


The company was founded in 2000, is approved by the government in import and export of comprehensive trading company. Company with several supply manufacturer has fixed business contacts, source strong foundation. Recently, the company and the factory jointly developed a new product - HX series porcelain. This product selection finest porcelain clay fire, with exquisite gift box packing, plus hand-painted pattern, the beauty is generous, good quality, competitive. 希望采纳

Shallow talk the purchase on account money raising and the management of the account payables
[ Chinese summary] under the condition of market economy, exist the business competition of the vehemence, the function that competes the mechanism forces the business enterprise with various means extension sale with the exaltation market share, the purchase on account money raising makes the management cost of the business enterprise rise, the fluxion funds that purchase on account take up is the business enterprise own money or business enterprises borrow to want to return of money, as a result produced the finance expenses and interest costs.The account receivable leads to cause business enterprise made up to bear debt for the sake of the maintenance management greatly have to excessively loan or margin, any business enterprise all exists the possibility of the account receivable and account payable in conduct process, but must be appropriate, strengthenning the control toward the account receivable and account payable and managing, is important assurance measure that the business enterprise begs existence to strive for the development.The accounts payable examine, is audit medium can't neglect of link, it since is the main contents of the current liability, is also the key item of the balance sheet, so earnest, science, carry on audit to have the important meaning availably.
This text mainly is divided into the two greatest parts:The first part is main to discuss the related problem of the purchase on account money raising, including the purchase on account money raising in business enterprise extend the application and the purchase on account in the process, the credit sale business of the problem and the suggestion.The second part mainly discussed the related problem of the account payable management, the management and control, account payables existent irregularity that includes the meaning of the account payable and strengthens the account payable expresses the very audit.
[ Keyword] the purchase on account money raising purchase on account credit sale business account payable management and control

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