


Laigny is grief, he hurt and killed the wife of curley by mistake. he ran to the side of a river, and feel very sad. he afraid about the ause of Gee and afraid about Gee leaving him, he is also afraid about heard the conversation with his aunt in his megrim(for example: the last megrim), when his aunt said that Gee will beat and leave him, he refuse it by saying how well Gee treat him, we can learned from it that he is afraid about loneiness, he is afraid about losing Gee. Gee is his last supporting. So when Gee find him, he feel weird that Gee didn't blame on him as usual, and lead Gee to curse him. he imagine that after that blame, they can moving to their dream as usual, he can even imagine that he can live with Gee. Unfortunately, at last, Laigny is killed in his beautiful dream, he absolutely can't thought that he will be killed by his best friend.


And Gee, seem like a independent man,but also afraid of loneliness. Although he always plaints Lenny brought him all kinds of trouble,can't let him live freely,but when Lenny say that she live alone in the cave,he still very nervous and very afraid. Because he know that Lenny IQ is low,what does she think and she will do,so he afraid Lenny will really leave him and let him live alone.And he already be austomed to the day that has Lenny’s constant, doesn't like the other migrant worker,is a lonely individuality, so he actually is most afraid of loneliness.

As for Gee, he looks independent but he is afraid of loneliness. Though he used to plain Randy is troublesome, made him less carefree in life, however, when Randy said that he would like to leave the cave, he was real tensed and scared. He knew that Randy is with low IQ(Intelligence Quotient) or less intelligent, Randy would simply do thing as he likes without any thought before hand, as such, he worried that Randy would leave him alone. He was indeed very much used to have Randy as a partner unlike the other farmers, a lone ranger, he was actually more frightened to be alone.


就是说,以你为参照物,桌子在你的左侧,就是on the left,如果你旁边有个小柜橱,桌子在柜橱的左侧,那就是to the left。就是选取的参照物不同,用的介词就不同。south也是一个道理。


There are plenty of ways to mess up the sales process such as wrong brand segmentation, blurring value system and lack of promotional functions. Therefore, in the process of fesitive sales, we need to focus on promoting the brand value to the consumers so that the barriers could be removed and consumers would feel more attracted by the brand itself. It also adds value to the relationship beeen the brand and the consumers.


你可以看看这个帖子。我用#1设定Burning Blossom和一些微呼叫来PvE使用下列技巧:Overcharge, Immolate, Inferno Dash, HKM"Shockwave" 把+0.5m/s和加能量技能换成了防御技能,我的技能套如下连结:(连结略)
一个Run Speen核心或是HC Miru的The Scorcher核心基本是必须的。
你就像人肉炸弹一样,用Inferno Dash冲进敌人堆里,使用Immolate,用Overcharge到处喷火,Flame加成消失了以后,再用一次Inferno Dash冲出去留下一条火焰轨迹。这样很好玩我很喜欢。





韩国 *** 方面,和日本是存在领土问题,美国打算明年撤退,日韩关系比中日关系更加恶劣。眼前泡沫经济正面临破灭,因为亚洲的一个事件,现在和美国的关系也在恶化,近年来,从与中国保持同一步调的动机等方面看,可以看出美国是想与中国合并。美国真的想和日本开战这一点还不得知。



With economic globalization and the suess of China's aession to the WTO, China further aelerate the pace of reform and opening up, and constantly improve the investment environment, coupled with China's huge market potential, low-cost labor, rich resources and strong economic development momentum has attracted a large number of transnational corporations Investment in China. With the investment in the breadth and depth of the continuous strengthening of transnational corporations investing in China's strategy is changing.This paper reviews the history of multinational panies investing in China and the status quo, and further to the specific statistics to reflect the multinational corporations in China's investment trends. On this basis,从不同侧面that multinational corporations in China's strategic evolution. Core part of the multinational panies bring to China's interests and problems. It is easy to see from the impact of transnational corporations is enormous. Faced with the enormous impact of multinational panies, China's only taking active measures in order to deepen reform, open wider to ensure that the process of economic development, security and stability.
Key words: Transnational Corporations; localization; owned; direct investment strategies; Countermeasures

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