

You were not get her

God: Gad, Gosh, Golly, Gee

Spring comes .All the things come into life .But my spring will never come. It is be hidden silently forever.

Spring is coming and everything are reviving. But my spring will never come, because you have buried it in winter, forever.

Here comes the Spring, everything seems alive, but my spring would never come anymore, you buried me in the winter.

Here comes the Spring, all things are alive, but my spring would never come ,which you silently buried it in winter forever.

Silently comes the spring,and all here revive in a night , but spring in my heart would never come anymore, because you buried it in your winter,forver and ever after~~.

答:您好,翻译如下:第一句:作为一个5岁的小孩,他还没有对自己行为负责的能力。因此,他的父母应该对其行为负责。As a five years old kid,he yet could not be responsible for his behavior/deed.so his parents shoule...

you are a pirate 这首歌翻译成汉语 跪求英语帝啊!!
答:水平有限,我尽力了……Do what you want, 'cause a pirate is free /自由的海盗总是随心所欲 You are a pirate! /海盗就是你 Yar har, fiddle di dee /Yar har拉起小曲 Being a pirate is all right...

答:Many parents say to their children, "You come back to your home town after graduation, we will find you a good job, buy a house for you and find a good marriage. You will have a stable life, and ...

答:Tokyo Electric Power Company from April 4th began to discharge into the sea about 11000 tons of radioactive water, South Korea people increasingly aggravated on air, water and food security concerns.[求采纳]...

答:宏观经济学是根据产量、收入、价格水平和失业来分析整个经济行为.Macroeconomics is according to yield, income, price level and unemployment to analyse the whole economic behavior.不打不相识 XX打字机广告:Out of ...


答:lot of his customers throughtout the Asia.首先,因为我看您的中文感觉有几句不是很读得懂,所以结合自己的理解给您做了翻译了。因为我也是英语专业的,这会在做实习生也正好接触到这块,趁空就来做下翻译啦~~哈哈 ...

答:I'm a junior high school student from grade3.I like to communicate with others and make friends.I like speaking English and I'm good at spoken English.I was born in Shijiazhuang and grow up there.So I...

答:很经典的定语从句,这类句子一般这样翻译 Only those who know what is darkness truly know what is brightness.brightness也可用light代替 见过一篇小说叫《黑暗与光明》英文名是 Darkness and Light ...

答:With increasingly powerful network functions, the exchange of the way, means also increasing. Thus, in the age of 20, 80, a new birth of the electronic information service system, from the very beginning, ...


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