
英语中哪些单词后跟动词原形或ing形式或to do~

接-ing 或to do形式作宾语意思相同的动词
1、like doing sth / like to do sth 喜欢做某事
Not all people like working / to work but everyone likes to play. 不是所有人都喜欢工作,但每个人都喜欢玩。
2、love doing sth / love to do sth 喜欢做某事
People around the world love laughing / to laugh. 全世界的人都喜欢笑。
3、hate doing sth / hate to do sth 憎恨做某事
I hate doing / to do the cleaning around the house. 我不喜欢打扫房子。 2008 陕西
4、prefer doing sth / prefer to do sth 宁愿做某事
I prefer shutting / to shut myself in and listening to music all day on Sunday. 周日我喜欢一整天把自己关在屋里听音乐。
5、begin doing sth / begin to do sth 开始做某事
When did you begin to learn / learning French? 你是什么时候开始学法语的?
6、start doing sth / start to do sth 开始做某事
Henry Ford did not start building / to build his first car until 1896. 直到1896年,亨利·福特才开始制造他的第一辆轿车。 2011 辽宁
7、continue doing sth / continue to do sth 继续做某事
Though wounded, they continued fighting / to fight. 虽然负了伤,但他们仍然坚持战斗。
8、can’t bear doing sth / can’t bear to do sth 不能忍受做某事
Shaw, an animal lover, said he couldn’t bear parting / to part with his dog. 肖是一个喜爱动物的人,他说他舍不得与自己的爱犬分离。 2010 天津改
9、bother doing sth / bother to do sth 麻烦做某事
He didn’t even bother letting / to let me know he was coming. 他甚至都没通知我他要来。
10、intend doing sth / intend to do sth 想要做某事
He intends studying / to study abroad next year. 他打算明年去国外留学。

接to do或-ing形式作宾语意思不同的动词
1、remember to do sth 记住要做某事:
Remember to turn off the light before you leave. 走前别忘了关灯。
remember doing sth 记住曾做过某事:
I remember meeting her at a party once. 我记得曾在一次聚会上见过她。
2、forget to do sth 忘记要做某事:
Teenagers live very busy lives and often forget to think about their diets and exercise. 青少年过着繁忙的生活,常常不注意他们的饮食和锻炼。 译林①–3
forget doing sth 忘记曾做过某事:
I shall never forget watching the sunrise over the sea — it was unforgettable! 我永远不会忘记观看海上日出的情景 —— 那一幕真是令人难忘! 外研⑦–2
3、regret to do sth 遗憾要做某事:
I regret to tell that you didn’t pass the examination. 很遗憾地通知你,你没有通过考试。 外研⑥–7
regret doing sth 后悔做过某事:
He did not regret saying what he did but felt that he could have expressed it differently. 他并不后悔说出自己做了什么,只是觉得他本来可以换一种表达方式。 2009 江苏
4、try to do sth 努力做某事:
Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value. 不要为成功而努力,而要为做一个有价值的人而努力。 —— 爱因斯坦
try doing sth 尝试做某事:
John isn’t here. Try phoning his home number. 约翰不在这里,试试打他家里的电话。
5、mean to do sth 打算做某事:
I’ve been meaning to ask you if you want to come for a meal next week. 我一直想要问你,下个星期你来不来吃顿饭。
mean doing sth 意味着做某事:
Having a well-paid job does not mean giving up your interests. 拥有高薪的工作并不意味着要放弃你的爱好。
6、can’t help to do sth 不能帮助做某事:
He couldn’t help to wash dishes. 他不能帮忙洗碗。
can’t help doing sth 禁不住做某事:
I can’t help feeling that there has been a mistake. 我不由自主地觉得什么地方出错了。
7、go on to do sth 做完某事后接着做另一事:
After climbing the Great Wall, they went on to visit the Summer Palace. 爬完长城后,他们接着去参观了颐和园。 外研⑥–7
go on doing sth 继续做一直在做的事:
In spite of the rain, they went on playing tennis. 尽管下雨了,他们还是继续打网球。

动词过去式后加动词原形+ing!~ 我的答案是百分百对的! 请放心使用!~~~

D,固定搭配决定做某事,decide to sth.
这不是动词过去式其后跟动词原形还是跟动词ing形式的问题,而是某些动词后面是用to do ,do ,doing的问题,这是需要记忆的,我建议你遇见时及时记忆下来,这需要积累的,在这我给你列举一部分单词吧

1.直接带不定式作宾语的及物动词主要有: want, like , love , need , try , ask , learn , begin , start , forget , remember, hope , wish , agree, choose , fail , refuse , decide , afford , offer , make sure , take turns , would like , plan , hate , try one’s best 等.

2.跟ing 的: admit ,appreciate,aviod,consider,delay,dislike,enjoy,escape,excuse,face, feel,like,finish,forgive,imagine,include,keep,mention,mind,miss,practise,suggest
3.跟动词原形:feel、hear,listen to,look at,notice,observe,see,watch,have,let,make等

D decide to do sth. 决定做某事,固定搭配

答:据我所知:英语动词后一般跟动词不定式或动词ing形式。没有动词后直接跟动词原形的。动词过去式也一样。例如:asked to do plan \planned to do enjoy/enjoyed doing finish/finished doing

答:这样的动词可以被叫做特殊动词。其中do,can,may,need,must,will,shall,dare这八个词后面必跟省略to 的动词不定式。注意need,dare只能用在疑问句和否定句中。但是当do做,have有,can用罐装,need需要,will意志,遗赠,dare敢,use使用,这些词单独使用做谓语时,就成了普通实意动词。也就不再能提前...

答:动词本身就是动词,不管是动词的过去式、现在时,后面就不再跟动词了,但是有一种特殊情况,比如这个句子:I did see you before. 翻译成:我以前的确见过你。did后面是see,这个句子从表面上看是动词过去式did的后面跟了动词原形see,但是,请注意,这里的did其实是一个助动词,表示强调。这个句子也...


答:④:倒起数,辅元辅,双写后面的字母,再加ed;不规则变化见不规则变化表:is\am = was;are = were;have\has = had;do\does = did……3、用法:在过去某一时间用;4、标志词:yesterday,the day before yesterday,just now,last week (month\year),in 1997……注:did后跟动词原形 ...

答:你好。这个问题涉及很广泛。如果是can may must 等情态动词后会加动词原形 如果这个过去式是个动词短语,也就是ask sb to do sth/ like sb to do sth等等这后棉变加的就是不定式 如果是被动语态,有by等标志性名词,要加be动词在家过去分词。希望能在具体题目中看一下。

答:当句子中有明显的过去时间状语,可根据上下文 注意:实义动词作谓语时一般疑问句要加助动词DID,否定句加DIDN’T ,加了助动词之后原来的动词要用原形.如 He went shopping yesterday .-> Did he go shopping yesterday?He didn't go shopping yesterday.He is a student .He was a student ten ...

答:did是助动词,后面要加原形。did 读音:英 [dɪd] 美 [dɪd]释义:做,干,办(某事),(以某种方式)做,行动,表现,(问询或谈论时用)进展,进行。语法:用来构成一般现在时和一般过去时的疑问或否定式,其后要跟原形动词。在问句中,do在语法上是需要的,但习惯上可以省略(有时...

答:这不是动词过去式其后跟动词原形还是跟动词ing形式的问题,而是某些动词后面是用to do ,do ,doing的问题,这是需要记忆的,我建议你遇见时及时记忆下来,这需要积累的,在这我给你列举一部分单词吧 1.直接带不定式作宾语的及物动词主要有: want, like , love , need , try , ask , learn , ...



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