
帮忙翻译一下这个英语短文,不要在线翻译器翻译出的内种翻译. 哪位高手能帮忙翻译一下,先谢谢啦~~~~


行政法(行政法法官)在美国是一个官方主持行政审判式听证解决争端之间的一个政府机构和受决策机构。行政法法官是最初的事实的审判者和决策者。行政法法官的宣誓,拿证,规则对证据的问题,让事实和法律决定。[ 1 ]诉讼与行政法法官可能类似于一个简易判决。



协会的目的是保证法官的独立性。他们有绝对的责任豁免权的司法行为和事实的审判者”免受政治影响。”联邦行政法法官是不负责,或受其监督或方向的雇员或代理人的联邦机构从事行使调查或起诉职能的机构。机构官员可能不会影响他们的决策和行政法法官可以出院只有良好的事业建立和确定后,听证会的记录。[ 2]


美国行政法,行政法法官和法官是我,没有第三条法官根据美国宪法。与第三条法官,法官的文章我不经参议院确认。然而,美国最高法院已认识到的作用,一个联邦行政法法官”的功能相媲美”,一个第三审判。一个法官的权力往往是,如果不普遍,相当于一个审判法官:他可以发出传票,提供的证据规则,规范的过程中,听力,并决定或建议。代理过程中审判是目前的结构以保证听证员行使独立判断的证据之前,他没有压力,由当事人或其他官员的机构。”[ 3]



In 1927,<.king of Jazz>marked that films began to talk.And" the revolutionary significance of sound films was first embodied in the artistical use of voices."1) The annotation of lines was no longer carried out through subtitles and flourishs,even though in the early talkies, lines were once abused so gorssly that the introduction of voice to films became controversial for a time.But there is no denying that theappearance of voice really made a difference.It made the lines more vivid and delicate,which served possibilities for the stylization of movie lines .This style is reflected in the rhetoric of lines ,presentations,actors' mood and tone .Here we are studying the style of movie lines of the films directed by director Ye Nianchen,the reason why his movie lines are stylistically unique ,has a close relation to his era and the environment he lives in.

In 1927, "the jazz singer" the launch marks the film has entered the sound era, "the first sound film is a revolutionary vocal art by embodied". [1] on line performance does not need to rely solely on the subtitles and exaggerated movements, although the dialogue is a piece of early vocal abuse, was introduced into the film has been questioned. But it is undeniable, the emergence of the film on the expression of vocal lines richer and more detailed, so as to make the movie style may have. This style is reflected in the expression of rhetoric, and actor lines tone, intonation. This paper is a study of Patrick Kong's movie style, the Patrick Kong movie lines to form a unique style, there is a close relationship between the age and geographical environment and its own position.

Available in 1927 of "the jazz singer" marks the film into the audio era, the "talkies revolutionary first is reflected by the art of vocal use".[1] on the performance of the lines do not need to rely on subtitles and exaggerated action again, while early lines in the picture of the dialogue is a lot of abuse, voices were introduced to film was questioned.But there is no denying the fact that the emergence of the human voice to make film lines to express more rich and detailed, so that may be stylized movie lines.This kind of style is embodied in the lines of the rhetoric, expressions, and tone, intonation.This paper studies the lines of Patrick kong film style, the Patrick kong movie lines to form a unique style, than he's age and geographical environment have close relationship.

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