


but today, i don't want to talk about how well that china developed, and how great the economics became, because someone would have the correct evaluation. i just want to take this opportunity to talk about humanity, setting China as the example. In Chinese sociaty, when you ride a bike and fall, people willing to help you or not becomes a question. In chinese sales industry, especially in house renting , the promises that salesmen give to you before you make the orders will finally turn to lies after the orders finished. Yes, maybe you can say what i said was nothing, nothing to compare with our lifes, but you must know that life consists of clothing, food, shelter and transportation, and what i said just now took half of the proportion. As the theme of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, one world,one dream, it's not just talking.But, no matter how the sociaty will develop, i will keep on going in Qian Xuesen's way.

许多学生发现他们第一个学期成了“学术困境”。这主要有两个原因:(一是)课堂作业具有挑战性,学生们没有充足的时间或是精力面对他们的功课。这是个很大的问题【a matter of sth, ...的问题,eg. a matter of considering,值得思考的问题】。将时间花在交朋友或是寻找自己的位置(niche本意是适当位置,这里可能指学生寻找并投身与组织俱乐部或是一些学生组织)。那些很重要。但与此同时,新学生也应该腾出足够的时间去完成学习任务。你想要探索一切学校带给你的有趣新鲜的事物,但你自己要控制好自己(直译是把握好自己的步伐)。正是因为你有了更多的自由。也别低估学习所需要花费的时间。

同辈压力更具压迫性(intense,紧实的,密度大的),因为同辈人一直在你身边。一个18岁左右进入大学的学生尚且还在摸清“他、她是谁”的过程中。对这样一个学生而言个人挑战将会是询问这样一个问题“我如何保持自我对于完整性的认知(这里感觉wholeness 和 integrity是同义,integrity作为插入语解释说明前者)并且还能保持对于他人的观点有一个开放的心态?”【其实就是说如何既坚持自我风格又能吸收采纳外界的意见,自我与他人该怎么处理】。这并非易事。要想努力实现这个难题需要实力和灵活性。适应这个问题很重要,你必须意识到什么对你来说是最重要的。就好比你心中的一幅画:一棵树植根于土壤中,不仅枝干粗壮(trunk是指树的躯干,就是中间最粗的主干,branch就是树的分叉分枝)还很柔韧并且不断生长。你(扎根的)牢不可破,你(枝叶)的整体和谐性,将会受到检验。总会有几次你需要和你的室友、新朋友讲清楚你是谁,你看重什么,你相信什么。

另一个大问题把 从“在家受父母照顾的乖小孩”到“看重金钱的成年人(暂且认为那个词是money)”的转变复杂化了。学生们常误用了自由,超额进行金钱开销。信用卡公司向未准备好(其实就是无还款能力)的学生提供信用卡。在财务不独立的情况下想要获得独立权是几乎不可能的。如果你和父母间产生了冲突,金钱则会加剧这种冲突。学生应该学会怎样增强或(缺文字,照照进来)预算能力。




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答:again, you shall be punished.8.好学生是不会旷课的。A good student will never cut classes/play truant.9.要是我们早点起床,昨天我们就到了北京了。If we had got up earlier, we would have arrived in Beijing yesterday.10.要是她跟我在一起多好啊。If only she were with me....

英语翻译 急 求哪个大神帮忙翻译下~~~
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答:1.This is a weekly newspaper which is published in Beijing. It is designed for Chinese high school students.2.This newspaper satisfied students' english learning requirements and improved their English application ability.3. There are many interesting international and local news which are...


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