有一个非常有效的sther (一“ turbomixer ” ) 。无水三氯化铁( 34 9 。 )是密封的高压然后冷却在干冰丙酮浴,这是疏散和T -丁基氯( 800毫升。 , 680 9 。 )被吸入英寸
搅拌开始,乙烯被压至25日在防扩散安全倡议'压力和温度允许上升到-10 '这时迅速吸收烯烃发生。压力下降到0 ,气温上升至8 '在一分钟内。巴斯的cooliiig取代乙烯是充电到10磅压力下降至0的一分钟。间歇充电
乙烯是持续了一小时,反应温度维持在-5到5 。 “在这一时期结束时,吸收了缓慢甚至在乙烯压力提高到100磅

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This paper is a synthetic pyridine hydrochloric acid chloride aluminum acid salt ionic liquids (PyHCl - xAlCl3) HCL modification of chlorine aluminates salt ionic liquids, using infrared and ultraviolet absorption of pyridine characterized the acidic, and has been used in catalytic 2 - methyl naphthalene (2 - MN) and durene transfer alkyl dissatisfied utilization two methyl naphthalene (utilization DMN) reaction.

With chlorine aluminum acid salt and hydrogen chloride aluminum acid salt modification of ionic liquids as catalyst, inspected the ionic liquid acid, 2 - methyl naphthalene and 1 - methyl naphthalene different ratio, the modification of ionic liquids such factors HCl in 2 - MN through transfer alkylated reaction synthesis utilization, the influence of two methyl naphthalene to optimize the reaction conditions. Under the optimum reaction conditions (for 35 ℃, reaction temperature, reaction time for 2h 2 - MN and durene mole ratio of 1:1), after the modification of HCl in ionic liquids PyHCl - after AlCl3 - due to accelerate the selectively HCl in generating utilization of DMN reaction speed, reaction 2h, utilization of the selectivity is 100% DMN circumstance, 2 - MN conversion of 15.8 percent.

Synthetic pyridine hydrochloric acid chloride aluminum acid salt ionic liquids (PyHCl - xAlCl3) HCL modification of chlorine aluminates salt ionic liquids, using infrared and ultraviolet absorption of pyridine characterized the acidic, and has been used in catalytic 2 - methyl naphthalene (2 - MN) and durene transfer alkyl dissatisfied utilization two methyl naphthalene (utilization DMN) reaction.
With chlorine aluminum acid salt and hydrogen chloride aluminum acid salt modification of ionic liquids as catalyst, inspected the ionic liquid acid, 2 - methyl naphthalene and 1 - methyl naphthalene different ratio, the modification of ionic liquids such factors HCl in 2 - MN through transfer alkylated reaction synthesis utilization, the influence of two methyl naphthalene to optimize the reaction conditions. Under the optimum reaction conditions (for 35 ℃, reaction temperature, reaction time for 2h 2 - MN and durene mole ratio of 1:1), after the modification of HCl in ionic liquids PyHCl - after AlCl3 - due to accelerate the selectively HCl in generating utilization of DMN reaction speed, reaction 2h, utilization of the selectivity is 100% DMN circumstance, 2 - MN conversion of 15.8 percent.

二乙基胺硫酸-三氯化铝室温离子液体作为Lewis酸和溶剂,进行二茂铁和乙酰氯的Friedel-Crafts的乙酰化反应.探讨了离子液体活性、用量,乙酰氯用量、反应温度及反应时间等因素对二茂铁Friedel-Crafts反应的影响,得到适宜的合成工艺:反应温度25℃,反应时间2.5 h,n(ILs)∶n(FC)=2.0∶1,n(乙酰氯)∶n(FC)=4.0∶1.上述合成工艺下,乙酰基二茂铁收率为70.2%.产物用元素分析、红外谱图进行了表征.

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